A few weeks ago I bought some new DS trainers at the Runners Shop. These were intended for use after the marathon. About ready to purchase, I was advised by Charmaine to wear half a size larger, "they are too tight!" Not really agreeing, I tried the larger ones on, and Charmaine persisted, so I finally decided to take them. Later jogging around in them they seemed a little large. Anyway, last Wednesday (before the marathon) I wore the shoes I had set aside for the marathon just to make sure they were going to be OK, and they hurt my feet. So I made a last minute decision to wear the shoes Charmaine had sold me. Towards the end of the marathon I realised I could feel my toes just starting to pinch, and sure enough, there were a few toenails with blisters starting to form. Up until then, they were remarkably comfortable.
Boy am I glad I did not wear the shoes I had intended to! Charmaine, you saved my life!
speedygeese in the
marathon eve 10km Fun Run:
Bob Harlow M ACT 59 41:21
Caroline Campbell F ACT 64 51:59
Mick Charlton M ACT 55 52:28
Carolyne Kramar F ACT 42 57:01
381 finishers
marathon eve 5k23
Kathy Southgate F ACT 50 19:03
220 finishers
In the
BBQ Stakes yesterday I ran ~26:55, Helen ~28.10. Tempo runs as we are in recovery mode.
CJ, the lady in pink, running a wonderful sub 3:28