Thursday, 23 September 2010

winding down, winding up.

Results Customs Joggers 5k Friday 17th September
Yili Zhu
Bronwyn Calver 24:24
Caroline Campbell 28:45

The Cross Country Club will be proceeding with their AGM as planned on the 13 October 2010, at 6pm in the Main Dining Room at Canberra Southern Cross Club at Woden. At this AGM, it is highly likely that a motion will be put to wind the Club up. Please feel free to attend and share your thoughts on this matter.

[To club members of the ACTCCC] 
You are invited to attend the Club's Annual General Meeting for the 2009-10 financial year.  The agenda for the meeting is below. If you cannot attend you are entitled to appoint a proxy to vote for you (proxy form attached). If you wish to put forward a notice of motion, please submit it in writing to Alison Dell, Secretary, by 24 September 2010. 

This year the AGM will be a wrap-up of the 2009-10 year, and given the Club’s recent loss in the Federal Court on matters relating to the conduct of the 2010 Canberra Marathon there would appear to be no alternative but for the Club will be wound up as it cannot trade if insolvent, which is likely given CSM is enforcing the costs order of 23 July 2010.  While Committee nominations are still called for (for a number of generic positions) and listed below, they are likely to be only a formality. 

If you would like to help out in the ACT running community, either as a Committee member or general helper, please talk to a committee member about what is required and complete and submit a nomination form (also attached).  Roles which do not require Committee appointment include results processing, race managers, production of news letters and Canberra Runner and providing refreshments at events.  If you can assist with any of these, please contact someone on the current committee (committee members and contact details are listed on the inside front cover of Canberra Runner or on the website).

Last year we presented awards at the AGM, including winter season awards. This proved to be a success and so we will do so again this year.

Alison Dell, Secretary:  15 September, 2010

1.     Welcome and attendance.
2.     Apologies
3.     Minutes of 2008-09 AGM, held 9 September 2009.
4.     Canberra Marathon dispute – update.
5.     Reports: 
5.1.   President
5.2.   Treasurer
5.3.   Registrar
6.     Election of office bearers for 2010-11:  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Registrar, general Committee persons.
7.     Appointments:  auditor, public officer
8.     Nominations for Life Membership
9.     Notices of motion:
9.1.   Winding up of ACT Cross Country Club.
10.  Other business.