Wednesday, 11 August 2010

crocodiles, chickens, and eggs

From the Cross Country Club: "We reported to you in a recent letter that the committee was examining the potential consequences of the adverse judgment against the Club in the Federal Court. We also indicated that it would seem that our fight to save the Canberra Marathon, an event of the Club for over 30 years, would also be lost because of our inability to continue to defend the case which Cundy Sports Marketing has instigated against us under the Trade Practices Act.

"The committee is still working through the implications of the judgment, while looking at ways to preserve the Club’s history and annual program of some 60 events and the ability of the Club to continue to contribute to the Canberra community. With regard to the latter we have for many years supported directly and indirectly many local charities through our support, expertise and equipment.

"While we believe we can save these important characteristics, elements, attributes and programs the Club may none the less be declared bankrupt if CSM pushes for costs, in the knowledge that we have no capacity to pay and appoints a liquidator.

"Thank you to all those members who have contacted the committee and offered support. This has been a difficult time for the committee and hence hearing from so many of you has helped enormously.

"Many of you have asked how you can further support and advocate on behalf of the Club. The ACTCCC is firmly based in Canberra with over 1200 members (children to veterans, elite runners to walkers) and it’s an important part of running history in Canberra having been established almost 50 years ago. CSM is not a local organization being located on the central coast of NSW and the profits from events conducted by them in Canberra are not used to support local running. We believe that it would be extremely helpful if members and the local running community communicated their support for the Club to the ACT Government (GPO Box 1020, Canberra 2601). We need to build on the past 48 years and move to develop and expand to meet future needs. Major events such as the Women and Girls Fun Run (where the Chief Minister is patron) and our autumn events, particularly future running festivals (incorporating a marathon and a half marathon) need recognition and endorsement by the ACT government. Advocating that the Government support the Club at this time and these events could be invaluable to the future of the Club and to preserving the many events that the Club conducts.

"Thank you again for your support and we will keep you informed as events unfold."

My comment: The latest correspondence from CSM includes these words: "It has never been our intention, before/or during these proceedings, to see the Club put in a position where it would cease to exist." and "It was with great sadness that, earlier this year, we were forced to cancel the 2010 Canberra Marathon due to the actions of the Committee". Shakespeare had something to say about crocodile tears, in Henry VI: “...and Gloucester's show Beguiles him as the mournful crocodile With sorrow, snares relenting passengers”

Breaking News: According to recent press releases, the chicken won.