Tuesday, 31 August 2010

just around the corner

At training last night: Andrew, Brett, Bronwyn, Caroline, Christopher, Colleen, Damian (new), Emma, Ewen, Gabriel (new), me, Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Katherine, Kelley, Kym (new to PH), Miranda, Nadine, Richard, Ruth, Warrick & Yelena. We ran a thirty minute relay around the upper flagpoles, where you are either sprinting diagonally down hill, or along the flags uphill, and crossing over at a jog in between. Seven teams of three, great fun.

And I did get to the gym this morning. Most enjoyable, I am glad I started back. I shall be sore tomorrow I expect!

Stay away from Kings Avenue this Saturday! The National Capital Authority is warning that they’re having a go at building a bridge over Parkes Way at the Russell Roundabout.

Hurrah, winter is almost over and spring is just around the corner.

Monday, 30 August 2010

independent's day?

What's on this week
Monday 30 August
: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training.
Wednesday 1 September: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap.
Thursday 2 September: Dickson 4:00pm long run; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training.
Friday 3 September: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, "Floriade" course.
Saturday 4 September: 8:00am My "Metro runners" group, from Acton Ferry Terminal.
Sunday 5 September: 9:00am ACTCCC Women's Jogalong, Weston Park.
Sunday 5 September: 12:00 High Noon Meet, Bruce Athletic Track.

I will try and get to the gym on Tuesday. Who knows, I might even make it on Friday as well, although that's predicting the future a bit too far ahead.

The Shellharbour Falconer grandchildren

Kayleigh, Will, Alex, Olivia and Jarod visiting us at Kiama at the start of our holiday there last week. It was warm and sunny, not dissimilar to the weather we are starting to experience in Canberra now (until Dickson training on Thursday, no doubt)

Sunday, 29 August 2010

the ten minute mile

Results for 28 August CCC ten mile for speedygeese and metro runners:
20. Yili Zhu 77:11
27. Colleen Koh 81:39
33. Susan Sturgeon 90:48
36. Jeanette Lek 99:39
Veng Hoong Loh 99:39
Geoff Moore 99:39
43 finishers

Results for 29/8 Vets Handicap Mt Taylor 7k
8 Michelle Wells W35 31:14 75.0%
9 Emma Adams W40 30:39 78.1
19 Roger Pilkington M50 31:59 72.8
20 Kathy Southgate W50 29:28 93.3
22 Maria O'Reilly W55 34:36 80.2
25 Nadine Morrison W40 32:43 73.1
26 Yili Zhu M45 33:24 67.8
29 Cathy Newman W45 33:32 77.8
30 Brett Morrison M40 32:20 67.1
36 Jennifer Bright W35 32:34 70.1
37 Alan Duus M60 38:17 67.2
44 Debbie Cowell W50 34:18 77.4
45 Christopher Lang M55 39:24 63.7
52 Caroline Campbell W65 40:30 83.2
53 Margaret McSpadden W60 43:43 70.0
54 Mick Horan M50 33:35 69.3
57 Mick Charlton M55 41:17 60.3
66 Helen Larmour W50 32:34 82.3
75 Neil Boden M55 38:13 65.7
76 Peter McDonald M55 44:42 55.2
79 Ruth Baussmann W60 43:42 67.3
81 Geoff Moore M60 37:46 67.6
89 Janene Kingston W45 45:23 54.6
89 finishers

Results for 29/8 Vets Handicap Mt Taylor 3.5k
6 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee W35 14:59 73.6%
11 Ken White M55 15:06 76.6
13 Cathy Montalto W55 18:40 75.4
17 Graeme Patrick M55 16:20 71.5
18 Katie Forestier W40 14:55 78.4
29 Amanda Walker W40 18:28 62.9
36 Heidi Johnston W35 18:22 61.8
40 finishers

1. Registrations for the Canberra Times Fun Run close today. Register at the website www.canberratimesfunrun.com.au

2. Transition from winter to summer training. I thought I should give everyone advance notice of training arrangements: when Thursday track begins in October, our Thursday training at Dickson will end and weekend training at Stromlo Forest Park will begin. This season Stromlo training will be held on Sundays. The first session will be Sunday 17 October, at 8am. This will continue every Sunday except when the monthly ACTVAC handicap is held.

3. Thanks to Heidi there ia a new ACT Veterans Athletic Club Facebook page.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

some more results

I am busy today but there's time to report on a couple more races:

27 August Customs 5k - this was a return to the Floriade course, and as well as the additional hill there was a cold south-westerly wind off the snow.
Geoff Moore 24:18
Bronwyn Calver 24:29
Colleen Koh 24:31
Caroline Campbell 30:06

In today's ten mile race, Jeanette, Veng & I ran together and smashed the 100 minute barrier. Jeannette & Veng are two of the runners from the ANU who I have been meeting on Saturday mornings.



Friday, 27 August 2010

only seven weeks until track racing starts

Dickson training. A perfect night last night for training but very few turned up, it was somewhat cool but the track was in good shape after all the rain. My plan for coping with a larger training group is starting to look like not being needed? Nevertheless I turned up and jogged around (8k in total, somehow!), while Craig ran long early (12k or so) and had to go after the warm-up, Brett (42!) ran early too then ran part of the first interval, pulling up a bit sore, Nadine ran early and ran two or three of the intervals then left with Brett, Troy arrived at the normal time and did the full training session of 8 x 300 on 4 minutes, Warrick ditto, Susan ditto plus she had arrived slightly earlier so did a longer warm-up. Susan is the winner!

Recent race results: BBQ Stakes 25/8 Helen 28:04, Kerrie 29:50, Roger 31:14, Caroline 37:59.

As indicated above, Brett turned 42 yesterday. Happy Birthday Brett!


Near Kiama from the train. I have 400 photos randomly taken of our Kiama holiday. It was nice to see warm days, green grass, blue skies, and the ocean.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

geese bling

speedygeese in the ACTVAC Half Marathon, Sunday 22 August
5 William Chin 1:53:12
13 Craig Davis 1:39:05
16 Warrick Howieson 1:40:37
3 Michael Horan 1:37:26
5 Roger Pilkington 1:43:08
4 Graeme Patrick 1:52:37
6 Alan Duus 1:54:49
8 Colleen Koh 1:46:36
1 Michelle Wells 1:34:46
3 Jennifer Bright 1:39:08
4 Kylie Malone 1:40:14
10 Katherine Sheppard 1:52:02
1 Emma Adams 1:36:20
2 Nadine Morrison 1:40:46
1 Cathy Newman 1:40:06
2 Charlie McCormack 1:40:48
1 Debbie Cowell 1:42:28
1 Ruth Baussmann 2:06:40
3 Margaret McSpadden 2:06:5

Saturday 21 August
Lotus Bay 2.5k
11. Caroline Campbell W65 14:29
16 finishers
Lotus Bay 5k
10. Kym Chisholm 24:29
13. Geoff Moore M60 29:44
13 finishers

Customs 5k Friday 20 August
Jennifer Bright
Colleen Koh 24:05
Bronwyn Calver 24:07
Geoff Moore 27:18

Half Marathon Presentations
Nadine, Kelley, Elle, Emma, Greg, Jayne. Photo by Kerrie.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Athletics needs officials

Opportunity knocks!

ACTVAC urgently needs members to become qualified officials to help at Track and Field events during the summer season. You can become qualified in ‘Track’, ‘Throws’, ‘Jumps’ or ‘Racewalking’ by attending a seminar to be held in September in conjunction with the winter ‘High Noon’ meets:

Ø       5 September: ‘Track’
Ø       5 September ‘Throws’
Ø       5 September ‘Racewalking’
Ø       19 September ‘Track’ (repeat of 5 September)
Ø       19 September ‘Jumps’
Ø       19 September ‘Racewalking’

All seminars will be conducted by Athletics Australia's ACT Education Officer. There is an initial session of 2 – 3 hours, commencing at 9.30am, followed by a practical session at the High Noon meet on that day.

Participants will receive a copy of the latest IAAF Handbook, an officiating diary and a certificate of attendance. For those that wish to achieve an Athletics Australia qualification, an optional examination will be available 4 weeks after the seminar. The $20 cost per seminar will be met by ACTVAC.

Perhaps you or a family member have been a longstanding participant and are able to contribute your energy and expertise. Or perhaps you have previously been trained as an official and need a little "brushing up". Or maybe you are new to athletics. Everybody is welcome.

This is a great opportunity to learn new skills and practice them with elite athletes at the AIS. It could be the beginning of a pathway that could lead you to officiating at events on the international circuit (Go Aussie!) or just helping out at the occasional ACTVAC track night. The choice is yours.

Please consider attending one or more of these seminars where you will get to know more about our sport, meet people and help your club ensure that Track and Field events are held safely and competently. For questions and nominations contact Paul Archer (secretary@actvac.com , phone 6281 3872).

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

ACTVAC Track and Field preview

The draft T&F Program 2010/2011 can be found at the ACTVAC website under events/calendar ... track and field program.

If you have any comments on the program or events, please contact Ken Smith of the Competition Sub-committee by 10 September – email smith.kenneth.d@gmail.com or phone 0415 653 151.

All regular Track and Field competitors are expected to participate in the roster of officials at least once during the season. Please also let Ken know if you have any preferred date(s) to do duty (1 or more in order of preference if you can), or any times when you will be unavailable.

Monday, 23 August 2010

coming events

Monday 23 August: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Wednesday 25 August: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Thursday 26 August: Dickson 4:00pm long run; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Friday 27 August: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88
Saturday 28 August: 8:00am ACTCCC 10 mile race, Black Mountain Peninsula
Sunday 29 August: 9:00am ACTVAC Monthly Handicap, Mt Taylor

I definitely plan to attend the Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday training and racing.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

40th wedding anniversary - today!

Jenny and I have been married for 40 years. That's us in the picture.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

snail's pace

Some results:
Customs 5k
13 August
Yili 21:20
Bronwyn 23:35
Caroline 27:10
Ruth 28:36

Stromlo Forest Park 5k 14 August
20. Michelle Wells W35 21:31
24. Kym Chisholm 22:35
41 finishers
Conditions - gale force winds!

BBQ Stakes 6k 18 August
Roger 28:02
Kerrie 29:43

Good luck to everyone running in the ACTVAC Half Marathon tomorrow. I will be heading down the coast for a few days with Jenny to continue our 40th Wedding Anniversary celebrations.

Yesterday I ran Customs in 27:18, a world record slow time I think. This is because my hamstring is not better, yet. Usually it comes good after about six weeks, so it won't be long now. There wasn't going to be much point me staying here specially for the Half, was there?

Friday, 20 August 2010

Barton Highway closure

Territory And Municipal Services (TAMS) have announced the impacts of the Barton Highway closure following the GDE Collapse:

"The Barton Highway will be closed at the intersection with Gungahlin Drive for an extended period. Gungahlin Drive will remain open to traffic over the Barton Highway in both directions.

"Please consider using alternate routes until further notice.

"For traffic coming from Gungahlin, please consider using:
– Horse Park Drive and Federal Highway
– Wells Station Drive and Flemington Road
– Sandford Street and Flemington Road
– Gundaroo Drive, William Slim Drive and then onto Ginninderra Drive

"For traffic coming from Hall, please consider using
– William Slim Drive and Ginninderra Drive

"For northbound traffic on Gungahlin Drive, please consider using
– Ginninderra Drive and William Slim Drive
– Ginninderra Drive and Mouat Street

"For traffic coming from Northbourne Avenue, please consider using
– Mouat Street and Ginninderra Drive
– Flemington Road and Wells Station Drive
– Federal Highway and Horse Park Drive

"For more information call Canberra Connect on 13 22 81"

Thursday, 19 August 2010

new joke old joke



A reminder that you CAN tweet me, I'm speedygeese

Wednesday, 18 August 2010


Happy voting on election day!

Monday, 16 August 2010

skating on thin ice

What's on this week:
Monday 16 August
: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Wednesday 18 August: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Thursday 19 August: Dickson 4:00pm long run; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Friday 20 August: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88
Saturday 21 August: 8:00am I run with a group of ANU students from Acton Ferry terminal
Saturday 21 August: 1:00pm ACTCCC Lotus Bay 5k
Sunday 22 August: Veterans Half Marathon, for anyone aged 30 or more. At Stage 88 Commonwealth Park. 3 Starts.
8:00am Blue, for runners who will take two hours and over,
8:30am Red, for runners who will take between 100 and 120 minutes,
9:00am Yellow, for runners who can run the course in less than 100 minutes

Figure skating is a dangerous sport

Although running can be pretty dangerous too.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

eternal exercise

Commonwealth Games: with less than 50 days to go, here are a couple of links:
http://www.cwgdelhi2010.org/ and

What I am viewing – "The Brothers Grimm". I started watching it a few years ago and hated it. I am watching it again and loving it! No idea why the change.

Foot in it. On my run yesterday I told my ANU friends I was going to load all my favourite songs on to my Blackberry before heading off to Adelaide. One said "Oh, your Blackberry can store music?" I said "yes, and it plays music too". They ALL instantly broke up with laughter.

Thort and tweet.
I have succumbed to twitter. Speedygeoff was taken (how dare they!), as was speedygoose, speedy, and spody. So I am "speedygeese". I am but learning, tweet me!

Eternal exercise

And on that note I leave you. I leave you with a few advance posts, I leave you with a few suggested training sessions, and I leave you with Canberra's weather. I shall return briefly in a few days for the re-election before departing again for a few more. Bye-eee!

Saturday, 14 August 2010

escher's dogs

..we're quite alright if we keep looking at the bit we understand...

... but we see through a mirror dimly, or at least I feel I do. Well, we gave our points of view as best we could. Nice work by Ruth and Roger. Good photo, good article too. See today's Canberra Times if you want to read what we said. I avoid discussing politics on this blog if I can, although a bit slips out now and then!

Friday, 13 August 2010


Training last night: Brett, Craig & I ran long at 4:00pm, then we were joined by Troy, Neil, Warrick & Nadine. But the ovals were closed and lights didn't come on, so I sent the others off for a 5k run while I returned to my warm home. At least it didn't rain while we were running!

Baby boomers. Ruth, Roger & I, representing the Baby Boomer generation, were interviewed yesterday for a cross-generational article to appear in tomorrow's Canberra Times. I am looking forward to seeing what is selected for publication! Hopefully our photos and some of our thoughts, faithfully reproduced. Hopefully too we faithfully represented our generation. So much of what you read and see is initiated by people with an axe to grind. For example, letters to the Editor do NOT reflect the views of the silent majority. Of course, we are not exactly a cross section of Baby Boomer opinion. We all three run marathons and train six days a week. What will be interesting is to see what the interviewer makes of us!

Good question: is three years long enough to deliver on policy?

Thursday, 12 August 2010


birthday - Jennifer turns 35 (new agegroup!) this Friday

2010 Youth Olympic Games, in Singapore, on 14-26 August, will be televised on GO! These will be the first Summer Youth Olympic Games, and approximately 3,600 sportpeople will be competing, all aged between 14 and 18 years.

Canberra has the Australian Transplant Games coming up, see the website

Some recent results
BBQ Stakes 4 August
Gary Bowen
Helen Larmour 31:51
Roger Pilkington 31:52
Caroline Campbell 36:41

Customs 6 August
Bronwyn Calver
Caroline Campbell 27:09

BBQ Stakes 11 August
Gary 25:23
Kerrie 32:32
Roger 33:01
Caroline 38:10

The new calendar has been installed onto the ACTVAC website! Something I can be very pleased about. doing things the old way CAN be good, but often there are very big benefits to be gained by embracing the new.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

crocodiles, chickens, and eggs

From the Cross Country Club: "We reported to you in a recent letter that the committee was examining the potential consequences of the adverse judgment against the Club in the Federal Court. We also indicated that it would seem that our fight to save the Canberra Marathon, an event of the Club for over 30 years, would also be lost because of our inability to continue to defend the case which Cundy Sports Marketing has instigated against us under the Trade Practices Act.

"The committee is still working through the implications of the judgment, while looking at ways to preserve the Club’s history and annual program of some 60 events and the ability of the Club to continue to contribute to the Canberra community. With regard to the latter we have for many years supported directly and indirectly many local charities through our support, expertise and equipment.

"While we believe we can save these important characteristics, elements, attributes and programs the Club may none the less be declared bankrupt if CSM pushes for costs, in the knowledge that we have no capacity to pay and appoints a liquidator.

"Thank you to all those members who have contacted the committee and offered support. This has been a difficult time for the committee and hence hearing from so many of you has helped enormously.

"Many of you have asked how you can further support and advocate on behalf of the Club. The ACTCCC is firmly based in Canberra with over 1200 members (children to veterans, elite runners to walkers) and it’s an important part of running history in Canberra having been established almost 50 years ago. CSM is not a local organization being located on the central coast of NSW and the profits from events conducted by them in Canberra are not used to support local running. We believe that it would be extremely helpful if members and the local running community communicated their support for the Club to the ACT Government (GPO Box 1020, Canberra 2601). We need to build on the past 48 years and move to develop and expand to meet future needs. Major events such as the Women and Girls Fun Run (where the Chief Minister is patron) and our autumn events, particularly future running festivals (incorporating a marathon and a half marathon) need recognition and endorsement by the ACT government. Advocating that the Government support the Club at this time and these events could be invaluable to the future of the Club and to preserving the many events that the Club conducts.

"Thank you again for your support and we will keep you informed as events unfold."

My comment: The latest correspondence from CSM includes these words: "It has never been our intention, before/or during these proceedings, to see the Club put in a position where it would cease to exist." and "It was with great sadness that, earlier this year, we were forced to cancel the 2010 Canberra Marathon due to the actions of the Committee". Shakespeare had something to say about crocodile tears, in Henry VI: “...and Gloucester's show Beguiles him as the mournful crocodile With sorrow, snares relenting passengers”

Breaking News: According to recent press releases, the chicken won.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Speedygeese in the City to Surf!

Laurie Cullen 49:10
Tim Calver 55:13
Craig Davis 63:45
Jennifer Bright 65:02
Yili Zhu 65:54
Charlie McCormack 65:56
Cathy Newman 66:11
Debbie Cowell 66:15
Kelley Flood 66:53
Mick Horan 66:53
Warrick Howieson 67:12
Kathy Sims 69:43
Bronwyn Calver 71:12
Adam Robinson 72:03
Ewen Thompson 72:04
Bronia Rowe 72:24
Katherine Sheppard 74:04
David Baussmann 74:11
Richard Frost 75:03
Margaret McSpadden 86:07
Ruth Baussmann 86:37
Peter Hogan 102:31
Thanks Bronwyn for digging out these times.

Training last night
Jodie, Bronwyn trained early over the west side hills, while Rachelle, Jennifer, Ewen & I ran early and for a variety of reasons didn't attempt a hill session. Those who arrived for the main session were Caroline, Christopher, Craig, Emma, Helen, Joel, Leanne, Mick C, Neil, Yelena, Sam & Kerrie. We did a similar session to 19 July where we sprinted distances between 40m and 150m up the main Parliament House hill.
Welcome to "new" runners Kerrie and her daughter Sam.

Monday, 9 August 2010


What's on this week:
Monday 9 August: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training.
Wednesday 11 August: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Thursday 12 August: Dickson 4:00pm long run; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Friday 13 August: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88
Saturday 14 August: 8:00am I run with a group of ANU students from Acton Ferry terminal
Saturday 14 August: 1:00pm ACTCCC Stromlo Forest Park 5k
Sunday 15 August: 12:00 High Noon Meet
12:00 noon 200m/400m hurdles
12:10pm 60m
12:30pm 100m
12:45pm 1500m (run and walk)
1:00pm 400m
1:15pm 3000m (run only)

I am developing a new ACTVAC calendar at http://aus.calendars.net/actvac which you might like to view.

Track & Field Officiating
Training Courses
There will be Track, Field and Race Walking
officiating training course on Sunday  September 5 and/or Sunday September 19,
9.30am at the AIS Athletics Field to coincide
with the final two High Noon Meets.  Each session will run for 2-3 hours and will be followed by a practical officiating session  (the High Noon Meet).
A certificate of attendance and an officiating
diary will be issued to all participants to  enable the achievement of a Level C  Athletics Australia qualification.  
An examination for those interested in  achieving an Athletics Australia C qualification will be held four weeks after the September 19 training course.
The training course cost is $20.
[edit: this cost will be met by ACTVAC].
Register by contacting:
Paul Archer (secretary@actvac.com.au, phone 6281 3872)
It is important that club members participate in this if we are to successfully “go it alone” when we conduct championship events.

Some recent races:
30/7 Customs 5k
Bronwyn Calver
W40 23:49
Caroline Campbell W65 26:36

7/8 Hackett 5k – no speedygeese there! They were all at the City to Surf!

Sunday, 8 August 2010

We didn't get to the City to Surf...

...so I am training up a group of Uni students for the ACT Cross Country Club's ten mile race on 28 August. Yesterday two of us tried out the course. And it was an absolutely beautiful day for a run. We are going to meet at 8am here at Acton Ferry Terminal the next two Saturdays, and then we will be ready to go!

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Results from Oceania

Speedygeese and friends in the Oceania Masters Athletics Championships July 2010 in Tahiti. Conditions: hot!
W65 Half Marathon

3 Campbell, Caroline W67 2:07:47
W55 60 Metre Sprint
2 Burden, Noeline W56 10.05
W70 60 Metre Sprint
2 Collins, Corinne W73 11.12
W75 60 Metre Sprint
2 Larmour, Constance W75 12.11
M60 60 Metre Sprint
5 Maher, Gary M63 8.80
W55 100 Metre Sprint
3 Burden, Noeline W56 16.08
W70 100 Metre Sprint
2 Collins, Corinne W73 18.03
W75 100 Metre Sprint
2 Larmour, Constance W75 19.49
M60 100 Metre Sprint
4 Maher, Gary M63 14.09
W55 200 Metre Sprint
3 Burden, Noeline W56 34.08
W70 200 Metre Sprint
2 Collins, Corinne W73 38.24
W75 200 Metre Sprint
2 Larmour, Constance W75 41.64
M60 200 Metre Sprint
4 Maher, Gary M63 29.12
W55 400 Metre Sprint
2 Burden, Noeline W56 1:20.71
W70 400 Metre Sprint
1 Collins, Corinne W73 1:31.18
W75 400 Metre Sprint
1 Larmour, Constance AUS 1:49.31
M60 400 Metre Sprint
2 Maher, Gary M63 66.82
W65 800 Metre Run
3 Harris, Frances W68 3:49.00
W70 800 Metre Run
1 Collins, Corinne W73 4:10.90
M60 800 Metre Run
3 Maher, Gary M63 2:34.41
W65 1500 Metre Run
2 Campbell, Caroline W67 6:44.22
W65 5000 Metre Run
1 Campbell, Caroline W67 24:42.78
W70 5000 Metre Run
2 Counsel, Suzanne W70 31:51.98
W65 8000 Metre Run
2 Campbell, Caroline W67 42:07.00
W70 8000 Metre Run
2 Counsel, Suzanne W70 47:38.00
W75 8000 Metre Run
1 Mallory, Joan W78 1:03:04.00
The three person W60+ Australian team, of Caroline, Suzanne, and Joan, won team gold.
W55 300 Long Hurdles 76.2cm
1 Burden, Noeline W56 69.41
W65 300 Long Hurdles 68.6cm
1 Harris, Frances W68 1:20.19
M60 300 Long Hurdles 76.2cm
2 Maher, Gary M63 54.75
W65 2000 Metre Steeplechase 76.2cm
1 Harris, Frances W68 12:47.72
W55 Pentathlon
3 Burden, Noeline W56 2389
Noeline’s 800m Pentathlon time is either 3:20.16 or 3:16.19; both are listed!
M60 Pentathlon
2 Maher, Gary M63 2558
Gary’s 1500m Pentathlon time is 6:20.95
That's a lot of medals!

Links to the full results: Track and Field, and Half Marathon.

Friday, 6 August 2010


Training at Dickson last night: our second-last session of 25 minutes of short hill sprints. Craig & I ran 12k+ early. Then sprinting the hills were Alan, Bronwyn, Colleen, Craig, Laurie, Maria, Troy, Warrick & Yelena. My hamstring is improving a little, but each run brings on more soreness. So no hills for me.

Quite a few of the speedygeese are saving themselves for the Sydney City to Surf this Sunday. Bronwyn has posted on her blog a list of entrants including Tim, Laurie, Bronwyn, Kelley, Mick H, Craig, CJ, Heidi (injured, not running), David B, Yili, Ewen, Warrick, Ruth, Kathy S, Jennifer, Peter H. Good luck to all entrants. I hope it is a great day.

What I am watching: "Little Miss Sunshine": won 2 Academy Awards, and shouldn’t have; slightly unpleasant, strongly derivative.

What I am also watching: Red Dwarf 2009 specials, the first of which appeared last night on ABC2. As Arnold Rimmer would say, with appropriate arm gesture, “YES!!!”. The 2009 episodes are bound to become known as "Series 9", because "Series 10" is scheduled for 2011 and there was no official Series 9.

Last weekend's wedding, My nephew Russell and his fiance Basia were married in this awesome Polish Catholic church in Sydney. When I get a round tuit I will put more of my photographs on Facebook.

Finally, I have added "share buttons" to these posts. That's what the symbols below, and at the end of every post, are.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

The best advertisement for our government

... is that the cigarette manufacturers are against them.

Recent Results:
Customs 5k
Jennifer Bright 20:27
Bronwyn Calver 23:48

Women's Jogalong 1/8
Michelle Wells W35 26:37
Debbie Cowell W50 27:46
Helen Larmour W50 27:55
Nadine Morrison W40 28:15

High Noon Meet 1/8
800m Karen Just 2:31.21

Happy Birthday Nadine, 41 today!

Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Yesterday I received a postcard from Carolyne Kramar and Bob Harlow addressed to the speedygeese.

They say: "27 July 2010; Weymouth; Dear Geoff & Jenny & the rest of the Speedy Geese! Having a great time – wish you were training on the English ‘beach’ – dodging sand castles and Punch & Judy. Stay well warmed up and stretch! Carolyne & Bob".

Bob also reported via his facebook page that he ran 1:38:22 in last Sunday's half marathon in Sturminster Newton, Dorset. Conditions were good: overcast and about 21°. The course was undulating, along country lanes the whole way, and 480 finishers. This was his 8th running race so far during his trip to the UK.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

light hearted seriousness

A report on training at Parliament House last night: the ground was slippery in places but the rain held off for the entire training session, whether the early 8k run that Ewen, Ruth, Craig and I did, or the hill sprint session to follow. Present were (12) Bronwyn, Christopher, Craig, Ewen, me, Jodie, Leanne, MickC, Nadine, Neil, Ruth & Susan. Everyone ran 15 x 100m uphill on 2 minutes, Bronwyn and Jodie starting early and finishing as the rest were starting.

Meanwhile Dickson training last Thursday 28 July, present were (10) Alan, Brett, Bronwyn, Craig, me, Joel, Nadine, Neil, Susan & Yelena. We organised teams of three, to run a 25mins relay on a similar figure 8 course on the slope we used the previous week. The teams were Joel/Nadine/Brett, Bronwyn/Craig/Neil, Alan/Yelena/Susan. Runners jogged a circuit after each hard effort.

Here are the speedygeese results from the Bush Capital Bush Marathon events of Saturday

Men 5k run 11 finishers
Men 10k run 16 finishers
Men 16k run 82 finishers
21 Gary Bowen 53 1.15.43
41 Yili Zhu 47 1.25.36
68 Ewen Thompson 53 1.39.27
Men 25k run 58 finishers
25 Craig Davis 41 2.11.55
29 Christopher Lang 59 2.20.14 (ran short but still crossed the finish line???)
40 Michael Horan 51 2.27.10
Men 42k run 25 finishers
11 Roger Pilkington 51 4.12.56
Men 60k run 23 finishers

Women 5k run 17 finishers
4 Yelena Pearson 28 29.26
11 Sharene Hurnen 41 34.32
Women 10k run 17 finishers
Women 16k run 86 finishers
3 Emma Adams 41 1.17.20
21 Annette Sugden 47 1.29.18
40 Susan Sturgeon 36 1.36.08
61 Ruth Baussmann 60 1.44.32
62 Margaret Mcspadden 63 1.44.38
Women 25k run 49 finishers
8 Cathy Newman 49 2.09.57
15 Janene Kingston 46 2.17.19
17 Kylie Malone 37 2.18.08
18 Bronia Rowe 28 2.19.33
36 Katherine Sheppard 39 2.39.59
Women 42k run 14 finishers
Colleen Koh ran but did not finish
Women 60k run 7 finishers
2 Kelley Flood 49 5.51.15

Well done everyone, and I heard conditions were close to perfect, with only a few spots of rain falling towards the end.

What I am reading: "The Complete Father Brown Stories", by G. K. Chesterton. These are short whodunnit stories, and very clever in their approach and their plots. A quote from today's story: "He had a sort of half purpose, which he took just so seriously that its success would crown the holiday, but just so lightly that its failure would not spoil it". That's a good trick if applied to sport!

Monday, 2 August 2010

the race is not to the speedy...

"The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all." - that's from the Bible, Ecclesiastes 9:11

Janene, who ran a meritorious 2:17 Bush Capital 25k on Saturday, went to the track on Sunday and "had a great track debut for 2010/11. Slipped and fell into steeplechase pit as entering the stadium! Seriously swollen, painful and unhappy calf muscle now..." Not good! May you be fully well soon.

Bush Capital Bush Marathon: Preliminary placegetter results only. Full results will take a couple of days to process:
60k ultra:
Males: 1 Damian Smith 5.00.39, 2 David Baldwin 5.04.53, 3 Darren McClellan 5.08.53.
Females: 1 Julie Quinn 5.47.16, 2 Kelley Flood 5:51.15, 3 Sabina Hamaty 5:58:52.
Males: 1 Peter Loveridge 2.46.07 (record), 2 James Savill 3.25.00, 3 Manfred Steiner 3.26.05.
Females: 1 Sarah Carpenter 3.26.38, 2 Sue Archer 3.43.17, 3 Donna Heldon 3.52.36.
: 1 Lennon Wicks 1.39.50, 2 Chris Helliwell 1.43.40, 3 Aaron Coles 1.47.26.
Females: 1 Jodie Barker 1.57.02, 2 Bryony McConnell 2.00.38, 3 Sarah Buckerfield 2.01.56.
: 1 Laurie Cullen 1.01.25, 2 Anthony Scott 1.01.38, 3 Paul Imhoff 1.05.34.
Females: 1 Julia Reed 1.12.57, 2 Sarah Richardson 1.16.48, 3 Emma Adams 1.17.30.
: 1 Julian Suitor 38.45 (record), 2 Sandy Lolicato 41.54, 3 Gordon McGurk 42.58.
Females: 1 Elizabeth Humphries 43:07, 2 Sarah Lonsdale 44.55, 3 Shilpa Dahal 50.12.
: 1 Conor Sproule 18.08, 2 Reuben Cayley 18.44, 3 Callum McCluskey 18.50.
Females: 1 Rebekah Sawkins 21.14, 2 Samantha Gale 27.15, 3 Joanne Cook 29.24.
: 1 Max Willams 8.24, 2 Ben Purdon 9.54, 3 William Roberts 15.15.
Females: 1 Tess Wallace 10.16, 2 Samantha Williams 10.26, 3 Ella Cuthbert 10.32.
Marathon relay:
1 Wherrett/Fitzgerald 3.21.33, 2 Savery/Callaghan/Bettiol/Wyman 4.05.00.

What's on this week:
Monday 2 August
: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Wednesday 4 August: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Wednesday 4 August: 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run, about 12k
Thursday 5 August: Dickson 4:00pm long run; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Friday 6 August: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88
Saturday 7 August: 1:00pm ACTCCC Watson 5k, Antill St Hackett
Sunday 8 August: Sydney City to Surf

Sunday, 1 August 2010

on the road

I have been on the road the last three days, I should be back this afternoon.

Here's a photo of signs on Drake Brockman Drive, around the corner from where I live. Just about sums up Canberra, really. Random signs, no obvious rhyme nor reason, largely ignored. I wish we really could "end roadwork".

Happy Birthday to daughter-in-law Lisa, 36 today!

See you Monday!