Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Winter Training Hotting Up

It's Wednesday so this must be about our training sessions.

On Thursday 24 April 5:30pm at Dickson we scheduled a 300m 2 person continuous relay: The Marilyn and Miranda team completed 6 x 300m each; Roger and Rohan 8 x 300m; Kym and I 8 x 300m.

On Saturday 26 April, the 9:00am speedyducks session at Acton Ferry Terminal, Andy and I ran 16km. I backed off the pace because I was worried about my sore foot but we still averaged 5:50 per km including stops, about which I was much pleased.

On Sunday 27 April at Stromlo Forest Park Dave, Andrew and I ran a comfortable 10k (4 big laps) in 55 minutes (5:30 per km). The foot pain seems better today.

On Monday 28 April at Parliament House: Susan, Miranda, Ewen and I ran a good 8k early. For the main session, Andy, Christopher, Colin, Ewen, me, Jen, Kym, Lorena (new), Rae, Ruth, Vanessa & Warrick ran a 15 minute 3 x 350m continuous relay, followed (except for Ewen and I) by a 12 minute 2 x ~300m continuous relay. One who I shall not name, but who is competing in the Australian Mountain Running Championships at Mt Tennent on 11 May, described the training session as “evil”! At the end, Ruth and more seriously Andy became lost! Not a lot of light today; no moon, and few clouds to reflect any city light; but not cold. And we wore our new speedygeese tops!

 Happy parents Joel and Yelena with baby Vianne Isla Pearson.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Blood and sweat but no tears

All the recent speedygeese race results
Saturday 26 April Ginninderra Parkrun #105
64 Graeme Patrick 23:45 M60 New PB!
90 Catherine Montalto 26:01 W60
197 finishers

Saturday 26 April Tuggeranong Parkrun #62
11 David Clarke 19:28 M55
197 finishers

Saturday 26 April Gungahlin Parkrun #28
7 Andrew Simpson 20:04 M40
80 Margaret McSpadden 28:40 W65
140 finishers

Saturday 26 April Albury Wodonga Parkrun #8
16 Abigail Fargher 22:14 W30
17 Sarah-Jayne Miller 22:14 W30
Abi and Sarah at the parkrun

Saturday 26 April Wynnum Parkrun #84
42 Annette Sugden 23:11 W50 New PB!

Saturday 26 April YCRC Campbell Park 6k
6. David Clarke M55 26:04
14. Rohan Pitchford M50 28:54
25 finishers

Sunday 27 April ACTVAC Majura Handicap 5k
23 Cathy Montalto W60 26:56
36 Jill Pearson W55 29:48
54 finishers

Sunday 27 April ACTVAC Majura Handicap 10k - Nice day for a handicap run
10 Kym Chisholm W30 44:42 73.3%
17 Rod Lynch M50 40:00 86.2
29 Mick Charlton M60 62:02 60.4
36 Marilyn Banfield W65 68:25 66.4
37 Margaret McSpadden W65 68:27 69.5
38 Rae Palmer W65 61:25 75.7
44 Christopher Lang M60 61:08 61.5
56 Helen Larmour W50 51:27 77.8
57 Roger Pilkington M55 54:26 63.8
64 David Clarke M55 54:05 64.2
68 finishers

Rae after the handicap run

Dave after the handicap run. Slightly ironic because I told him before the run that several runners fall on that course each year the race is held.

Monday, 28 April 2014

The time has come my friend to run

Today’s Song of the Week: "Blood To Gold", by Boy & Bear
Won't you run underneath the door.
Take my home, treat it as your own.

My mother told me don't you run away,
Because it takes a man to keep them hungry,
But I'm so damn cold,
And if this blood don't turn to gold
I think I'm doomed.
Ooh, Yeah.

The time has come my friend to run,
I bid you please to take the roses and the loaded gun I left you
'Cause I'm hopin' now you find somehow
That I'm so damn cold,
And if this blood don't turn to gold,
I think I'm doomed.


Sunday, 27 April 2014

The newest speedygosling has arrived!

Yelena and Joel have welcomed a little VIP (Vianne Isla Pearson) into the world. She was born at 3:27am 26th April 2014, weighing 3.42 kg (about 7.5 pounds). Both mum and the VIP are doing well. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us, and a special thanks to Brooke and Jessica for being an amazing support team.

PS. To pronounce the name it is Vianne (V EE - ah n) Isla (eye - luh)

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Dynamic warm-ups

There is a very good article on the best way to warm-up before training - at
"New research supports what many respected coaches have known for years: The preferable pre-run warmup should include movements that are designed to activate and elongate your muscles."
“Dynamic warmup fires up neural patterns and recruits muscles by sensibly overloading them and forcing them into a performance mode rather than safe mode,”
“It only takes five to 10 minutes before a training session and is well worth the time spent,”
Their suggestions: "One or all 12"
Heel Walks
Walk forward with your weight on your heels, flexing your feet so the balls of your feet are off the ground. It’ll activate your shin muscles while stretching out your calves. Walk forward for seven seconds and repeat.

Linear Leg Swings
Swing leg forward and backward, switch legs and repeat.

Remember skipping from point A to point B when you were a kid? Same thing applies here except your focus changes from fun to running drill. Add some power to basic skipping by driving forward and aiming for a high body with each skip.

A Skips
This is a variation on basic skipping, except it’s your knees reaching high and not so much your body. Drive your arms backward in sync with your skip stride while driving one knee high, with that foot almost directly under your body; continue on opposite side and repeat.

Also known as karaoke, this hip opener requires some fancy footwork until you get the hang of it. Move sideways with your arms out, and cross right over left, right behind left, right over left. Repeat by starting with the left foot first: left over right, left behind right, left over right. Move in one direction for seven seconds, switch directions and repeat.

Arm swings
Forward: Walk forward and swing your arms forward as you would do when swimming freestyle. Let your hips rotate and move your arms fast enough to create momentum.

Backward: Walk forward and swing your arms backward as if you were swimming backstroke. Lead with your pinkie finger and keep your palms facing out when you reach high over your head.

Hip rotations
Start on your side with knees pulled toward your chest and top hip pushed forward a bit. Open your top hip by rotating your knee away from the ground with your feet touching. Repeat on other side.

Butt kicks
Instead of running forward, get into your runner stance with your pelvis neutral. Kick your heel toward your butt by engaging your hamstring to pull up as you jog at an easy pace.

Knee huggers
Using your regular walking gait, step forward with one leg while raising your opposite knee and pulling it toward your shoulder. Stand upright, grab your shin with both hands and pull close to your chest. Repeat motion with your other leg.

High knees
Move forward with a running motion, trying to raise your knees as high as you can. Bobby McGee calls this a facilitation exercise, as it mimics running but with even more motion and intensity.

Hamstring kick-outs aka monster walks
Walk forward and kick out each leg as you take a step. When your leg kicks up, bend your upper body toward it and reach your opposite hand to your extended shin or foot.

Squat jumps
Position yourself with your feet slightly beyond shoulder width, hands behind your head. Lower into the squat position with your knees behind your toes, jump vertically and extend through your hips. Land back in the squat position.

But as you know I still like to jog a bit first before doing this type of exercise.
Shall we integrate some of these into our Monday/Thursday/Saturday/Sunday routines?

Don't be a grumpy cat! Enjoy a good warm-up before every training session.

Meanwhile, practice will make perfect - four speedy ducks and Miranda's fingers.

Friday, 25 April 2014

The brand new first ever newly designed speedygeese running tops have arrived

... and already they have made their mark. Jen who has bought the shirts, done the design work, and arranged the printing, ran a new BBQ Stakes PB on Wednesday the first time she wore one. It was also her first time under 25 minutes for the undulating 6k course!

"Ran in my new speedy geese top at BBQ stakes today. Must be a lucky top - did a 13 second PB resulting in me getting under the 25 min mark! 24:53!!! Maybe I should have bought more! You too can run your next PB when you are wearing your speedy geese top!!"

Speedygeese Selfie

Jen reports that two tops are still available. A small black tee-shirt loose fit for $42, and a medium to large singlet for $47, pictured. After these go, the minimum order is 10 so Jen will just take names until she gets to the required number.

All I can say is, the tops are brilliant, and we all should get one. Jen has done an awesome job. Let's all show the world who we are! I am anticipating wearing mine in the UK and sending back the occasional photo to prove it.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Monarchists Rule, OK?

We are such an inclusive group, in this time of a near Republic we even have a Monarchist in our midst. Amazing!

Caroline (with Maureen Rossiter) being interviewed by the Canberra Times at the gates of Government House. See page two of last Monday's Canberra times for more information about what Caroline had to say! Maureen is a past speedygoose, noted for good times in distances up to 800m.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

those crazy lazy hazy days of training

Thursday 17 April 5:30pm at Dickson running 12 x (100m jog, 200m sprint) were Caroline, me, Mairead (new), Rohan (new) and Susan.

Saturday 19 April 9:00am at Acton Ferry Terminal we ran 4k with three Speedyducks: ElDuck, AnnDuck, and DaisyDuck. Then MirandaGoose went on to complete 13k, and ChiefGoose 15k.

Here is Saturday's group of runners, all but Ann who took the photo.

It was a bit hazy Monday morning; autumn has Canberra in its grip now. Monday 21 April at Parliament House Miranda and I ran early; For the main session Christopher was there but didn’t find us; Andy, Andrew, Caroline, Daniel, Ewen, me, Jen, Miranda, Rohan & Ruth ran 12 x 150m uphill intervals on 2 minutes down in “the tunnel”.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

holiday race results

There were few races in the last seven days, as this has been the Easter holiday season. Parkruns continue regardless. Nice run from Jen this week.
Saturday 19 April Ginninderra Parkrun #104
6 Jen Bright 19:49 W35 New PB!
165 finishers

Saturday 19 April Tuggeranong Parkrun #61
6 David Clarke 19:52 M55
161 finishers

Saturday 19 April Gungahlin Parkrun #27
33 Amanda Cook 25:19 W35
67 Margaret McSpadden 29:17 W65
126 finishers

Monday, 21 April 2014

Two edges

Song of the week: Double-Sided Sword, by The Former Love

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Dickson Oval

We will be training at Dickson Oval on Thursday evenings from now on.
We meet at 5:30pm (I won't be doing an earlier run there)

So our regular training sessions are
Sundays at 7:30am at Stromlo Forest Park - ad hoc or long intervals.
Mondays at 5:30pm at Parliament House (4:30pm for an 8k run if you wish) - hills or relays.
Thursdays at 5:30pm at Dickson Oval - medium to long intervals.
Saturdays at 9:00am at Acton Ferry Terminal for a group run, starting off slowly.

Dickson last Thursday was green, lit, and empty. I expect it to be quite crowded in future but we can cope!

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Message from Sarah

"Apologies for those who already know, but for those awesome buddies of mine who don't I was waiting until it was official. I am off to France in June to compete in the World Skyrunning Championships as part of the Aus/NZ team!!! So honoured, excited and pretty shit scared but absolutely cannot wait. Ray thought he'd come along for the ride too. Tickets are booked! Watch out France (We've no idea what we're doing)"

Sarah-Jayne, Albury NSW, speedygoose extraordinary.

Friday, 18 April 2014


Females In Training in the ACT
Women engaging in swimming, cycling and running.

Females in Training (FIT) began developing from 1993 to 1996 and was incorporated in 1997. Since then, it has gone from strength to strength, attracting around 400 members each year.
Robyn Barker’s mission and the mission of FIT was, and is, ‘to provide the highest quality training and coaching environment specifically addressing the physical activity needs of women.’

Among the FIT girls who ran the Canberra Marathon last Sunday are Katherine Sheppard, third from the right wearing the dark cap. She has been a member of the speedygeese as well. Several other speedygeese have also been members of FIT in past years.

FIT: One of the best training groups for women and girls.

Thursday, 17 April 2014


Australian Running Festival
Thank you to all the club members who put in the long days helping on either Saturday or Sunday or for helping on both days. Your time and efforts are certainly appreciated. To everyone who participated in an event over the weekend, we hope that you are happy with your performance and in the case of some recovering well.

YCRC Winter Series 2014 commences Saturday 26th April – Rear Campbell Park Offices – Northcott Drive, Campbell.
The first run in our winter program for 2014 starts at 12.45pm. To get to the start/finish line you will need to get to the rear of the Campbell Park Offices on Northcott Drive, Campbell. Northcott Drive comes off Fairbairn Avenue, the road that runs past the front of the Australian War Memorial. As you come along Northcott Drive you will see the Campbell Park Offices, make sure you follow the road around to the right at this point and go as far as you can go. The 2k is our first run followed by 6k at 1pm. These runs are on wide dirt paths and are good for all members of the family.

Kingston Physio West Basin 10 Miler and 5k – 8am Saturday 3rd May
These two events are the first two events of our club point score for 2014. The 10 Miler (16.1k) being for seniors and the 5k for juniors. The events are sponsored by Craig Wisdom and his team at Kingston Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre.
The winner of the senior point score series receives a $100 Runners Shop Gift Voucher and junior winner a $50 gift voucher. The series winners also get their name engraved on our perpetual trophies.
Both runs start and finish in John Cardiff Close at Black Mountain Peninsula.

Jogalong Sunday 4th May 2014
The very popular Jogalong will be held at 9am on Sunday 4th May at Weston Park. The start/ finish area is on the corner of Weston Park Road and Prescott Lane. Events are a 6k handicap event (slower walkers and runners go first), 3k none handicap and a 1.6km mini jog for young children.

First Aid Volunteers
One of the requirements of the Club hiring venues around Canberra is that we have a qualified first aider at each event. If you have such qualifications and are willing to help out on an occasional basis, please contact one of the Club committee so that we can start a roster for the coming winter.

YMCA of Canberra Half Marathon – 17/18th May 2014 - The club will conduct the YMCA of Canberra Half Marathon, Incorporating 45th Annual Rex Foulkes Memorial Half Marathon, and the Saturday events on the weekend of 17/18thth May 2014. The half marathon caters for a two person relay team with each runner running 10.5k or where the first runner is joined at the half way point by a second runner.
I am pleased to announce that Mizuno will once again sponsor this event with six $200 gift vouchers for the purchase of shoes at the Canberra Runners Shop. One voucher will join the early bird prizes listed below. The other five vouchers will be barrel draw prizes for all finishers.
Early Bird prize for all entries received online before COB 28th April 2014 – chance to win one of two $100 The Runners Shop Gift Vouchers.
Online registrations for the half marathon are now open at
Registrations for 2 person relay teams are open at

Ken Eynon/YCRC Committee

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

speedygeese training

Thursday 10 April: Colin, Bron (new) and I ran 20 x 100m with very short breaks. The oval was damp but the rain was falling only lightly, the lights were blazing, and it was a great session with very few others on the ovals at Dickson. We will continue at Dickson each Thursday at 5:30pm and only miss a week if the sports grounds are officially closed.

Saturday 12 April Acton Ferry Terminal: Susan ran long then joined Elspeth and I at 9:00am for a 6k run, then I ran on to complete 15k. We will continue meeting at 9:00am on Saturdays.

Elspeth, Susan and I after our 9:00am run on 12 April. Happy days!

Sunday 13 April: Before watching the Marathon, Miranda and I ran a 10k tempo run. Our target was to break 61 minutes, it was Miranda's 61st birthday. We ran about 56:30.

Monday 14 April Parliament House: Susan, Ewen, Miranda and I ran 8k early. For the main session we went down to the flagpoles and ran two “zigzag” relays in the dark. We expected a full moon but there were clouds. Good thing that about five of us had headlamps. Running the relays were Alex, Andy, Bron, Caroline, Christopher, Colin, Ewen, Jen, Kym, Leonie, Mick C, Vanessa. Teams of 3 for the first 12 minute set, teams of two for the second.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

all the latest race results

Friday 11 April Customs 5k
Jennifer Bright 22:02
Caroline Campbell 28:05

Saturday 12 April Ginninderra Parkrun #103
142 Carolyne Kramar 38:18 W45
155 finishers

Saturday 12 April Tuggeranong Parkrun #60
14 David Clarke 21:27 M55
29 Ewen Thompson 24:04 M55
150 finishers

Saturday 12 April Gungahlin Parkrun #26
63 Margaret McSpadden 29:33 W65
102 finishers

Saturday 12 April Running Festival 5k
740 finishers

Saturday 12 April Running Festival 10k
647 Mick Charlton M60 57:46
1076 Maureen Rossiter W60 67:38
1326 finishers

Sunday 13 April Running Festival 21.1k Half Marathon
116 David Clarke M50 1:32:17
122 Katie Forestier W40 1:32:51
147 Michelle Wells W40 1:34:41
271 Maria O'Reilly W50 1:39:26
521 Liz Bennett W50 1:46:01
2151 finishers

Sunday 13 April Running Festival 42.2k Marathon
359 Lucia Pietropapaoli W30 3:42:45
442 Craig Davis M40 3:49:28
855 Bronwyn Calver W40 4:24:41
907 Ruth Baussmann W60 4:29:44
931 Katherine Sheppard W40 4:32:40
1208 finishers

Sunday 13 April Running Festival 50k Ultra Marathon
198 finishers
See for all running festival results

 Cheering on Ruth with 5k to go. Photo by Ewen.

What absolutely perfect weather for the marathon after all the wet and windy days we have had recently! Perfect temperature, light breeze, shockingly hilly course. Two out of three 'aint bad. Congratulations to all the finishers, there were some sick and sorry runners towards the back of the field. I am so glad I ran my 50k two years ago rather than now!

 Bronwyn running on. Photo by Ewen.

When I put a photo of Kermit The Frog on my blog two days ago I didn't realise that he would be cycling up and down Banks St at the marathon, or watching from the dog park area. Incidentally the picture included CJ because her old blog name was "Froggie69". I think. Also, the organisers made a big mistake not closing the dog park. It was ridiculous having to let cars through while the runners went out into and back from Weston Park. Maybe next time. Assuming the course is the same, which surely must be questioned too.

Meanwhile back in 1976... my first Canberra marathon... and the fourth I had run.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Sunday, 13 April 2014


That was nearly an option

Marathon runners

Saturday, 12 April 2014

What training should you do after the marathon?

Option 1: rest for a while. Not the best option, but you may be forced to rest if you have injured yourself and need treatment. So, do what the Sports Doctor says and rest if you have to. But if the body can move, move it! My worst recovery was after my very first marathon, when I was so exhausted mentally that I did nothing physically, and it took me five months to find my running mojo again.

Option 2: active rest. Hike in the mountains, swim in the oceans, walk around town all day. Anything but sitting around with your feet up. One of my best marathon recoveries was Hamilton NZ, where I went straight into tourist mode, relaxing in Rotorua hot springs, jogging up long mountain trails, walking beaches.

Option 3: the pub crawl. The other time my recovery was excellent was after a very hard marathon on a warm day in Perth where I seriously hit the wall and needed large doses of liquid refreshment. This combined with a walk around town for the rest of the day helped my recovery enormously. I drank everything on hand; water, liquid yoghurt, fruit juice, and only the occasional beer, none of which "touched the sides". I was also very hungry and remember having two large lunches. Recovery therefore resulted from good re-hydration combined with a long walk on the same day as the marathon race.

Option 4: the reverse taper. Simply take your last three weeks and run it in reverse for the next three weeks. This may be as good a plan as any but it depends on what you did during your taper. I have never tried this because my plan had quick short races a week before the marathon and I usually preferred not to race or run hard for three or four weeks after the marathon.

Option 5: plan to get back into serious training as quickly as possible. This is good because it refocuses the mind. For most of my marathons I would jog each day for the next three days then run long on day four to see how things were going. Then a resumption of my normal training pattern. It worked after marathon two and I only did something different after later marathons if I were away from home touring somewhere.

Option 6: rest for a week and then race. I did this once; it was a recipe for disaster. The race itself was excellent but the subsequent breakdown inevitable. Here I totally agree with conventional wisdom. Do no racing nor speed sessions for at least three weeks after the marathon; four is even better. By all means plan a race four weeks later and then allow the body and mind a full recovery by continuing to run distances but at a reduced pace. And when you feel really good during those four weeks, completely ignore that feeling and do not race yet.

"But aren't you too tired to keep training?" If you have prepared properly tiredness won't be the main problem. Blisters, chafing, sore toes might be more of an issue. But you can deal with those and get back out running again as soon as possible.

"Everyone is different: I do what works for me." Yes and every marathon is different too. It is best to know what options work and be prepared to alter your plans according to your circumstances.

Finally, enjoy your marathon experience!

Friday, 11 April 2014

ACTVAC Awards Presentation Evening

Tonight, would you like to keep me company as I will be going.
Friday 11 April at the Belconnen Soccer Club, corner of Belconnen Way & Springvale Drive Hawker
Meals can be purchased from the bistro from 6:30pm. Presentations to start at 7:30pm.
All happening in the Charles Hawker Room. Come along & enjoy the evening; eating, drinking & cheering on.

Thursday, 10 April 2014


All cats run around madly like this every now and then. see, this crazy stuff we do is natural!


Wednesday, 9 April 2014

training sessions and sky runs

Saturday 5 April Acton Ferry Terminal Andy & I ran a pleasant quickish 12k.

Sunday 6 April Stromlo David & Andrew 3 x km , 1 x 500m reps; Lucia 4 x 400m reps, me jogging. As this coming Sunday is the running festival, and the following Sunday is Easter, the next time we meet at Stromlo will be 27 April and we have decided to switch to 7:30am.

Monday 7 April Parliament House. Ewen and I ran 8k early. Then we had enough turn up for interval training to conduct continuous relays. A short course on the east side, teams of 3 for nearly 30 minutes. Participating were Andrew, Andy, Christopher, Colin, Daniel, Ewen, me, Jen, Leonie, Mick, Peter, Vanessa, Warrick. The first dark night but light enough to see around the course.

This Thursday we will see what Dickson brings. I might just hang around the track from 4:00pm and on, to see what its usage is. We would certainly like to use Dickson for our Thursday interval sessions rather than any of the alternatives.

This looks like fun..

Sarah-Jayne running Sunday's Buffalo Stampede - 42k of hell from Bright to Buffalo. She ran second - first Australian - and wins an all expenses paid trip to France to run another one as part of the Australian sky running team. Sarah described the Bright course as "Most ridiculous trail marathon course ever"!

Update: Buffalo Stampede marathon result: Sarah-Jayne 5:40:27, 22nd overall, 2nd female (KOM split 1:45:32.1)

Meanwhile on Tuesday 8 April I spent an hour at the gym then ran a hilly 10k run to Northbourne Avenue and back. I didn't know there was a "Lyneham Wetlands"!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Not long to go now

Yelena at 37 weeks

Speedygeese race results for the last week
Thursday 3 April final Vets Track
M55 David Clarke 11:31.57 75.8%
W60 Kathy Sims 12:44.70 90.8
W40 Bronwyn Calver 13:05.59 69.5
W65 Margaret McSpadden 16:41.71 75.0

W60 Kathy Sims 3:14.03 78.1%

Friday 4 April Customs 5k
Jen Bright 19:38
Geoff Moore 22:16
Bronwyn Calver 26:56
A new 5k PB for Jen

Saturday 5 April Ginninderra Parkrun #102
85 Ruth Baussmann 28:04 W60
128 finishers

Saturday 5 April Tuggeranong Parkrun #59
5 David Clarke 19:54 M55
25 Bronwyn Calver 22:38 W40
35 Ewen Thompson 23:55 M55
96 finishers

Saturday 5 April Gungahlin Parkrun #25
29 Craig Davis 23:23 M45
61 Margaret McSpadden 28:28 W65
112 finishers

Sunday 6 April Women's 5k Fun Run
6 Michelle Wells 19:52 first W40
10 Katie Forestier 20:27 first W45
25 Maria O'Reilly 22:01 first W55
28 Kathy Sims 22:12 first W60
72 Catherine Montalto 26:40 third W60
147 Marilyn Banfield 30:48 third W65
607 finishers

Meanwhile my daughter has been very busy taking four of her six children, two competing, to state championships in the last couple of weeks.

Jarod put in a great effort at the NSW Little Athletics State Championships in Sydney two weeks ago, having qualified in all 6 events. His results in under 13 boys were:
Long Jump - 4.81m 14th
400m - 59.47s 9th pb
Triple Jump -11.34m 4th pb
100m - 13.16s 15th
High Jump - 1.50m 10th
200m - 26.64s 17th pb

Liv performed some awesome routines at the NSW Gymnastics State Championships on Sunday. Her results in IDP level 5 were:
Floor 2nd
Vault 8th
Bar 5th
Beam 2nd
Overall 3rd

Olivia (age 8)

The start of her floor routine in which she was second in the state.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Feel the power

Rod introduced me to CIT Fit and Well. The training I do there includes 20 minutes of stair climber - because I want to get used to running 20 minutes for 5k - and exercises for upper back, shoulders, biceps and triceps, as well as more leg strengthening. Then abdomen work and flexibility. The whole idea is to do this work twice a week for 4-6 weeks, then lay off it for 2-4 weeks to get the full benefit. This strength work is done with light weights focusing on "power", i.e. speed of movement for each contraction. But controlled, not too many reps and definitely not too heavy. I do not want to build muscle bulk. It would be so easy to overdo this kind of training.

So what's new? It's "power". Not heavy weights few repetitions. Not just light weights many repetitions. I have just realised the aim for distance runners such as myself needs to be light weights, not that many repetitions, but done after warm-up with speedy efforts, pausing, not flat out! And good form of course.

Not the treadmill either.

p.s. I love running in this rain!

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Canberra marathon plan

Plans for Sunday 13 April: The Canberra Marathon and Ultra Marathon start together at 6:30am and diverge after 40k. I plan to hover around the Banks Street/Weston Park area, seeing the runners in both events at 34/37k. I will park on Novar Street, near the northern end, which will only be closed at the very top. Getting there around 7:00am, I will do a short warmup then run a 10k tempo run around Weston Park. I imagine the first runners won't be arriving until 8:15am or so, and the 10k will be finished by then. Then to cheer on the runners. Those I have located in the entry "list" are:
00019 Kelley-ann
00414 Bronwyn
00519 Katherine
00847 Lucia
00905 Catherine Brims
00925 John Diamond
01308 Craig
01340 Robyn
01341 Kylie
01383 Tesso
01416 Ruth
01525 Roger
04849 Pam Muston
06528 Michelle Wells
07189 Maria
11588 Susan Archer
People are still entering so there may be more speedygeese and friends to come.

Meanwhile Kathy Sims has taken out the 3000m "Moore Series" with the highest age adjusted average, close to 90%, running the final event to just qualify with the minimum of 5 events.  Here is Kathy at the Nationals.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Photos from the Vets Handicap

ACTVAC Handicap at Central Curtin



Cheeky Ruth

Christopher and Kevin

Carol and Carol