Watching Video Hits this morning, I noticed that none of the good songs need to use sex to sell themselves - and all the crummy ones do. An example of a good song is the Silverchair one which went to the top of the charts despite the video showing nothing more than the band playing. While not a huge Silverchair fan, I think they are quite OK, and I had quoted this latest song under my blog heading until the quote there now took my fancy.
Rage, too, this morning played the old "Let it Be"; made effective by simply focusing on the four Beatles performing the song in the studio. (Plus Yoko; point made?) And a demure Missy Higgins sang her latest song; no fuss no nonsense.
Anything of great worth doesn't need gimmicks to promote itself.
Pagan and Christian
A "good Christian boy" listens to what!!?? you may ask.
Well, my favourites I listen to all the time include:
Pagan groups - The Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Snow Patrol, Pink Floyd.
Christian groups - Switchfoot, Lifehouse, The Fray, Hillsong United (whose newest album, "All of the Above", is on the album charts and is just brilliant), The Henrys (a Brisbane super-group).
Middle-of-the-road groups: none. Never. Not at all. "Because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth." - Rev 3:16. So there.
Footnote: I don't quite know where "Evermore" and "Coldplay" fit in, my other current favourites. Any thoughts? They are certainly not bland! Perhaps they are covertly Christian.
Neither Hot Nor Cold
"I have a horror of not rising above mediocrity" - Robert Baldwin
"Media, the plural of mediocrity." - Jimmy Breslin
"There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment." - Norman Vincent Peale
Canberra Half Marathon
Recovery proceeding on schedule, I have now entered both the Queensland Half Marathon (Doomben, June 3), and the Canberra Half Marathon (May 13).
Ken Eynon's latest email:
"The 2007 Instant Colour Press Canberra Half Marathon Weekend is fast approaching.
"Last year those of you receiving this email were kind enough to assist us with the ICP Canberra Half Marathon. If you are available to help this year could you please let me know. Of course if you have already contacted me thank you and sorry for the duplication.
"Like all volunteers most help or assist for no reward. I do however like to give our much needed volunteers something. Volunteers working on the half marathon will receive a Canberra Half Marathon 2007 Running T-shirt, made from a Coolmax type material. I hope to have a photograph of the running t-shirt on our website in the next few days. I think it is by far the best t-shirt provided to volunteers. The t-shirt is to run in and not wear on the day. On the day ACTCCC Safety Vests will suffice. There will also be a draw for two, $100 Runners Shop Gift Vouchers. Those helping at the 1k Mini Jog and 5k Fun Run will be included in these draws. Coffee and a finishers pack will also be given to each volunteer on the Sunday.
"Cheers and thank you, Ken"
"Mediocrity is climbing molehills without sweating." - Proverb-Icelandic