Thursday 17 April 5:30pm at Dickson running 12 x (100m jog, 200m sprint) were Caroline, me, Mairead (new), Rohan (new) and Susan.
Saturday 19 April 9:00am at Acton Ferry Terminal we ran 4k with three Speedyducks: ElDuck, AnnDuck, and DaisyDuck. Then MirandaGoose went on to complete 13k, and ChiefGoose 15k.
Here is Saturday's group of runners, all but Ann who took the photo.
It was a bit hazy Monday morning; autumn has Canberra in its grip now. Monday 21 April at Parliament House Miranda and I ran early; For the main session Christopher was there but didn’t find us; Andy, Andrew, Caroline, Daniel, Ewen, me, Jen, Miranda, Rohan & Ruth ran 12 x 150m uphill intervals on 2 minutes down in “the tunnel”.