Monday, 30 April 2007

Back to form

Our training group results Thomas Series 10k at Mt Majura
2 Tony Booth M65 49:39 gold medal
16 Pam Faulks W45 57:01
23 Helen Larmour W45 45:04
33 Richard Faulks M45 41:01
39 Colin Farlow M45 39:33
42 Maria O'Reilly W50 45:04
44 Geoff Barker M60 52:25
45 Amanda Walker W35 46:11
48 Graeme Small M65 61:45
50 Rod Lynch M45 39:12
54 Christopher Lang M55 53:02
59 Alan Duus M60 49:40
69 Peter Hogan M60 52:52
75 David Baussman M45 49:38
77 Geoff Sims M55 53:32
82 Kathy Sims W55 52:32
91 Michael Freer M75 60:45
97 Peter McDonald M50 54:36
98 Margaret McSpadden W60 61:54
105 Roger Pilkington M45 49:55
109 finishers

Frylink Series 5k at Mt Majura
11 Katie Forestier W40 20:55
12 Geoff Moore M55 20:27
16 Ken White M50 20:49
43 finishers

Monday Morning Monitor
last week's target: 120k
achieved: 122k
year total to date: 1,749k in 17 weeks
this week’s target: 120k
weight: 63kg ▼

Yesterday I was running so fast my hair went white. (how does that happen?)

click to enlarge for a photo of the beautiful eucalypt forest on Mt Majura that we ran through yesterday. Photo taken by Kerry Boden as I was struggling up the hill to the turn of the 5k race. You can also see John Lamb down the hill a bit fighting his way through the pack of walkers .

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Adam strikes

One in a million

Adam, one innings per series is good enough. Come again!

Today's Vets handicap
Tony Booth was todays speediest goose - he blitzed the field in the Majura 10k handicap this morning. Welcome back Tony!

Very fast runs in the 10k from Colin, Richard, Maria, Helen, Amanda. Very fast runs in the 5k from me (fastest in the field!!), Ken, Katie. Full results soon.

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Climbing molehills without sweating?

Watching Video Hits this morning, I noticed that none of the good songs need to use sex to sell themselves - and all the crummy ones do. An example of a good song is the Silverchair one which went to the top of the charts despite the video showing nothing more than the band playing. While not a huge Silverchair fan, I think they are quite OK, and I had quoted this latest song under my blog heading until the quote there now took my fancy.

Rage, too, this morning played the old "Let it Be"; made effective by simply focusing on the four Beatles performing the song in the studio. (Plus Yoko; point made?) And a demure Missy Higgins sang her latest song; no fuss no nonsense.

Anything of great worth doesn't need gimmicks to promote itself.

Pagan and Christian
A "good Christian boy" listens to what!!?? you may ask.

Well, my favourites I listen to all the time include:

Pagan groups - The Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Snow Patrol, Pink Floyd.

Christian groups - Switchfoot, Lifehouse, The Fray, Hillsong United (whose newest album, "All of the Above", is on the album charts and is just brilliant), The Henrys (a Brisbane super-group).

Middle-of-the-road groups: none. Never. Not at all. "Because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth." - Rev 3:16. So there.

Footnote: I don't quite know where "Evermore" and "Coldplay" fit in, my other current favourites. Any thoughts? They are certainly not bland! Perhaps they are covertly Christian.

Neither Hot Nor Cold
"I have a horror of not rising above mediocrity" - Robert Baldwin

"Media, the plural of mediocrity." - Jimmy Breslin

"There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment." - Norman Vincent Peale

Canberra Half Marathon
Recovery proceeding on schedule, I have now entered both the Queensland Half Marathon (Doomben, June 3), and the Canberra Half Marathon (May 13).

Ken Eynon's latest email:

"The 2007 Instant Colour Press Canberra Half Marathon Weekend is fast approaching.

"Last year those of you receiving this email were kind enough to assist us with the ICP Canberra Half Marathon. If you are available to help this year could you please let me know. Of course if you have already contacted me thank you and sorry for the duplication.

"Like all volunteers most help or assist for no reward. I do however like to give our much needed volunteers something. Volunteers working on the half marathon will receive a Canberra Half Marathon 2007 Running T-shirt, made from a Coolmax type material. I hope to have a photograph of the running t-shirt on our website in the next few days. I think it is by far the best t-shirt provided to volunteers. The t-shirt is to run in and not wear on the day. On the day ACTCCC Safety Vests will suffice. There will also be a draw for two, $100 Runners Shop Gift Vouchers. Those helping at the 1k Mini Jog and 5k Fun Run will be included in these draws. Coffee and a finishers pack will also be given to each volunteer on the Sunday.

"Cheers and thank you, Ken"

"Mediocrity is climbing molehills without sweating." - Proverb-Icelandic

Friday, 27 April 2007

Nothing significant here, please move on.

Anzac Relays
Wednesday at Campbell Park I ran my relay leg in 14:52, Aki 15:36, and Graeme 21:23. We were each a bit slower than our best times on the course. Mick ran 13:17.

Thursday BBQ Stakes
I ran about 26:15, Helen about 26:40, Roger ran too, around 27 something I think. We are all slowly recovering from the marathon (more or less!) and getting faster again.

Thursday training report
A good turnout, a bit cool until the wind eased. We ran three intervals of 1km, with surges of 200, 400, 200 floating the 100 between the surges and jogging 600 between the ks. Participating were me, Roger, Ken, Charlie, Katie, Maria, Neil, Tony, Matthew, Margaret, Ruth, Colin, Mick, Joel and Yelena. Next week, the 2k time trial.

A very simple game!
Here is another diversion - a fun game with cool sound effects, Zelda And The Lampshade Of No Real Significance. (It is not actually point-and-click, it's arrow keys and space bar)

Why the “Gang aft agley” quote?
My long term marathon goal was to run Canberra 2009 fast. But I have been told that the week before, Easter 2009, Masters Track and Field will be in my original home town (Adelaide), where it would be good to have my first track championships as an M60. There is no way I could run both. So Canberra 2009 is off the list, instead I will target Gold Coast; 2008 is the plan, if I am ready, else 2009.

I hadn't planned to run Canberra 2008 as I want to do well in Sydney at the track, but the dates are favourable, so maybe.

For the record, dates for Easter v the Canberra Marathon:
Easter 23 March (Sydney)
Marathon 13 April - I could do both

Easter 12 April (Adelaide)
Marathon 19 April - I wouldn't double up

Easter 4 April (location?)
Marathon 11 April - I wouldn't want to do both.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

14 May group dinner

Instead of training at Parliament House on Monday 14 May (the day after the Canberra Half Marathon), how about a training group dinner? After due consideration I thought the Banana Leaf in civic might be a good venue. Feedback before I book?

Training tonight on the track at Dickson will be km intervals (three) incorporating hard surges.

How To Write Good Posts (Part three)
  • Be more or less specific.
  • Understatement is always best.
  • Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
  • One-word sentences? Eliminate.
  • Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.
  • The passive voice is to be avoided.
  • Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.
  • Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.
  • Who needs rhetorical questions?
These were sourced from Frank Visco.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Y Knot

How To Write Good Posts (Part Two)
  • Contractions aren't necessary.
  • Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.
  • One should never generalise.
  • Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."
  • Comparisons are as bad as cliches.
  • Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous.
  • Profanity sucks.
What's up?
  • Anzac Relays 1:00pm today at Campbell Park.
  • BBQ Stakes tomorrow lunch time. Why not?
  • Dickson training as usual tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

My shoes are wearing thin

As long as my jokes are not wearing thin as well..

Maths Test Part Three

click to enlarge

Monday training saw Alan, Amanda, Caroline, Ewen, Geoff B, me, Joel, Kathy, Katie, Ken, Maria, Mick, Neil, Peter, Ruth, Sonia, Trevor and Yelena run multi laps of the flagpoles, seven two minutes surges with two minute recovery jogs. It felt very cold but it was nothing like this time last year when it was minus 4. What is real winter going to feel like? I think it is time to turn our heaters on.

My weight won't drop when it is so cold! Must eat!!!!!

Monday, 23 April 2007

Monday Morning Monitor

My training progress
last week's target: 80k
achieved: 100k
year total to date: 1,627k in 16 weeks
this week’s target: 120k
weight: 63.5kg ▼

There are only three weeks until the Canberra Half Marathon. I have decided that, since my recovery from the marathon has been speedy (naturally), I will have a go at a fast time.

footnote: Ewen's fiftieth birthday is this Thursday 26 April.

footnote 2: in deference to Ewen, this is an exclamation mark free post.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Blogger help: How to write good posts

  • Always avoid alliteration.
  • Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
  • Avoid cliches like the plague. They're old hat.
  • Employ the vernacular.
  • Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
  • Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.
  • It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.

Maths Test Part Two

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Charlie and Griffin

... you can now order from an incredible range of marathon pictures: choose from these and many similar photos at Global Pix: here are my photos on that website, just enter chest number or surname to find others.

Friday, 20 April 2007

Bits 'n Pieces

Right now we are busy entertaining four grandchildren. I am still planning to run about 50k more over the next three days to finish off the week. Yesterday I felt very tired trying to jog 15k. No races this weekend, but next week I am in a Life Member's team in the Anzac Relays, no pressure there, and the Vets Handicap is on at the end of the week, I will be well behind the others there. Another tempo run at BBQ Stakes too, which next week has been moved to Thursday because of the Anzac Day holiday on Wednesday.

Shoes - Tesso asked if I always wear DS Trainers. Yes I do; a few years ago I wore only DS Racers (training and racing) but a change in model design to one which was too narrow for me brought a switch to trainers. DS Trainers seem more a blend of trainer/racer with their relatively light weight. The poor old feet don't seem to be able to tolerate any other shoe at present.

Shoe sizes have changed over time. The manufacturers over the years gradually reduce the sizes of shoes, to give the impression that their shoes are light; the weight benchmark used to be size seven, I suppose that is still the case. And feet shapes change; rumour has it our feet increase in size; I suppose that's a side effect of gravity pulling our height down as we age. Oh! Gravity. And those little callouses and bruises and mangled toes need room to breathe.

I used to wear size seven thirty years ago; now I can happily wear size nine.

Photos - marathon photos at The Canberra Times photo sales, also at Global Pix, Bib Numbers to look up individual runners in Global Pix are still at the Canberra Marathon website or in the race program of course.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

If Not for Charmaine

A few weeks ago I bought some new DS trainers at the Runners Shop. These were intended for use after the marathon. About ready to purchase, I was advised by Charmaine to wear half a size larger, "they are too tight!" Not really agreeing, I tried the larger ones on, and Charmaine persisted, so I finally decided to take them. Later jogging around in them they seemed a little large. Anyway, last Wednesday (before the marathon) I wore the shoes I had set aside for the marathon just to make sure they were going to be OK, and they hurt my feet. So I made a last minute decision to wear the shoes Charmaine had sold me. Towards the end of the marathon I realised I could feel my toes just starting to pinch, and sure enough, there were a few toenails with blisters starting to form. Up until then, they were remarkably comfortable.

Boy am I glad I did not wear the shoes I had intended to! Charmaine, you saved my life!

speedygeese in the marathon eve 10km Fun Run:
54 Bob Harlow M ACT 59 41:21
201 Caroline Campbell F ACT 64 51:59
209 Mick Charlton M ACT 55 52:28
270 Carolyne Kramar F ACT 42 57:01
381 finishers

marathon eve 5k
23 Kathy Southgate F ACT 50 19:03
220 finishers

In the BBQ Stakes yesterday I ran ~26:55, Helen ~28.10. Tempo runs as we are in recovery mode.

CJ, the lady in pink, running a wonderful sub 3:28

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Marathons are not what they used to be.

Canberra - see

speedygeese in the Canberra marathon
79 Richard Faulks M ACT 47 3:03:31
189 Geoff Moore M ACT 58 3:21:24
217 Emma Adams F ACT 38 3:26:17
244 Cathy Newman F ACT 46 3:27:59
303 Maria O'Reilly F ACT 52 3:34:04
349 Roger Pilkington M ACT 48 3:39:01
406 Gary Bowen M ACT 50 3:43:59
429 Charlie McCormack F NSW 42 3:46:51
636 Ruth Baussmann F ACT 56 4:07:10
940 finishers

I cannot believe my recovery, usually by the second day I am struggling to jog 5k. Last night I ran a comfortable 9k and this morning an easy 16k. Excellent.

Katy the Greaty - the most excitement seen in the parliamentary triangle since Dame Nellie Melba sang God Save the King at the opening of the Houses of Parliament.
So who was the amazing one-woman-band performer down by the lake?
Well, here is her husband's post about the event -
- and here is hers -

Both posts have pictures, Katy's even has a movie that Ewen took.

50k ultra
41 Roger Pilkington M ACT 48 4:25:52
95 finishers

Rotterdam: Heat halts Rotterdam marathon
The Rotterdam marathon was abandoned on Sunday afternoon after at least 26 runners were taken to hospital because of the heat, news agency ANP said. The official race had ended earlier in the day. Fourteen people were actually admitted to hospital, two with heart complaints, ANP said. Marathon director Mario Kadiks said the measure was 'purely preventative'. Observers had noticed people getting into difficulty because of the heat and it was decided on the advice of medical experts to cancel the race at 14.30pm, Kadiks said. Criticism by some runners that there was not enough water was nonsense, Kadiks said. He said in total, 200,000 beakers of water and 200,000 wet sponges were handed out - the equivalent of 15 glasses per runner.
The official race was won by Kenya's Joshua Chelanga in a time of two hours, eight minutes and 21 seconds.

Boston: Don Smith 3:22.3 - see

Head Goose #6

Monday, 16 April 2007

Monday Morning Monitor

Gary ran the marathon in 3:43.59
Roger ran 3:39.01 and kicked on to finish the 50k in ~4:25
Photo by John Kennedy

Not all the marathon results are available yet, I will publish our group's times tomorrow.

My training progress
last week's target: 80k
achieved: 92k
year total to date: 1,527k in 15 weeks
this week’s target: 80k or so recovery
weight: 64kg ▼

I am actually walking down steps unaided - like new marathon legend Maria - but am pretty tired. Three toenails have blood blisters, one of them is quite sore. Otherwise, the fallout from the marathon is mild. There is no secret to all of this - simply more, consistent, running as preparation. Having said that, the longest training runs this year have been 20 to 24k, with one of about 28k and an attempt at 32k which was less than successful. Hence the fact that I was able to run the whole way at spot on 4:45 per km was somewhat surprising. I kept myself cool by squeezing water sachets over my head and body at every drink station, I didn't do a lot of talking but did cheer on the geese whenever I saw them, and I just tried to keep relaxed. I will definitely attempt one or two more marathons in future years.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

short post on marathon #33

Mission accomplished, done, signed, sealed, delivered, been there, done that, got the racing singlet. My marathon time 3:21.24, splits 1:40.00 exactly to halfway, then 1:41.24. Only two toenails in trouble; no niggles. But what about the rest of the geese??? Brilliant performances all round: Richard ~3:03, Emma ~3:26 (34 minute pb), CJ ~3:28, Maria 3:34 debut; Charlie ~3:45 debut, Gary & Roger up there with them, not sure of their times, Roger ran the 50k; Ruth ~4:08. I will post correct details soonest. Now for some Italian food.

My marathon time was 5 1/2 minutes faster than my target. That's the first goal achieved for the year!

Saturday, 14 April 2007

How To Say How I Feel

chasing lead cars
I'll run it all
Every K
On my own

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would someone just pick me up
Take me to the finish line

The forty second kilometre song
Slow down
Don't move too fast
You got to make this marathon last.
Kicking down the dusty roads
Looking for gel, and feelin' hungry

99 Luftballons
Aloft in the April sky
99 balloons go by

Friday, 13 April 2007

Good Form, Cold Feet, No Joke

Despite all the niggles and hobbles and sorenesses, I have been in good form lately, but given that I am trying to shake off a bit of a cold, I am getting cold feet about this marathon. All for the best I suppose; I am determined to run conservatively. Although if I am packing death at the start line, I might panic and misjudge the pace.... we'll see.

Someone requested I tell no jokes in the marathon. That is a shame, I was tuning up with my "Wenceslas" joke (is that the right spelling? The spell checker thinks it's right but wants to change "sorenesses" to "sorceresses". That could be right too!).

Someone else in very good form at this time is Helen, she ran another BBQ Stakes pb on Wednesday, this time the time was 26:10. She will be under 26 minutes in no time.

Time is of no concern to me in the marathon but I will be carrying a "do-not-run-faster-than-this" pacing guide.

Thursday training saw only six join me for km intervals with surges. Watch out speedy geese - Matthew, Caroline, Rod, Kathy, Neil and Tony have a head start on you as far as winter track training is concerned. They will be improving in no time. Good to see Tony back on track - he will be turning 69 this year!

Annie (who has moved from France to Kiwiland), in town for the folk festival, was going to join us but didn't make it, so I have missed seeing her.

Other visitors around at present are Langty & Greg, I will be catching up with them tonight, but I don't see either name among the marathon entries, perhaps Greg is entering late! Perhaps not.

Wasting Time
Here is a very simple point-and-click escape game to play! Jail Escape.

p.s. I have updated my family album blog with pictures of my Auntie, whose funeral is this morning.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Goose spotting

I've heard worse
Good King Wenceslas went out to the pizza parlour and ordered a pizza. The assistant asked Do you want your usual? Deep pan, crisp and even?
..but not often.

Southy & Ewen
one of these two runners has been smashing records lately

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

I want to wake up kicking and screaming


"Awakening" is the new single by Switchfoot, from "Oh! Gravity".
"I want to know that my heart is still beating ...".

I will go and run my favorite lunchtime run today, BBQ Stakes, then three more days of jogging until the marathon. Sunday's forecast has been revised upwards: Fine and sunny, 9 minumum, 26 maximum. Very hot for running a marathon!

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Nationals Cross Country result

Final report from Hobart:
8K Cross Country
W35 3. Amanda Walker 39:00 bronze
W40 3. Katie Forestier 34:20 bronze
M45 6. Colin Farlow 30:13

400m heats
Shisei Oya 1:09.05 qualified for the final

400m final
M60 3. Kevin Chamberlain 1:04.11 bronze
M55 7. Shisei Oya 1:10.07 Shisei did a Bradbury on John Lamb. John fell while in second place (trying to catch his twin brother, who won) and finished 8th in 1:11. Shisei’s first, but surely not last, victory over John.
M50 2. Ken White 1:04.98 silver

4x400 relay
4. ACT 'A' 4:30.21 (Shisei Oya 57, Ken White 53, Kevin Chamberlain 60, John Lamb 57). Interestingly, the results as published on the Tasmanian website have them fourth in the “Women’s W200+” division. Some of us are surprised at that. But I’m not at all surprised. Why? Because I suspect some athletics officials are getting a bit old, so that after four days of tiring athletics their eyes can no longer focus properly on big strapping ACT lads when they see them run. What did you think I was going to say?

A Most Admirable Speedy Geese Medal Tally
Gold 2: (Kevin, Colin)
Silver 2: (Kevin, Ken)
Bronze 6: (Amanda (3), Kevin, Ken, Katie)
Total Ten.

"Steven Bradbury" (from Wikipedia):
Bradbury is most well known for his memorable and unlikely gold medal win in the men's short track 1000 metres at the Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Olympic Games, due to three unlikely events occurring.

In the quarterfinals, Bradbury thought himself eliminated. He finished third (only the top two advance), but Marc Gagnon was disqualified, thus allowing Bradbury to advance to the semifinals.

In his semifinal, Bradbury was in last place, well off the pace of the medal favourites. However, three of the other competitors in the semifinal crashed into each other, leaving to him the second place and thus allowing him through to the final.

Again well off the pace in the final, once again all four of Bradbury's competitors (Apolo Ohno, Ahn Hyun-Soo, Li Jiajun and Mathieu Turcotte) crashed out at the final corner, leaving a shocked Bradbury to take the gold medal, the first for Australia or any Southern Hemisphere country in an Olympic Winter Games event.

In an interview after winning his gold, he said: "Obviously I wasn't the fastest skater. I don't think I'll take the medal as the minute and half of the race I actually won. I'll take it as the last decade of the hard slog I put in."
The "hard slog" included surviving two life-threatening accidents. During a 1994 race in Norway, he had another skater's blade slice through his leg after a collision; he lost 4 litres of blood, and had to have 111 stitches to close the wound. In 2000, he broke his neck in a training accident, and spent the next six weeks in a halo brace.

Bradbury was acutely aware of the possibility of collisions after his semi-final race. In an interview after the race he said: "I was the oldest bloke in the field and I knew that skating four races back to back, I wasn't going to have any petrol left in the tank. So there was no point in getting there and mixing it up because I was going to be in last place anyway. So I might as well stay out of the way and be in last place and hope that some people get tangled up." In the same interview he acknowledged that he never imagined a scenario in which all four of his competitors would fall.

Bradbury had been the favourite going into the 1000m short track speed skating event at the 1994 Winter Olympics at Lillehammer, Norway but fell after colliding with a competitor. Bradbury later won a bronze medal at those Olympics as part of an Australian four-man short track relay team.

Bradbury's triumph was celebrated by Australia post issuing a 45 cent stamp of him, which followed on from them issuing stamps of Australian gold medallists at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Bradbury's stamp was issued on 20 February, four days after his victory. He received $20,000 for the use of his image. He said "Should get me a car. I haven’t had a car for a long time." and later described having a stamp issued as "a great honour".

"Doing a Bradbury"
Bradbury's Olympic feat has entered the Australian vernacular in the phrase "doing a Bradbury", and meaning an accidental win or unexpected or unusual success.

Thus disclosing my one and only strategy for winning the marathon.

Monday, 9 April 2007

Monday Morning Monitor

Nationals 5000m results:
W35 4. Amanda Walker 21:30.17 - one tough lady
W40 5. Katie Forestier 19:59.79 - a huge pb
M45 5. Colin Farlow 17:33.11 - great time, and was lapped by one or two of the leaders!

And in the 200m heats: Shisei Oya 30.96 - just missed qualifying for the final

My training progress
last week's target: 90k
achieved: 90k
year total to date: 1,435k in 14 weeks
this week’s target: 80k or so including the marathon
weight: 65kg ▲

And now we are six. Today's forecast for the marathon: "Fine, mostly sunny. Min 9 Max 25"

Sunday, 8 April 2007

Easter Sunday 2007

I won't forget Easter Sunday this year....oops, pause while I answer a wrong number on the phone.. start again. Happy Easter!.. ah, back to the phone for the same wrong number a second time, don't you hate that?

Happy Birthday speedyJenny, 59 today

Jenny's been at the coast with her mum, she'll be coming back tonight & we'll celebrate then.

My mum rang earlier today, my Auntie Olive died this morning, she would have been 90 this year. Olive was my late father's only sibling, always single, lived a couple of blocks away from me when I was small so was an integral part of the family for many many years.

I am not yet sure we will get to the funeral in Adelaide, for as well as having a marathon planned on the 15th, in the following week - a part of my life not previously mentioned on this blog - I am overseeing a "Walk to Emmaus", and there might be a few things come up at the last minute.

Today is the day I would have run my pet event, the 5000m, had I gone to Hobart.. so I will be watching that result with keen interest to see who runs what times, could I have won, could I have placed?

What else will the day bring? It's only 10:30am; I have been up only two hours.

FOOTNOTE AT NOON: The day has brought a 5k breakthrough to Katie, who has just run 19:59! This is a pb by 45 seconds!

Saturday, 7 April 2007

Nationals 1500m results

The geese are getting speedier! And we are seeing lifetime pbs or seasons bests galore. But the competition is getting tougher.

M60 1. Kevin Chamberlain 4:56.64 gold & a fantastic time!
M55 6. Shisei Oya 6:20.56 just wait til next year!
M50 6. Ken White 5:03.16 great time again!
M45 4. Colin Farlow 4:27.33 wow another very fast run
W35 3. Amanda Walker 5:51.49 bronze what an improver!!
W40 4. Katie Forestier 5:23.93 deserves a medal!!! another big pb (9 seconds)
These people race all summer and have left their best times for the big event! Notably Kevin, who was in the same 1500m heat as the awesome Peter Sandery, the M65 champion from South Australia, and Kevin finished in front of him.

Other ACT times in the 1500...
M75 1. Rad Leovic 8:00.64

edit: I am told that Amanda is very wounded and may not continue. Still, two medals!

Friday, 6 April 2007

speedy geese in the Nationals - 800m

Edit: the official results from the Hobart website.
W35 Amanda Walker 2:49.48 bronze
W40 Katie Forestier 2:42.52 narrow 4th
M40 Ken White 2:23.83 bronze
M45 Colin Farlow 2:09.41 gold
M55 Shisei Oya 2:48.67 6th
M60 Kevin Chamberlain 2:23.32 silver

other ACT:
M75 1. Rad Leovic 3:41.39
W65 1. Fran Harris 3:29.21
M65 6. Bryan Thomas 2:57.71
M55 2. John Lamb 2:17.00

Richard Hilhorst (800) and Jeni Greenland (10000) did not start, so might not be competing.

Thursday, 5 April 2007

Chasing Seagulls

"The Ten Commandments of Running "
1. Train Hard
2. Make Sacrifices
3. Make Positive Choices
4. Seek Your Potential
5. Set High Goals
6. Relax Under Pressure
7. Attack Pain
8. Push the Pace
9. Work as a Team
10. Run to Win


Anon is popular and famous and wise; he/she is quoted more than anyone else; but I think there could have been room for at least one of my forty training principles! What about "Have Fun"? That one should have been there.

When I started running, in March 1962, I was a student at Adelaide Boys High School (as it was then). There were four levels of ovals between the school buildings and the railway line where Mile End station was situated, and at breaks, up to 1000 students would spread out and play the length of the ovals. When I wasn't swinging from the monkey bars, challenging others to see who could stay on the longest as we tried to pull each other off the bars, I was running on the ovals in a pack of schoolchildren who were trying to hit each other with tennis balls. And if those games weren't happening, the flocks of seagulls that inhabited the ovals - Adelaide city has a large itinerant population of seagulls, as any fan of televised cricket knows - were targets for chasing games; we never caught one, but the existence of so many viable looking targets kept us running hard.

And got us fit.

Come on, children of the 21st century, get out there, and get running. Chase those seagulls. Have fun.

And heed Anon's wise words as well.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

number six! number six! number six!

"To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself." -
Soren Kierkegaard

My weather forecast for the marathon - cold, fog - click to enlarge

Eleven days to go to the marathon.
My chest number is six! That should impress, even if my run time doesn't.
I had a good hit-out today at BBQ Stakes, a solid 25:30. Felt strong. The real first day of tapering is tomorrow, where I will only jog 6k. There is still one long hard run to be done on the weekend, and I will probably run the Stakes again next Wednesday. I think most entrants whose blogs I read start their tapers too early! But it is true that "too early" is far better than too late or not at all.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Here we go now one more time

Dickson training and monthly time trials.
I am looking forward this week to track work as we resume training at Antill Street, Dickson. Yes one more winter out under the lights on a 400m grass track in the cold. BUT: something new this year; every four weeks I will conduct the speedy geese 2k challenge, a five lap time trial to measure your progress. Even if you cannot get there every Thursday night, don't miss this one. There will be rewards for (real) improvement, and the speedy geese are welcome to invite members of other training groups to run with us on those evenings and participate in the time trial.

We start out there this Thursday. The first 2k challenge will be on Thursday 3 May, so there is plenty of time to get into the swing of things.

Song of the week: Sick Cycle Carousel, Lifehouse, from "No Name Face"
if shame had a face I think it would kind of look like mine
if it had a home would it be my eyes
would you believe me if I said I'm tired of this
well here we go now one more time

I tried to climb your steps
I tried to chase you down
I tried to see how low I could get down to the ground
I tried to earn my way
I tried to change this mind
you better believe that I have tried to beat this

so when will this end it goes on and on
over and over and over again
keeps spinning around I know that it won't stop
till I step down from this for good

well I never thought I'd end up here never
thought I'd be standing where I am
I guess I kind of thought that it would be easier than this
I guess I was wrong now one more time

I tried to climb your steps
I tried to chase you down
I tried to see how low I could get down to the ground
I tried to earn my way
I tried to change this mind
you better believe that I have tried to beat this

so when will this end it goes on and on
over and over and over again
keeps spinning around I know that it won't stop
till I step down from this
sick cycle carousel
this is a sick cycle yeah
sick cycle carousel
this is a sick cycle yeah

so when will this end it goes on and on
over and over and over again
keeps spinning around I know that it won't stop
till I step down from this for good

so when will this end it goes on and on
over and over and over again
keeps spinning around I know that it won't stop
till I step down from this for good
sick cycle carousel
sick cycle carousel
sick cycle carousel
sick cycle carousel

Monday night training.
Last night we had a more ad hoc session on the western slopes of Parliament House; as some make last minute preparations for Easter racing, and others are starting there tapers for the marathon. Training were Alan, Caroline, Charmaine, Colin, David W, Ewen, me, Helen, Kathy, Katie, Ken, Maria, Mick C, Mick H, Neil, Peter and Ruth. And a gaggle of walkers.

Oh, and a name missing from the WGFR results yesterday but now in:
97 Annemarie Calnan 25:35

Monday, 2 April 2007

Monday Monitor

Quote of the week: "Our patience will achieve more than our force." - Edmund Burke

My training progress
last week's target: 110k
achieved: 114k
year total to date: 1,345k in 13 weeks
this week’s target: 90k. Easing off for the marathon, this week and next.
weight: 64kg ▲: Like Louise, I find that chocolate loading works "a treat" for increasing weight.

How will I achieve my winter goals? (published on Saturday)
April thru September, after the marathon dust has settled, I hope to increase my weekly base from 110k to 120k, and whenever there is a free weekend, (free of races, that is), I will see if I can add a few extra k. (kilometers, not kilograms). I will keep Wednesday's BBQ Stakes as my one fast hit-out each week.

Progressive point scores for the ACTVAC monthly handicaps:
Speedygeese who are in the top ten after three events:
Thomas series
2 Amanda Walker 418
6 Charmaine Knobel 383

Frylink series
1 Ken White 198
5 Neil Boden 186
8 Katie Forestier 184

WGFR official results:
7 Kathy Southgate 19:05
17 Katie Forestier 20:44
21 Maria O'Reilly 20:57
25 Michelle Wells 21:19
55 Kathy Sims 23:46
68 Charmaine Knobel 24:21
109 Pam Faulks 26:04
126 Carolyne Kramar 26:51
and the Faulks girls, Jess 24.44 & Sally 26.05, won a sisters' team prize.

Sunday, 1 April 2007


Runners are overcomers - sometimes when you know a little bit about what a runner has had to overcome to get where they are, you value their achievements all the more.. so to the runners who have worked hard and overcome obstacles I know nothing about and never will, well done!

Back to reality, today's Women's Fun Run of 5k (or a little longer) saw 1000+ entrants (872 finishers) streaming around the paths at Commonwealth Park. A few of our geese were there; Southy won the W50 section in 19.05 and ran 7th outright; Katie was probably 3rd in the W40s in 20:45, 17th overall, just behind my friend Ruth; Maria was about 20th and 2nd W50 in 20:58; Michelle Wells showed she is coming back to form in 21.20, her good time due to the fact that she is training up for the half marathon in six weeks' time; Kathy Sims well up in the W55s, maybe first or second? in 23.47; Charmaine 24.24 and pleased with her time; Annemarie 25.40; Pam 26.07; Carolyne 26.55; Kerry Boden just under 29 minutes. No Amanda, who did not start, saving herself for Easter; no Helen, Charlie, Emma, or Thea. A perfect day; cool, still, sunny; just what we would like for the marathon in a fortnight's time

Thea reports running a marathon the other day in 21 hours and 50 minutes, see this post. This heroic effort reminded me of the slowest official New York Marathon finish, achieved by Bob Ireland who crossed the finish line on Thursday, November 6, 1986, as the New York City Marathon's 19,413th and final finisher - the first person to run a marathon with his arms instead of his legs! Bob, who was 40 years old, had his legs blown off in Vietnam. He recorded the slowest time in the marathon's history: 4 days, 2 hours, 48 minutes. Now there's an overcomer.

Normal training this week....... see you there.