Friday, 24 September 2010

last night

speedygeese training: the next two Mondays are holidays in the ACT, and we will still have training at Parliament House at the usual time. Should be fewer politicians around but more tourists.

Last night ten of us ran our anaerobic interval session there; run on the lower grass square, Andrew, Brett, Colleen, Craig, me, Kym, Nadine, Neil, Ruth & Troy ran six sets of 2 minutes fast/2 minutes slow. It was a lovely night for running! Then we shared champagne with Neil who had recovered well from Wednesday night's 60th birthday celebrations.

The last of the High Noon track meets was held last Sunday. No speedygeese ran, but friends-of-the-geese Lance & Jodie ran very fast 3ks.

Last night's Clarke & Dawe: "a bit of fun".