Monday, 31 May 2010

release the geese

What's on in the next couple of weeks:
Monday 31 May: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm interval training.
Wednesday 2 June: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Wednesday 2 June: 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run, usually about 12k
Thursday 3 June: Dickson 4:00pm long run; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Friday 4 June: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88
Saturday 5 June: 1:00pm ACTCCC Weston Park Longstaff 8k/Pennington 12k
Sunday 6 June: 9:00am Womens & Girls 6k Jogalong Weston Park
Monday 7 June: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm interval training.
Wednesday 9 June: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Wednesday 9 June: 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run, usually about 12k
Thursday 10 June: Dickson 4:00pm long run; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Friday 11 June: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88
Saturday 12 June: 1:00pm ACTCCC Goorooyaroo 8k
Sunday 13 June: 12noon High Noon meet (800m & 3000m)
Monday 14 June: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm interval training as usual.

6 June is also the Christchurch Marathon in which Janene is competing. I will be in Brisbane running the Queensland Half Marathon that day.

Results Sunday 30 May West Stromlo 7.5k
3 Tony Booth M70 42:12 gold
5 Rod Lynch M50 33:25
12 Warrick Howieson M40 36:21
20 Helen Larmour W50 36:35
25 Christopher Lang M55 42:06
52 Bronwyn Calver W40 41:27
60 finishers

Sunday 30 May West Stromlo 4k
2 Heidi Johnston W35 22:08
4 Jill Pearson W50 22:56
7 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee W35 19:01
9 Gary Bowen M50 17:13
10 Katie Forestier 17:02
17 Neil Boden M55 21:23
19 Amanda Walker W40 19:36
21 Caroline Campbell W65 24:02
36 finishers

5 June Alan 63
7 June Janene 46
9 June Tony 72

Program High Noon Meet Sunday 13 June
12:00pm Sprint Hurdles
12:10pm 60m
12:25pm 100m
12:45pm 800m (run and walk)
1:00pm 200m
1:15pm 3000m (run and walk)

“Release the Geese” – quoted on Doctor Who Confidential on ABC1 last night.

Speaking of the ABC, ABC2 had a special on Lovecraft featuring input from my favourite author Neil Gaiman. (children) and (adults).

Last night I dreamed I was having a long conversation with Art Garfunkel. Later I dreamed it was my second last day at work and I had cut down a tree which caused someone’s computer program to fail because it used something in the treetop to determine where the program was being run, so I had to try and find the help desk, explain what I had done, and leave it up to them to resolve it. I never did find the help dek in the maze of corridors…. Ah, dreams are more real than life sometimes. I suppose this was stimulated by the very good Doctor Who episode, featuring an intelligent and complex storyline, for a change for this series…

Good weather for geese, the May rainfall in our backyard was 85mm so far, most of this in the last couple of days.

Geese you are released for two weeks before I round you up again.

Sunday, 30 May 2010


Running - on Friday I was happy to get well under 21 minutes again for the Customs 5k. Since then I have been a bit slack, yesterday we attending a wedding which took most of the day, and night, today the mud and rain did not look very appealing while staying warm and cosy did. Not to mention that arriving at church straight after a run, miserable and soaking wet, would not be a good plan.

I wonder if there are any more Customs sub 20s left in me?

Meanwhile... I might have to have a Plan D for Monday training if this rain continues. Not that we want the rain to stop... but did you see in the Canberra Times, the inaugural "Capital Punishment enduro" was a quagmire?

Meanwhile... What I am reading... The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman; The Club of Queer Trades by G. K. Chesterton; Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman; Interworld by Neil Gaiman (again); Manalive by G. K. Chesterton... and what I am watching... Alien; M II B; Red Dwarf VI; Delicatessen.

And... I am getting ready for a half marathon race in seven days time. There is an interesting course map... looks like the course has been changed to make even more dog-legs...


It's two laps.

back to Canberra
The four hour train in the National Capital marathon.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

My theme for 2010 - "Touch and Go".

In 2009 the theme was "Transformation" for which I wrote a whole lot of stuff, which you can find via "Labels".

Before that the theme was "180 steps per minute" which I haven't gathered together via "Labels" but now that I have thought to do so, I shall.

2010's theme will be "Touch and Go". I foreshadowed it below in the post entitled "ground time",  where I said I would talk about how to change things so that you and I can run faster!

This time however I am not going to write it myself, I am going to reproduce it from a very good blog written by Steve Magness.

You may have noticed a new link in "My Blog List" called “Science Of Running” in "My Blog List". The author invites us to pass on his research, so I am doing that. I recommend that you read through some of his other articles, and keep an eye out for his new posts. This looks like the most valuable new resource to emerge for some time.

So for the next two weeks (starting on Tuesday) I am going to reproduce some of Steve's work. Please note that Steve Magness writes in his blog: "If you found this article to be informative, I'd appreciate it If you passed it along” and I have taken him at his word.

The three hour pacer
I have heard a lot of positive feedback about the marathon pacers, all three were very much appreciated.

Marathon running styles
With the "Touch and Go" articles, I will be publishing many of the photos of us running the marathon and half marathon. You can decide whether the various running styles look good or not!

Friday, 28 May 2010

a mild night at Dickson

Training at Dickson last night: mild with no breeze, perfect for running. Craig & I went early, then we were joined by Brett L, Brett M, Bronwyn, Colleen, Jen, Kym, Michelle, Nadine, Roger, Susan &  for the track session under lights. For the last time this season we ran 4 x 2 laps in lane 4, handicapped, on about 8 minutes. Most runners have reported some improvement over the weeks we have been doing that session. Next week we are going to move to shorter faster work with a higher proportion of rest between the repeats. Mondays too, under lights too!

Peter, Ruth, Roger at the Two Sisters restaurant, Dickson, two weeks ago.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Neologisms #7

I was sent these, thank you to the sender! If you want to see the full set of neologisms, check out "Labels", which you will find at the bottom of the right hand side column.

Neologisms #7
Excommunicated: Received a phone call from a former spouse
Protestants: Worker ants out to overthrow the Queen
Fanatic: To cool off the extreme upper portion of the house
Cauterize: Made eye contact with her
Donkey: Object that unlocks door to Godfather's home
Icing: What I do when I shower
Understudy: Prepare inadequately for the exam
Current: The fee charged by Rent-A-Mutt
Paradise: What you shoot craps with
Store Detective: Counter spy
Cannibal: A guy who goes into a restaurant and orders the waiter
Infantry: A newly planted sapling

The lovely Yelena says "Hi" to everyone! After 2.5 years of good health, she had to stop running to let her ITB recover, and now when it looked like she was OK to resume training, she got sick! We wish her a speedy recovery, after all, we ARE the speedy geese.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

My personal take on the ACTVAC AGM

The annual general meeting of the ACTVAC was held last night. There were about 50 or so members present - a 10% turnout, which I guess reflected the lack of anything particularly contentious on the agenda. For most of the first hour Dick Telford addressed the meeting, telling us some of his story and amusing us with his stories. He is an engaging speaker. Then we heard and accepted all the reports without too much discussion; although there are always differences of opinion around the budget whenever it is proposed that fees and charges be increased. however trivial those increases might be. Last night was no exception, but discussion was not all that heated. Any opposition to the small increases was deflected, ironically I would say, by a proposed amendment to make the increases higher. The amendment was defeated and we ended up with Nick's budget accepted without change. A good result. Then we elected our new office bearers, and I am delighted that six of the ten are members of the speedygeese, which reflects well on our group in that so many of us have volunteered to serve the club in this way. Finally there was one bit of controversy, with some members strongly for the club running its own T&F championships, and others strongly for continuing to combine with AACT as we have done in the last couple of years. There are good arguments on both sides, and my personal view is (a) if we continue to combine with AACT there are a number of issues that need to be sorted out (b) if we don't combine with AACT we need to get up to speed with officials qualifications, and (c) we need to state both sides of the argument and put it to club members for feedback, and do this quickly, e.g. by end July.

The new committee for 2010-11 is:
President: Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee
Vice President:
Craig Wisdom
Secretary: Paul Archer
Treasurer: Nick Blackaby
Heidi Johnston
Janene Kingston
Christopher Lang

Duncan Macnicol
Roger Pilkington
Kathy Sims

Some potentially controversial subjects never came up, e.g. our new website wasn't mentioned except for a couple of trivial teething issues, there was no mention of any redevelopment issues. And there was no mention of our new uniform proposals. Nor any searching questions about subcommittee operations. I think this all means that people are very happy with the way the club has been managed under former President Christopher and the out-going committee.

It was quite a good meeting, as these meetings go. Some hilarious moments, but that's normal for AGMs.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

ground time

For the last couple of years I have been suggesting that the many of the speedygeese focus on increasing their running tempo, with the goal of moving along at 180 - 190 steps per minute in their races whether they be short, middle, or long distance, and adjusting their stride length accordingly. This year I thought I might approach this from a different direction, and emphasise the desirability of minimising ground time; the amount of time the foot lingers on the ground when running fast. So stay tuned.

Last night we ran at Parliament House with light rain pending but never really arriving. Four of us ran early; Jen & Rachelle, who didn't stay for the later session; and Andy & I. Then we were joined by Bronwyn, Craig, Emma, Helen, Jodie, Julia (new), Karen, Katherine, Kathy, Neil,   & Warrick for a final session of 3 x 950m stopping at one or more exercise stations on the way around. Helen introduced everybody and remembered every single name, not stumbling once. Wow! Though I guess as she is a teacher, she has had practice recalling names.

Tonight is our athletic club's annual general meeting. I am looking forward to that one! I hope all the good guys get elected, it depends on who turns up to do the electing. All being well, you will read here tomorrow a report from my/our perspective.

Speedygeese in the ABS Fun Run Wednesday 19 May
26 Katie Forestier 29:06
46 Ken White 30:34
90 Bronwyn Calver 34:00
147 Neil Boden 37:05
574 finishes
Needless to say, given that I worked in the ABS all my working life and organised many of the first Fun Runs there, I recognised many of the finishers' names!

Brett, Nadine, Craig, Maria. Photo by Janene.

Monday, 24 May 2010

sixty candles

Happy Birthday Ruth!
Sixty today!
What's on this week: (updated Mondays)
Monday 24 May:
Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm interval training.
Wednesday 26 May: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Wednesday 26 May: 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run, usually about 12k
Thursday 27 May: Dickson 4:00pm long run; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Friday 28 May: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88
Saturday 29 May: 9:00am I run with a novice group from Acton Ferry Terminal
Saturday 29 May: 1:00pm ACTCCC Campbell Park 6ik
Sunday 30 May: 9:00am Vets Handicap, West Stromlo

Results BBQ Stakes 6k 19 May
Roger Pilkington 27:13
Gary Bowen 25:40
Helen Lamour 27:46

Results Customs 5k 21 May
Geoff Moore 20:27
Bronwyn Calver 23:52

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Don't sit around

There's plenty of good we can do.

ACTVAC annual general meeting.
Please come to the club’s Annual General Meeting with special guest speaker Professor Dick Telford OAM. Dick is one of Australia’s top coaches (currently the High Performance Coach in Long Distance Running for Athletics Australia) and in great demand as an entertaining and motivating speaker. Tuesday 25 May, Orion Room, Canberra Southern Cross Club Woden, 7:30pm sharp. I even have a job; handing out membership cards!

Canada Fun Run
Cancer Council ACT in conjunction with the Canadian High Commission will hold the annual Canada Fun Run on Sunday 20 June 2010. You are invited to assist in raising funds for cancer research by taking part this year. Without your fantastic support the Canada Fun Run would not be the success that it is, raising an incredible $33,000 in 2009.
Canada and Australia both share a dedication to cancer research and while advances are being made in both countries, it is vital that we continue to raise funds for this important cause. Cancer is a leading cause of death in Australia and ongoing research into this disease is our best hope of reducing the risk. All funds raised will go directly to Cancer Council ACT.
If you wish to participate please register online at
Should you have any questions please call us on 6257 9999.
We look forward to seeing you at this year’s Canada Fun Run.

2010 Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival
Australian Mountain Running Association
Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival, Canberra, 31 July 2010
Online registration at the above website is now available for this year's Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival on 31 July 2010. The program of events is:
7.30am Early bird start for slow runners in 60km ultra and 42km marathon
8.30am Bush marathon 42.2 kms; marathon relay; 60km ultra; 25km bush walk
9.00am 25km bush run
9.30am 16km bush run and 16km bush walk
12.00pm 5km run and walk
12.40pm Under 13 years 2km children’s run
1.00pm 10km run and walk
The organisation and courses are basically the same as in previous years. However, there have been several improvements made this year:
1. If you have 2 or more family members or friends or relay team members you wish to enter using the one credit card payment, the online registration now offers the option of specifying how many persons (up to 5) you wish to enter and then registering all of them sequentially in the one entry process.
2. There is now a 20% discount for online family entry (2 parents & 1 or more children under 20, or 1 parent and 2 or more children under 20).
3. There is a 10% discount if you enter by 15 June. It will be greatly appreciated if you can enter as soon as possible as this greatly assists in race organisation planning for drink stations, portaloos, pre-event postage of chest numbers to all participants, and provision of race mugs and apparel.
4. Event T shirts: White Coolmax T shirts with navy blue panels are on sale as part of online registration for $35. These must be ordered before 12 noon on 19 July. No orders will be accepted after that date.
5. The 60 km ultra running course has been greatly improved, with last year's long bitumen section along Mulligans Flat road replaced with a scenic, fully off road trail in Mulligans Flat reserve, with the turnaround at the picnic area carpark entrance to the reserve in the suburb of Forde.
6. On the event website, an online VOLUNTEERS button has been added to make it easy for volunteers to register to help. An event like this with an expected 600+ participants needs many helpers. If you are injured/ill this year but would be happy to help out, please register as a volunteer online. You will be given a choice of a bottle of wine or an event T shirt plus a race mug for helping.
This is the principal fund raising event for the Australian mountain running teams each year and the organisation is on a fully voluntary basis to raise funds. The Australian teams receive no government financial support and this year the World Mountain Running Championships will be in Slovenia and the World Long Distance Championships in the USA, costing about $4000 per person. Please encourage friends and others to run or walk in one of the BCBM Festival events: 2k, 5k, 10k, 16k, 25k, 42k, 60k & 42k relay runs and 5k, 10k , 16k and 25k walks.
The Australian Mountain Running Association organises free power walks and runs up Mt Ainslie (12.45pm, first Tuesday of each month, 2.3kms) and Black Mountain (12.45pm, third Tuesday of each month, 2.6kms) and everyone is welcome. See the website for full details.
The ACT Cross Country Club has a weekly program of events where everyone is welcome. See
Orienteering ACT has events each Wednesday and Saturday and most Sundays. If you don't know how to read a map or use a compass, you can try an easier course and a helper will give you instructions before you go out. See
The ACT Rogaining Association has a fabulous training event on 30 May, the 5 hour Metrogaine where you can stroll, walk or jog around the streets and bushland areas of South Canberra and the Woden Valley for up to 5 hours from 10am, either as an individual or in a team of 2 to 5 persons. See The start/finish is at a scout hall in Deakin.
Other events. See
In respect of Canberra events, the usual Canberra calendar of AMRA events late in the year has been re-arranged as follows:
23 October Mt Majura Vineyard 1/2/3 Peaks, 12k, 20k, 26k
7 November Deep Space Mountain Marathon events, Namadgi National Park: 8k, 19k, 25k, 44k
12 December Black Mtn Challenge, Canberra, 4.8k (a Woden Harriers event)
19 December Tour de Mountain, Woden Valley, Canberra, 9k, 17k, 25k
22 January Orroral Valley Classic, Namadgi National Park: 3k, 8k, 20k, 32k
Each event caters for walkers as well as runners
Other information
There are regular news updates on the AMRA website and a calendar of great trail running events around Australia.
John Harding
Australian Mountain Running Association (AMRA)
Ph 0427 107 033

Saturday, 22 May 2010

running is for the birds

There seem to be "too many birds" around on these early Canberra morning runs. ;) Galahs squawking, cockatoos screeching, ducks and ducklings feeding next to the lake's running paths, Currawongs fighting over food, and so on. It was such a beautiful morning today for running along a serene Lake Burley Griffin, taking in the sights and sounds of nature.

Yesterday was a 20:23 5k Customs run; that's better! Tomorrow I am meeting a group at 8:30am at the rowing shed on Black Mountain Peninsula for a quick run around West Basin. It's all good!

Friday, 21 May 2010

lights will guide you home

Last week's Customs 5k times
Geoff Moore 21:43
Yili Zhu 21:46
Kym Chisholm 21:54
Bronwyn Calver 23:27
Caroline Campbell 27:03

I will have another attempt at running a decent time today. It's always a challenge after Thursday night training! Last night Craig and I ran long at 4pm, then at 5:30pm the group did its two-lap handicap intervals. For some reason the numbers were well down; I am not aware of what took some away, except for Ruth doing a Ewen and avoiding us around her birthday time. Speaking of birthdays, happy birthday Kathy Sims, 59 today! Last night conditions were excellent for running and the lights were bright! Surely not too cold to play outside for an hour or so. Training were Bronwyn, Craig, me, Janene, Jen, Margaret, Maria, Michelle, Neil, Roger &  . Roger ran along at the speed of sound and I had to keep re-handicapping him. Talk about speedy, Roger also did a Ewen and took off without returning to Maria her car keys before she could intercept him.

Maria after her marathon. I hope she and her little green car got home alright last night.

I do not see too well in the dark. On Wednesday it was a good thing Jennifer Bright had her torch, and that she was prepared to wait for me at the hardest parts to show me the way.

Jennifer Langton had her 39th birthday a few days ago. She sent me some funny pictures which I will post, starting with ...

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Brett - school champion

Dickson training tonight and next week will be the last of the "two lap handicaps", before we move on to the next phase of training. Here is the current list of start times:
0:30 Caroline, Margaret
0.40 Ruth, Susan, Yelena
1.00 Alan, Colleen, Neil, 
1.10 Craig, Janene, Maria
1.20 Bronwyn, Kym
1.30 Brett M, Nadine, Roger
1.40 Brett L, Michelle
1.50 Jen, Karen
2.00 Joel, Troy

Subject to Change

And as people get faster and slower from week to week, the starts vary accordingly. We do four handicap runs altogether, the finish time for everyone should be about 5 minutes, and the clock starts again after about three more minutes.

Young Brett has been doing well, especially considering he is less than half the age of the next youngest participant on Thursday nights. Brett won his school cross country and has got through to ACT schools which will be held on 31 May at SFP. He is keen to keep his training going!

Brett L

Brett's Mom

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

more marathon finish images

Roger bringing home the 4 hour group

Ruth running in. Not quite keeping up with Roger, maybe next time!

When Ruth runs her next race she will be a W60. Happy birthday!

And I have heard a report that Sharene completed the North Face 100 in 22:22.18. Amazing!

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

pond, flood, ocean

Amy Pond is my new pin-up girl. I would hate to think she might be phased out before the end of this series of Doctor Who?

But Kelley Flood is my hero!

Great Ocean Road 45k official results
Kelley Flood 3:43:02 (marathon split 3:26:48)
Michael Thompson 3:47:01.77 (marathon split 3:29:33)
Elle Knight 4:05:26 (marathon split 3:46:29)
Mick Horan 4:16:20 (marathon split 3:58:41)
I was telling the training group last night that Kelley had run 3:48 but actually it was 3:43! I also said she won the W50s but actually she won the W45s. Not my error, what can you rely on these days when the official website tells lies??? Kelley, winning the W45s is even better than winning the W50s! What a performance.

Thorn between two roses

Last night we enjoyed another great training session, 19 runners at Parliament House. First we were warned not to train on the fore-court, we never do, that's only the personal trainers doing their thing; then we ran the second last of our 950m intervals around the exercise circuit; a couple of runners opted out and ran under the lights on the road rather than risk running off the lower track in the dark. Christopher did well remembering names as he did the introductions this week. Participating were Andrew, Bronia, Bronwyn, Caroline, Christopher, Colleen, Craig, Emma, Ewen, me, Helen, Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Neil, Rachelle, Richard, Ruth &.

Monday, 17 May 2010

I want to spend the rest of my life alive

More like a torrent than a flood
Yesterday our long distance star Kelley Flood won the W50 division of the Great Ocean Road marathon, her time 3:43.02, her marathon split 3:26.48. Fantastic running!

North Lyneham 6.2k Saturday 15 May
Michelle Wells W35 27:56
Ewen Thompson M50 31:59
Thea Zimpel  33:29
46 finishers

North Lyneham 3.1k
Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee 13:44 
41. Geoff Barker 18:52
Thea Zimpel  22:02
49 finishers

Song of the week: Mess Of Me, by Switchfoot, from their album Hello Hurricane:

What's on this week: (updated Mondays)
Monday 17 May
: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm interval training. Bring a torch!
Wednesday 19 May: 12:15pm ABS Fun Run
Wednesday 19 May: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Wednesday 19 May: 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run, usually about 12k
Thursday 20 May: Dickson 4:00pm jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Friday 21 May: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88
Saturday 22 May: 9:00am I run with a novice group from Acton Ferry Terminal
Saturday 22 May: 1:00pm ACTCCC Isaacs Ridge 8k
Sunday 23 May: there will be an early long run, time/place tba
Sunday 23 May: High Noon Meet, AIS Athletic Track
  • 12:00pm Long Hurdles 200m/400m
  • 12:15pm 60m
  • 12:30pm 100m
  • 12:50pm 1500m (run and walk)
  • 1:05pm 400m
  • 1:20pm 3000m (run only)

  • Coaching plan: This week and next, both Mondays and Thursdays, longer intervals, then in two weeks time we start into speed-endurance training.

    Gateway Bridge
    This was the scene yesterday as runners and walkers welcomed the duplicated Gateway Bridge in Brisbane. Hopefully this will resolve what have been some massive bottleneck problems there. I might be driving over the new bridge in June.

    There is nothing to Crow about in footy results at home, but I am certainly celebrating Chelsea's FA Cup win!

    Sunday, 16 May 2010

    30 consecutive City to Surfs

    This will be my thirtieth consecutive year of not competing in Sydney's Annual City to Surf. I did run the City to Surf on three occasions back in the seventies but have managed to avoid it ever since. For a start, two words, Sydney pollution. Also, two more words, too hot. After a lovely Canberra winter with sub-zero running mornings, standing just within eyesight of the start line for an hour or so in a tightly packed crowd as the temperature ascends beyond my comfort zone does not appeal. And the prospect of sprinting the first 5k or so only to pass fat people jogging along together who clearly decided to avoid the rush at the start and join in along the way is an experience I don't wish to repeat.

    So, non-running friends, please don't ask me if I am running in "the" City to Surf. There are many other events on offer which are more gruelling, more fun, fairer competition. On the plus side though, the buzz at the start is exciting, as is the roar of the crowd as the run gets underway, and it is the one Sunday morning each year where runners take over those roads and cars are kept off them. If I am to live long enough I hope to achieve 70 consecutive City to Surf Did-Not-Starts. Long live the City to Surf.

    Friday, 14 May 2010

    teeth grit

    Dickson training: Colleen, Craig & I ran early, ~12.8k, then we were joined by Alan, Brett L, Brett M, Bronwyn, Caroline, Joel, Kym, Margaret, Maria, Michelle, Nadine, Neil, Roger, Ruth, Susan, Troy &  for our 4 x 2 laps in lane 4, handicapped. Couldn't quite get the handicaps right; the supposedly "slow" runners were too fast and the fast runners didn't get faster.

    Seen at Dickson last night
    Brett - Carlton supporter "happily" wearing Bronwyn’s Collingwood shirt after losing a bet

    Thursday, 13 May 2010

    What if it's too cold to run?

    Cold weather running
    I laughed when I heard the weather reporter say that the Sydney minimum last night was a “very cold eleven degrees”.  If that were our minimum here in Canberra I would be running outside in T-shirt and shorts, thankful for the mild conditions.

    It can be very cold here, but still, I prefer running in cold weather than in hot. It is easier to warm yourself up than it is to cool yourself down. On top of that, Canberra isn’t usually cold in the extreme, although visitors from elsewhere in Australia seem to think so. Generally, cold weather makes running easier.

    What should we do when it is truly “very cold”, when the mercury drops to zero degrees Celsius or below, and when the wind chill factor comes into play? What steps can we take to protect ourselves and keep ourselves warm?

    Cold weather running tips
    1. Wear a series of thin layers. And close to your skin, you’ll need material that is warm and does not retain moisture.

    2. I wear a beanie which covers the ears, and I wear gloves. The ears and wrists always feel the cold the most if not protected. If not too cold I don’t worry about track pants, but for extra protection I sometimes go with an extra layer of underwear.

    3. Over-heating can still occur when it is cold! As you warm up through running, peel off each layer before you start sweating. Too much sweat accumulation might freeze and cause problems.

    4. It may be advisable to warm-up indoors before venturing outside. You may start off inside a gym, jog in place, use exercise machines to get started (cycle, rowing, stepper, etc.). Before you start sweating, head on outside and you’ll have a reservoir of warmth to get you down the road.

    5. Start your run going into the wind. This allows you to come back with the wind behind you, and if you tire or get sore and have to slow down towards the end of the run, you will be less cold.

    6. If your outer garment has long sleeves it is easier to remove and tie around your waist as you heat up. Or you could consider dividing your run into two sections and ducking inside in between, where you might want to remove an outer layer or two.

    7. Run where there is shelter available. Getting caught in the open in hail, freezing wind and rain, or lightning is no fun at all.

    8. Remember to drink. As cold as you might think it is, you will still be sweating and you will still need to replace fluids. And also, remember to eat. You actually use up more muscle glycogen in cold weather than you do in hot weather.

    9. Don’t worry about breathing in cold air. Your lungs will not freeze; just keep moving and everything will be alright!

    10. I often go for a long run just before joining my training group for interval work. The trick is to have a towel and a change of clothes ready to be put on between sessions. It is so nice to have a dry comfortable running shirt, not to mention a new beanie and gloves, it makes it so much easier to start up again and run those few extra ks.

    See you at Dickson tonight. 4:00pm for a long run if you wish to join me; 5:30pm for interval training under lights that are so bright they give the illusion of warmth. Bring a change of clothes or two!

    Ruth and Yelena at the speedygeese dinner

    Wednesday, 12 May 2010

    attack goose

    Time for action! If at all possible you should come to the ACTVAC AGM and vote for Rachelle for club President. And vote for the people you want in other committee positions too. If you don't come along and vote, the best that could happen is an unworkable committee. And the worst, a stuffed club. So it is no good just saying you support the idea of a good committee. You have to actually turn up and prove it!

    An added attraction is the outstanding coach and mentor, Dick Telford, who will be guest speaker.

    Warrick at the speedygeese dinner
    photo by Ruth

    Tuesday, 11 May 2010

    ten reasons to date a thrower

    Some recent speedygeese race results
    BBQ Stakes 6k 5 May
    Gary Bowen 26:47
    Helen Larmour 27:50
    Roger Pilkington 30:59
    Caroline Campbell 37:21
    Sharene Hurnen 39:44

    Customs 5k 7 May
    Geoff Moore 21:00
    Yili Zhu 22:00
    Caroline Campbell 27:26
    Sharene Hurnen 31:29

    Website: there is now a lunchtime running website at

    Anzac Relay 24 April
    Jen Lee 14:37 and 16:51
    Karen Just 15:49

    Current reading:
    Yesterday I read “Interworld” – another excellent short story by Neil Gaiman
    Today it’s “Don’t Panic: Douglas Adams & the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” – also by Neil Gaiman, the updated 2009 version.

    Ten reasons to date a thrower.
    10 Girls, throwers have iron balls
    9. They can do "The Glide" just right ;]
    8. They let out a scream or grunt at the end. (you know you like it)
    7. They have big hearts, big stomachs, along with other things ;)
    6. They know how to get a lot of power from their hips
    5. Unlike runners, throwers are never in a rush to get to the finish
    4. They have a go three times
    3. Runners brag about their times, throwers brag about their length
    2. Throwers get a good grip every time
    And 1. They know how to THROW… a party

    Record Field
    The speedygeese also know how to party. At last night's party we celebrated our good performances for the track season, and in the marathon. There was a record field of 35.

    And the winners were...
    Brett and Nadine shared the prestigious Kit Kat award for being the most improved runners through summer. And Michelle the Turkish Delight award for an outstanding run in the marathon.
    Now bring on winter training!

    Monday, 10 May 2010

    Tribute to Mothers

    Around Australia yesterday there were races to celebrate Mothers Day and to raise money for breast cancer research.

    Mothers Day Classic 10k Canberra
    88 Jennifer BRIGHT 45:25
    327 Susan STURGEON 53:18
    590 Katherine SHEPPARD 61:32

    Mothers Day Classic 5k Canberra
    18 Katie FORESTIER 19:48
    22 Emma ADAMS 20:02
    23 Ken WHITE 20:05
    41 Amanda WALKER 21:22
    43 Karen JUST 21:31

    Recovery from the marathon: just to reinforce the message I have been giving to all the marathon finishers - it takes a good four weeks to fully recover from a marathon, sometimes longer. The trick is to avoid, especially in the first week or two, sprinting or flat out racing. The danger is, you sometimes feel good within the first week or two and are tempted to race, and can race quite well. But you then pay for it.

    The marathon has damaged you physically and you need to ensure sufficient time passes for the damage to repair.

    In summary:
    Do resume normal training as soon as possible
    Do run slower than usual in training for a week or two
    Don't do any sprinting in training for four weeks
    Don't schedule any full effort races until four weeks after the marathon.

    The penalty for disregarding this?
    You pay for it by experiencing more tiredness and fatigue, soreness, injury, illness, and an extended recovery period of months instead of weeks.

    What's on this week(updated Mondays)
    Monday 10 May speedygeese dinner 7:30pm Two Sisters Dickson, no formal training session today. 
    Wednesday 12 May 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap 
    [Edit]Wednesday 12 May 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run, usually about 12k 
    Thursday 13 May: Dickson 4:00pm jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training 
    Friday 14 May: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88 Saturday 15 May: 9:00am I will run from Acton Ferry Terminal 
    Saturday 15 May: 1:00pm North Lyneham 6.2k 
    [Edit]Sunday 16 May: there will be an early long run, time/place tba

    Sunday, 9 May 2010

    grandmother runs marathon

    Speedygeese in the Running Festival 5k Fun Run
    24 20:19 Ken White
    48 24:02 Ewen Thompson
    7 20:02 Katie Forestier
    12 22:12 Amanda Walker
    56 32:08 Marilyn Banfield

    I have booked for 36 at Two Sisters Monday night at 7:30pm. For a fabulous feast. Remember there won't be any Parliament House training this Monday only.

    On my 22k run this morning I ran past the starting area of the Mother's Day Fun Run, about ten minutes before start time. Quite a large crowd waiting to run; there was a 10k and a 5k option. Happy mothers day to all mothers, or all who have mothers. Or both.
    Ruth (a grandmother) out-sprints Katherine (a mother) in the National Capital marathon. Both were more than happy to finish in one piece.

    Saturday, 8 May 2010

    grandchildren week

    Alex was 7 on Monday.
    Amelie was 5 yesterday.
    Olivia is 5 tomorrow.
    Jarod won his school cross country and was 5th in Zone so goes to District in a few weeks time.
    Kayleigh won her school cross country and went to a gym comp in Melbourne so missed out on Zone where she would have done no worse than 4th had she run.
    Josiah's footy team have won their first two Australian football games, I watched today to see them beat good opposition by about 64 to 30, Josiah scored 1:1 and laid some excellent tackles on the backline.
    I am sure the other 5 grandchildren are doing well too!

    Meanwhile I seem to be running OK, I haven't let up on my training since Sunday's half and ran yesterday's 5k in 21:00, it took a bit of effort but I still had a rare sprint left in me at the end.

    Tomorrow I plan to run 20-22k from the Zoo at 7am.

    Friday, 7 May 2010

    track training resumes

    Monday's speedygeese dinner - today is the very last day to RSVP. I have 32 names of people definitely going, and 4-8 others who weren't sure yet...

    Dickson training - a session of 4 x 2 laps in lane 4, handicapped. Those who'd run on the weekend were given an earlier start and advised to run slower than usual!. Present were Alan, Brett L, Brett M, Bronwyn, Caroline, Craig (early run only), me (early run), Janene, Jen, Margaret, Michelle, Nadine, Neil, Roger, Ruth, Troy, Yelena, and Louise (cookies only!) Louise is awesome, first female outright in the ultra last Sunday. Back-marker Troy ran into traffic on his last interval I noticed, there are two or three other groups using the oval and the football crowd are not particularly lane-aware.
    Next time, I will get Alan and Brett M to start back one group, most of the rest will stay (for now) on their original starts. Except - I will spread out the slower runners more - looks as if par will be 5 minutes next time. (Those who ran will understand what I mean).

    BBQ result from Wed 28 April
    Gary Bowen
    26:25 (winner)
    Bob Harlow 29:51
    Roger Pilkington 30:30
    Caroline Campbell 37:15

    Any Anzac Relay result has not yet appeared.

    Bronia's awesome marathon debut

    Thursday, 6 May 2010

    Kylie Malone's Magnificent Maiden Marathon

    Kylie Malone

    One of the many excellent performances by speedygeese runners on Sunday.

    Yesterday Jenny and I went to see Micmacs at Dendy. Another brilliant movie from the maker of Delicatessen, Amelie, and A Very Long Engagement, all three of which were extensively referenced in Micmacs. Yet another film to add to my favourite five-star film list!

    “Living a long and happy life means embracing the idea of getting old” – Geoff Moore. Yes I’m quoting myself yet again!

    Wednesday, 5 May 2010

    the next half marathon

    I will be entering the Queensland Half Marathon on 6 June. Because, hurray, the website is finally up. And I plan to have run-in my new shoes by then. (That's a triple-pun, by the way. Run in, run-in, Run Inn. See the website if you don't quite get it)

    62? That’s half my lifetime short of 93!” – Geoff Moore. Yes I’m quoting myself!

    Michelle Wells' brilliant marathon run

    Saturday's cross country has been cancelled. There were to have been some relays at Stromlo Forest Park but they have been called off.

    Tuesday, 4 May 2010

    may the fourth be with you

    Monday night training: Rachelle, Jen, and Jennifer ran early & left (Jennifer looked pretty good for only one day after a marathon); Craig and I ran early and continued on; Andy, Emma, Helen, Joel, Karen, Kathy, Leanne, Neil & Yelena joined in for a second week of km intervals around the exercise circuit at Parliament House; one familiarisation lap then three laps fast with a bit of a jog in between; each lap runners stopping at one of the exercise stations of their choice. Then we all enjoyed some birthday champagne. The singing of ♫ ♪ "happy birthday" ♫ ♪ was more tuneful than usual because I was listening and not joining in!

    May the fourth birthdays. Together with three of my facebook friends, Leanne Lade, Michelle Southwell, and William Chin, I share Alice Liddell's birthday! May the fourth be with you! If you don't know or have forgotten who Alice Liddell is, wikipedia her. Alice in Wonderland is one of my favourite books and is set on 4 May.

    Marathon running: "It is not gymnastics or ice skating you know." - Emil Zatopek, when asked about his tortured expression during races.

    The three hour train
    Photos by Kerrie Tanner

    I can see that reports were true, a good number of runners used the pacers. (I was the pacer organiser). This is a pleasant surprise; I hadn't expected all that many would be tagging on to the three hour pacer.

    Monday, 3 May 2010

    bring a torch

    What's on this week: (updated Mondays)
    Monday 3 May
    Parliament House 4:30pm jog, 5:30pm speedygeese interval training, bring a torch
    Wednesday 5 May 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
    Wednesday 5 May 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run, usually about 12k [edit: 5:30pm this week?]
    Thursday 6 May: Dickson 4:00pm jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
    Friday 7 May: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, Stage 88
    Saturday 8 May: 9:00am I run at the ANU
    Saturday 8 May: 1:00pm ACTCCC Parlouf relays, Stromlo Forest Park. CANCELLED
    Sunday 9 May: 7:00am I will run long from the Zoo.
    Sunday 9 May: Mothers Day Classic.
    Note - Monday 10 May is our group dinner; no Parliament House training that day. If you haven't replied about the dinner, please do so asap.

    Customs Results from last Friday:
    Bronwyn Calver 23:57
    Bob Harlow 24:17

    A terrible start to the footy season for Bronwyn yesterday; after helping out on the course at the marathon she went to play for the Jets and broke her wrist. Outlook: 8 weeks.

    Kerrie's marathon photos

    Parliament House tonight
    Bring a torch!

    Speedygeese dinner 10 May
    Twenty invitees are still to reply.  RSVP 7 May
    "You are invited to the Speedygeese Dinner at Two Sisters, Dickson Lao Thai Cuisine at the friendliest restaurant in Dickson. Just $25 per head for the banquet, it's a bargain, and licensed, or byo wine $2.90 corkage. Time: 7:30pm, Date: Monday 10th May. Training will be suspended for that day! Family, friends are welcome too. RSVP Friday 7 May. I have booked for 40 so there will be no problem fitting everyone in. Please let me know if you wish to order off the menu instead of having the $25 banquet."

    Some of the Nail Can times via the website. Too long a list to fully check for familiar names!
    Paul Archer 53:30
    Susan Archer 55:13
    Carol Baird 59:39
    Jeni Greenland 61:18
    Miranda Rawlinson 68:01

    Marathon results below. No DNFs from the speedygeese! We're a fit lot. The full results are on the ACTCCC website.

    speedygeese results marathon & half

    45 ELIZABETH BENNETT 3:13:09 F45-49 1
    74 MICHELLE WELLS 3:24:02 F_OPEN 11
    103 BOB HARLOW 3:29:52 M60-64 3
    143 WARRICK HOWIESON 3:39:16 M40-44 17
    158 DEBBIE COWELL 3:42:22 F50-54 2
    160 KYLIE MALONE 3:42:32 F_OPEN 23
    165 MARIA O'REILLY 3:42:59 F55-59 2
    166 CHARLIE MCCORMACK 3:42:59 F45-49 4
    197 BRONIA ROWE 3:48:16 F_OPEN 25
    206 JENNIFER BRIGHT 3:50:37 F_OPEN 27
    224 GRAEME PATRICK 3:54:39 M55-59 11
    246 ROGER PILKINGTON 3:59:24 M50-54 18 (4 hour pacer)
    285 RUTH BAUSSMANN 4:18:22 F55-59 3
    286 KATHERINE SHEPPARD 4:18:24 F_OPEN 44
    377 finishers

    75 ANDREW MATTHEWS 1:35:03 M50-54 4
    79 GEOFF MOORE 1:35:41 M60-64 1
    100 NADINE MORRISON 1:38:05 F40-44 4
    107 BRETT MORRISON 1:38:38 M40-44 14
    146 CRAIG DAVIS 1:41:33 M40-44 21
    171 DAVID BAUSSMANN 1:43:24 M55-59 4
    194 JANENE KINGSTON 1:44:55 F45-49 2
    229 YILI ZHU 1:46:19 M45-49 22
    230 KYM CHISHOLM 1:46:20 F_OPEN 38
    240 THEA ZIMPEL 1:47:03 F_OPEN 43
    250 MICHAEL HORAN 1:47:43 M50-54 14
    275 KEVIN CHAMBERLAIN 1:49:15 M60-64 4
    340 CATHERINE MONTALTO 1:54:05 F55-59 2
    364 CAROLINE CAMPBELL 1:55:33 F65-69 1
    527 MARGARET MCSPADDEN 2:05:58 F60-64 2
    716 finishers