Sunday, 30 May 2010


Running - on Friday I was happy to get well under 21 minutes again for the Customs 5k. Since then I have been a bit slack, yesterday we attending a wedding which took most of the day, and night, today the mud and rain did not look very appealing while staying warm and cosy did. Not to mention that arriving at church straight after a run, miserable and soaking wet, would not be a good plan.

I wonder if there are any more Customs sub 20s left in me?

Meanwhile... I might have to have a Plan D for Monday training if this rain continues. Not that we want the rain to stop... but did you see in the Canberra Times, the inaugural "Capital Punishment enduro" was a quagmire?

Meanwhile... What I am reading... The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman; The Club of Queer Trades by G. K. Chesterton; Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman; Interworld by Neil Gaiman (again); Manalive by G. K. Chesterton... and what I am watching... Alien; M II B; Red Dwarf VI; Delicatessen.

And... I am getting ready for a half marathon race in seven days time. There is an interesting course map... looks like the course has been changed to make even more dog-legs...


It's two laps.

back to Canberra
The four hour train in the National Capital marathon.