Friday, 25 April 2014

The brand new first ever newly designed speedygeese running tops have arrived

... and already they have made their mark. Jen who has bought the shirts, done the design work, and arranged the printing, ran a new BBQ Stakes PB on Wednesday the first time she wore one. It was also her first time under 25 minutes for the undulating 6k course!

"Ran in my new speedy geese top at BBQ stakes today. Must be a lucky top - did a 13 second PB resulting in me getting under the 25 min mark! 24:53!!! Maybe I should have bought more! You too can run your next PB when you are wearing your speedy geese top!!"

Speedygeese Selfie

Jen reports that two tops are still available. A small black tee-shirt loose fit for $42, and a medium to large singlet for $47, pictured. After these go, the minimum order is 10 so Jen will just take names until she gets to the required number.

All I can say is, the tops are brilliant, and we all should get one. Jen has done an awesome job. Let's all show the world who we are! I am anticipating wearing mine in the UK and sending back the occasional photo to prove it.