Some results:
Customs 5k 13 August
Yili 21:20
Bronwyn 23:35
Caroline 27:10
Ruth 28:36
Stromlo Forest Park 5k 14 August
20. Michelle Wells W35 21:31
24. Kym Chisholm 22:35
41 finishers
Conditions - gale force winds!
BBQ Stakes 6k 18 August
Roger 28:02
Kerrie 29:43
Good luck to everyone running in the ACTVAC Half Marathon tomorrow. I will be heading down the coast for a few days with Jenny to continue our 40th Wedding Anniversary celebrations.
Yesterday I ran Customs in 27:18, a world record slow time I think. This is because my hamstring is not better, yet. Usually it comes good after about six weeks, so it won't be long now. There wasn't going to be much point me staying here specially for the Half, was there?