Saturday, 29 May 2010

My theme for 2010 - "Touch and Go".

In 2009 the theme was "Transformation" for which I wrote a whole lot of stuff, which you can find via "Labels".

Before that the theme was "180 steps per minute" which I haven't gathered together via "Labels" but now that I have thought to do so, I shall.

2010's theme will be "Touch and Go". I foreshadowed it below in the post entitled "ground time",  where I said I would talk about how to change things so that you and I can run faster!

This time however I am not going to write it myself, I am going to reproduce it from a very good blog written by Steve Magness.

You may have noticed a new link in "My Blog List" called “Science Of Running” in "My Blog List". The author invites us to pass on his research, so I am doing that. I recommend that you read through some of his other articles, and keep an eye out for his new posts. This looks like the most valuable new resource to emerge for some time.

So for the next two weeks (starting on Tuesday) I am going to reproduce some of Steve's work. Please note that Steve Magness writes in his blog: "If you found this article to be informative, I'd appreciate it If you passed it along” and I have taken him at his word.

The three hour pacer
I have heard a lot of positive feedback about the marathon pacers, all three were very much appreciated.

Marathon running styles
With the "Touch and Go" articles, I will be publishing many of the photos of us running the marathon and half marathon. You can decide whether the various running styles look good or not!