Tuesday, 15 April 2014

all the latest race results

Friday 11 April Customs 5k
Jennifer Bright 22:02
Caroline Campbell 28:05

Saturday 12 April Ginninderra Parkrun #103
142 Carolyne Kramar 38:18 W45
155 finishers

Saturday 12 April Tuggeranong Parkrun #60
14 David Clarke 21:27 M55
29 Ewen Thompson 24:04 M55
150 finishers

Saturday 12 April Gungahlin Parkrun #26
63 Margaret McSpadden 29:33 W65
102 finishers

Saturday 12 April Running Festival 5k
740 finishers

Saturday 12 April Running Festival 10k
647 Mick Charlton M60 57:46
1076 Maureen Rossiter W60 67:38
1326 finishers

Sunday 13 April Running Festival 21.1k Half Marathon
116 David Clarke M50 1:32:17
122 Katie Forestier W40 1:32:51
147 Michelle Wells W40 1:34:41
271 Maria O'Reilly W50 1:39:26
521 Liz Bennett W50 1:46:01
2151 finishers

Sunday 13 April Running Festival 42.2k Marathon
359 Lucia Pietropapaoli W30 3:42:45
442 Craig Davis M40 3:49:28
855 Bronwyn Calver W40 4:24:41
907 Ruth Baussmann W60 4:29:44
931 Katherine Sheppard W40 4:32:40
1208 finishers

Sunday 13 April Running Festival 50k Ultra Marathon
198 finishers
See http://fairfax.tiktok.biz/canberramarathon/2014 for all running festival results

 Cheering on Ruth with 5k to go. Photo by Ewen.

What absolutely perfect weather for the marathon after all the wet and windy days we have had recently! Perfect temperature, light breeze, shockingly hilly course. Two out of three 'aint bad. Congratulations to all the finishers, there were some sick and sorry runners towards the back of the field. I am so glad I ran my 50k two years ago rather than now!

 Bronwyn running on. Photo by Ewen.

When I put a photo of Kermit The Frog on my blog two days ago I didn't realise that he would be cycling up and down Banks St at the marathon, or watching from the dog park area. Incidentally the picture included CJ because her old blog name was "Froggie69". I think. Also, the organisers made a big mistake not closing the dog park. It was ridiculous having to let cars through while the runners went out into and back from Weston Park. Maybe next time. Assuming the course is the same, which surely must be questioned too.

Meanwhile back in 1976... my first Canberra marathon... and the fourth I had run.