Thursday, 17 April 2014


Australian Running Festival
Thank you to all the club members who put in the long days helping on either Saturday or Sunday or for helping on both days. Your time and efforts are certainly appreciated. To everyone who participated in an event over the weekend, we hope that you are happy with your performance and in the case of some recovering well.

YCRC Winter Series 2014 commences Saturday 26th April – Rear Campbell Park Offices – Northcott Drive, Campbell.
The first run in our winter program for 2014 starts at 12.45pm. To get to the start/finish line you will need to get to the rear of the Campbell Park Offices on Northcott Drive, Campbell. Northcott Drive comes off Fairbairn Avenue, the road that runs past the front of the Australian War Memorial. As you come along Northcott Drive you will see the Campbell Park Offices, make sure you follow the road around to the right at this point and go as far as you can go. The 2k is our first run followed by 6k at 1pm. These runs are on wide dirt paths and are good for all members of the family.

Kingston Physio West Basin 10 Miler and 5k – 8am Saturday 3rd May
These two events are the first two events of our club point score for 2014. The 10 Miler (16.1k) being for seniors and the 5k for juniors. The events are sponsored by Craig Wisdom and his team at Kingston Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre.
The winner of the senior point score series receives a $100 Runners Shop Gift Voucher and junior winner a $50 gift voucher. The series winners also get their name engraved on our perpetual trophies.
Both runs start and finish in John Cardiff Close at Black Mountain Peninsula.

Jogalong Sunday 4th May 2014
The very popular Jogalong will be held at 9am on Sunday 4th May at Weston Park. The start/ finish area is on the corner of Weston Park Road and Prescott Lane. Events are a 6k handicap event (slower walkers and runners go first), 3k none handicap and a 1.6km mini jog for young children.

First Aid Volunteers
One of the requirements of the Club hiring venues around Canberra is that we have a qualified first aider at each event. If you have such qualifications and are willing to help out on an occasional basis, please contact one of the Club committee so that we can start a roster for the coming winter.

YMCA of Canberra Half Marathon – 17/18th May 2014 - The club will conduct the YMCA of Canberra Half Marathon, Incorporating 45th Annual Rex Foulkes Memorial Half Marathon, and the Saturday events on the weekend of 17/18thth May 2014. The half marathon caters for a two person relay team with each runner running 10.5k or where the first runner is joined at the half way point by a second runner.
I am pleased to announce that Mizuno will once again sponsor this event with six $200 gift vouchers for the purchase of shoes at the Canberra Runners Shop. One voucher will join the early bird prizes listed below. The other five vouchers will be barrel draw prizes for all finishers.
Early Bird prize for all entries received online before COB 28th April 2014 – chance to win one of two $100 The Runners Shop Gift Vouchers.
Online registrations for the half marathon are now open at
Registrations for 2 person relay teams are open at

Ken Eynon/YCRC Committee