The geese are getting speedier! And we are seeing lifetime pbs or seasons bests galore. But the competition is getting tougher.
M60 1. Kevin Chamberlain 4:56.64 gold & a fantastic time!
M55 6. Shisei Oya 6:20.56 just wait til next year!
M50 6. Ken White 5:03.16 great time again!
M45 4. Colin Farlow 4:27.33 wow another very fast run
W35 3. Amanda Walker 5:51.49 bronze what an improver!!
W40 4. Katie Forestier 5:23.93 deserves a medal!!! another big pb (9 seconds)
These people race all summer and have left their best times for the big event! Notably Kevin, who was in the same 1500m heat as the awesome Peter Sandery, the M65 champion from South Australia, and Kevin finished in front of him.
Other ACT times in the 1500...
M75 1. Rad Leovic 8:00.64
edit: I am told that Amanda is very wounded and may not continue. Still, two medals!