Tuesday, 31 August 2010

just around the corner

At training last night: Andrew, Brett, Bronwyn, Caroline, Christopher, Colleen, Damian (new), Emma, Ewen, Gabriel (new), me, Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Katherine, Kelley, Kym (new to PH), Miranda, Nadine, Richard, Ruth, Warrick & Yelena. We ran a thirty minute relay around the upper flagpoles, where you are either sprinting diagonally down hill, or along the flags uphill, and crossing over at a jog in between. Seven teams of three, great fun.

And I did get to the gym this morning. Most enjoyable, I am glad I started back. I shall be sore tomorrow I expect!

Stay away from Kings Avenue this Saturday! The National Capital Authority is warning that they’re having a go at building a bridge over Parkes Way at the Russell Roundabout.

Hurrah, winter is almost over and spring is just around the corner.