Sunday, 30 November 2014

30 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 30
Squats 100
Plank 3 minutes yes!!!!!
Crunches 150
Pushups 40
Lunges 150
All done! Straight through! Time to celebrate.

Moore unChristmas Letter

Just in case we don't get around to doing a Christmas letter this year - and we are rather busy so I suspect Christmas will suddenly have passed by before we get a chance to think about it - here is one we prepared earlier.

Note that the letter was completed in May 2014!

Saturday, 29 November 2014

29 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 29
Squats 95
Plank 2 minutes 55 seconds (broken up)
Crunches 145
Pushups 35
Lunges 145

"Me do a plank? No problem!"

Friday, 28 November 2014

speedygeese Christmas dinner

To all speedygeese and friends and family

Our December speedygeese dinner will be at the Phnom Penh restaurant.
You are invited, would you like to come?
Location Phnom Penh Restaurant
8-9 Luxton Street
Date and Time
Monday 8 December
We will cancel Parliament House training that day.
I have ordered their Special Cambodian Banquet.
You could order off the menu instead e.g. if you are vegetarian.
If you don't want the banquet please let me know now.
The banquet is $35 per person, BYO wine is $5 per bottle.
They have some good wines available as well
RSVP to me, I need to give them exact numbers after track on Thursday 4th.
Geoff Moore

Everyone at our dinner under zero is free, huge appetite or not

28 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 28
Squats 90
Plank rest
Crunches rest
Pushups rest
Lunges 140

Is this you? As for me, I went to the gym, then I went for a run, then I did the challenge. Everything was much easier today!

Thursday, 27 November 2014

27 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 27
Squats 90
Plank 2:50 just/can't/do/that/in/one/go
Crunches 140
Pushups 35
Lunges 135

Announcing the December Challenge #speedyGMDecemberChallenge

November Challenge nearly done!

Here is the link for the December Challenge. One way to get a printed copy – Open the link.. File.. Download As.. PDF document.. open, and print. Or you could download it as an excel file if you wish to play with the file.

The December Challenge will build more strength and is less of a challenge than November was, as the exercises don't go on forever as they did in November! You will need some equipment this time though; minimally a medicine ball and a single weight.

The December Challenge #hashtag for Facebook and Instagram: #speedyGMDecemberChallenge. I will use it as a blog label here, too.

My training plan is to do the challenge of course, and to introduce into my running training three days of intensive Lydiard-style hill work which will last until mid January.

I shall work towards this pattern:
Saturdays: hill exercises (I will start at Acton as at present)
Sundays: long run (I will start at Stromlo as at present, but earlier)
Mondays: easy running (supervising at Parliament House)
Tuesdays: hill exercises
Wednesdays: gym session and easy running
Thursdays: hill exercises and/or a track event if/when fit and I feel like it
Fridays: gym circuit and short sprints

By April I hope to be as fit and as successful and as good looking as this guy:

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

26 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 26
Squats 85
Plank 2:45 (broken up)
Crunches 135
Pushups 35
Lunges 130

speedygeese training sessions

On Saturday Andy (9k), Miranda (13k) and I (17k) ran from Acton Ferry Terminal, easy running.  

On Sunday I went out to Stromlo Forest Park and ran a few laps with Andrew and Jill.  

On Monday I ran 8k early and then was joined by Andy, Colin, Garry, Ruth and Warrick. Garry demonstrated most of the exercises in the December Challenge, then we ran 12 x 40 second sprints on 2 minutes.

Daily a few of us are progressing with the November Challenge, only five days to go including today, and it is definitely making me stronger. If you didn't do the November Challenge you could start it on 1 December while the rest of us will begin the December one, more info coming soon!

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

25 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 25
Squats 85
Plank 2:40
Crunches 130
Pushups 32
Lunges 125

Distraction did not help today. I struggled to complete the plank. Had to break it up. Everything else was OK.

results black mountain, spring series, track, customs, parkrun, lifeline runs

speedygeese race results
Tuesday 18 November AMRA Black Mountain Run-Up 2.6k
24 Leonie Doyle 18.32
28 Bron Sparkes 20.29
38 finishers

Tuesday 18 November YCRC Spring Series Boathouse East 5k
22. Maria O'Reilly W55 22:24
33. Ewen Thompson M55 24:17
39. Elizabeth Mountbatten W55 25:03
42. Janene Kingston W50 25:46
50. Mick Charlton M60 28:28
51. Ruth Baussmann W60 28:45
55 finishers

Thursday 20 November ACTVAC Track
M50 Rod Lynch 5:15.13 79.2%
M55 David Clarke 5:42.46 74.1
M55 Roger Pilkington 5:57.39 70.5

M50 Rod Lynch 10:59.00 78.9%
M50 Colin Farlow 10:59.27 78.2
M55 Roger Pilkington 12:54.00 67.7
M55 David Clarke 13:25.11 65.7
W55 Helen Larmour 13:28.27 77.7

Spiral 6 laps
2 Roger Pilkington M55 11:20
6 David Clarke M55 10:14
8 Helen Larmour W55 11:03
14 Rod Lynch M50 10:06
15 Margaret McSpadden W65 15:29
19 finishers

Friday 21 November Customs 5k
Bronwyn Calver 25:03
Bill Arthur 27:43
Caroline Campbell 34:47
23 finishers

Saturday 22 November 5k Ginninderra Parkrun #135
70 Isaac Muscat 26:22 M10
71 Jen Bright 26:23 W35
91 Thea Zimpel 28:44 W30
110 Bron Sparkes 30:12 W35
140 Dom Sparkes 35:10 M10
169 finishers

Saturday 22 November 5k Tuggeranong Parkrun #92
12 David Clarke 20:22 M55
43 Ewen Thompson 24:46 M55
211 finishers

Saturday 22 November 5k Gungahlin Parkrun #58
20 Nadine Morrison 23:10 W45
36 Janene Kingston 25:05 W50
99 Brett Morrison 34:25 M45
126 finishers

Sunday 23 November Run For Your Lifeline Half Marathon
52 Craig Davis M45 1:45:00
102 Liz Bennett W50 1:56:24 *first W50-59*
106 Roger Pilkington M55 1:56:46
253 finishers

Sunday 23 November Run For Your Lifeline 10k
38 Dave Clarke M55 46:33 *third M50-59*
53 Maria O'Reilly W55 48:06 *first W50-59*
77 Kelley Horan W50 50:29 *third W50-59*
106 Gabrielle Brown W50 53:38
118 Mick Horan M55 54:12
146 Cathy Newman W50 56:16
217 Mathew Clarke 61:50
242 Ruth Baussmann W60 63:19 *second W60-69*
354 Cathy Montalto W60 70:31 *3rd W60-69*
362 Margaret McSpadden W65 71:43
508 finishers

Sunday 23 November Run For Your Lifeline 5k
19 Ewen Thompson M55 24:38 *second M50-59*
566 finishers

Where's Lucia?

Answer: In India for a couple of weeks.

Monday, 24 November 2014

24 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 24
A warmup jog, then
Squats 80
Plank 2 minutes 35 secs
Crunches rest
Pushups rest
Lunges rest


Song of the week “Dance”, by Planetshakers,
...what church music looks like and sounds like these days.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

23 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 23
Squats Rest
Plank Rest
Crunches 125
Pushups 30
Lunges 120

Saturday, 22 November 2014

22 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 22
Squats 80 easy
Plank 2 min 30 secs - fail! had to split it up.
Crunches 120 no problem
Pushups 30 no problem
Lunges 115 no problem

Possibly the two hour run in the heat this morning left me a little fatigued?

Friday, 21 November 2014

21 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 21
Squats 75
Plank 2 min 25 secs
Crunches 115 (oops I did 120)
Pushups 27
Lunges 110
Done straight through no problem!

Stay tuned for details of our December challenge.
Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once. Option B is to do the November challenge thru December if you wish, particularly if you didn’t do it this month.

Gymnastic Grandaughters

Following in her 15 year old sister's footsteps, Olivia starred at the club gymnastic nationals recently...

And Olivia's cousin Liana Hall also competed at the club nationals, the following week...

On my count, five of my thirteen grandchildren do gymnastics, and three of whom (the older ones) have made it to nationals.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

20 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 20
Squats 75 done: easy
Plank 2 min 20 secs: done~!! so hard but hung on.
Crunches Rest: thank goodness for that!
Pushups Rest: thank goodness for that
Lunges 105: done.

Where we went part 10: North Wales, 28 May.

This morning we cruised to the Welsh Coast: to Holyhead on Holy Island, and drove across Anglesea which itself is an island, heading a fair way south then east to Portmeirion village and its gardens. After lunch at a pub in a pretty little Welsh village, Betws-y-Coed, somewhere near Snowdonia, we drove through the Snowdonia region to Bodnant Garden, bordering the River Hiraethlyn. After wandering around there we headed back to our cruise ship via the north coast of Wales. We didn't get over to Liverpool unfortunately, no time! But we did see a third of Wales in one day.

Betws-y-Coed - my walk after lunch.

Bodnant - I went for a long walk here.

It is very hard to select the best, here are only some of the day's photos.

Edit: for lunch we had Roast Welsh Lamb in Mint Sauce with New Baby Potatoes and Vegetables, followed by Strawberry and Cream for desert!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

19 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 19
Squats 75
Plank 2 min 15 secs - a struggle!
Crunches 110
Pushups 25
Lunges 100

training - progress?

On Saturday Miranda and I ran a very slow 18k - I wasn't feeling the best and ran a minute per kilometre slower than the previous week. Sure enough I woke up Sunday morning feeling terrible and have done very little since. Monday evening I summoned up enough energy to go out to training at Parliament House where I got Andy, Garry, Isaac, Jen, Kelley, Ruth, Tori & Warrick to run intervals of varying distances up the SE hill for 20 minutes, followed by some easy stride-throughs on the west side oval. Ewen had run early but didn't stay. Today I am still not running but have been doing my gym training and persisting with the 30 day challenge, which is do-able at this stage. Hopefully I will be OK for the training planned this coming weekend. Then...

I will be speedy again next week. I am getting fitter - just temporarily unwell. I'll be back!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

18 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 18
Squats 70 - easy!
Plank 2 min 10 secs - only just!
Crunches 105 - getting much better at these.
Pushups 25 - good!
Lunges 95 - probably miscounted and did 105??!!

speedygeese race results

Tuesday 4 November AMRA Mt Ainslie Run-Up 2.2k
19 Kelley Horan 18.50
21 Bron Sparkes 20.19
23 Bill Arthur 20.57
28 finishers

Tuesday 11 November YCRC Spring Series Barrenjoey Drive 5k
20. David Clarke M55 23:11
30. Elizabeth Mountbatten W55 24:42
34. Vanessa Palmer W40 24:55
38. Sarah Pau W40 25:44
39. Ewen Thompson M55 25:58
44. Miranda Rawlinson W60 26:59
45. Geoff Moore M65 27:00
53 finishers

Thursday 13 November ACTVAC Track
M50 Rod Lynch 11:17.55 76.7%
M65 Geoff Moore 13:35.51 70.8
M55 Roger Pilkington 13:54.43 62.8
W60 Ruth Baussmann 16:02.98 74.3

Spiral 5
10 Ruth Baussmann W60 10:48
12 Helen Larmour W55 8:56
14 Rod Lynch M50 8:11
17 Margaret McSpadden W65 12:33
23 finishers

Friday 14 November Customs 5k
Kelley Horan 26:00
Bronwyn Calver 26:41
Bill Arthur 28:51
Caroline Campbell 36:17
23 finishers

Saturday 15 November 5k Ginninderra Parkrun #134
96 Ruth Baussmann 29:21 W60
161 finishers

Saturday 15 November 5k Tuggeranong Parkrun #91
17 David Clarke 20:44 M55
37 David Webster 22:11 M60
90 Ewen Thompson 26:20 M55
236 finishers

Saturday 15 November 5k Gungahlin Parkrun #57
33 Janene Kingston 24:07 W
81 Margaret McSpadden 30:14 W65
166 finishers

Miranda and friend

Monday, 17 November 2014

17 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 17
Squats Rest
Plank Rest
Crunches 100
Pushups 22
Lunges 90

Sunday, 16 November 2014

16 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 16
Squats 65
Plank 2 mins 5 secs
Crunches rest
Pushups rest
Lunges rest
Made it a rest day from running too. First one for a while.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

15 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 15
Squats 65
Plank 2 mins
Crunches 95
Pushups 20
Lunges 85
Done (even doing 95 lunges by mistake)
Note to self: best not do these straight after an 18k run, however slow it was!

Friday, 14 November 2014

14 November

#SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge Day 14
Squats 60
Plank 1min 45
Crunches 90
Pushups 20
Lunges 80

A bit sore upper right thigh (from a one legged squat this morning)

What do we do at the end of November when this is finished, I hear you ask? Starting 1 December there will be a new challenge. Two pieces of equipment will be needed – a medicine ball (3 or 4 kilos) and one weight (3 or 4 kilos). More information soon!