Monday, 16 April 2007

Monday Morning Monitor

Gary ran the marathon in 3:43.59
Roger ran 3:39.01 and kicked on to finish the 50k in ~4:25
Photo by John Kennedy

Not all the marathon results are available yet, I will publish our group's times tomorrow.

My training progress
last week's target: 80k
achieved: 92k
year total to date: 1,527k in 15 weeks
this week’s target: 80k or so recovery
weight: 64kg ▼

I am actually walking down steps unaided - like new marathon legend Maria - but am pretty tired. Three toenails have blood blisters, one of them is quite sore. Otherwise, the fallout from the marathon is mild. There is no secret to all of this - simply more, consistent, running as preparation. Having said that, the longest training runs this year have been 20 to 24k, with one of about 28k and an attempt at 32k which was less than successful. Hence the fact that I was able to run the whole way at spot on 4:45 per km was somewhat surprising. I kept myself cool by squeezing water sachets over my head and body at every drink station, I didn't do a lot of talking but did cheer on the geese whenever I saw them, and I just tried to keep relaxed. I will definitely attempt one or two more marathons in future years.