Saturday, 8 May 2010

grandchildren week

Alex was 7 on Monday.
Amelie was 5 yesterday.
Olivia is 5 tomorrow.
Jarod won his school cross country and was 5th in Zone so goes to District in a few weeks time.
Kayleigh won her school cross country and went to a gym comp in Melbourne so missed out on Zone where she would have done no worse than 4th had she run.
Josiah's footy team have won their first two Australian football games, I watched today to see them beat good opposition by about 64 to 30, Josiah scored 1:1 and laid some excellent tackles on the backline.
I am sure the other 5 grandchildren are doing well too!

Meanwhile I seem to be running OK, I haven't let up on my training since Sunday's half and ran yesterday's 5k in 21:00, it took a bit of effort but I still had a rare sprint left in me at the end.

Tomorrow I plan to run 20-22k from the Zoo at 7am.