There have been an amazing number of visitors to this blog in the last month:
And that doesn't include people who read only via bloglines, google reader, and the like. I guess it will drop away a little over the holiday period. But wow, the numbers until fairly recently were at the most 55 or 60 a day. Over 100 was unimaginable. Well, I commit to continue to provide items which are light, interesting, and current. You, the reader, all count.
Thursday's track program
6:00pm 300m, also a caber toss (somewhat modified)
6:15pm 1k turkey event (ie guess your time, no watches)
6:30pm 100m shuttle relay. No real rules.
7:00pm 100m “President’s Handicap" (but which President?), also a LH/RH shot
7:15pm President’s Handicap final
7:30pm Standing Triple Jump
7:40pm “Twosome 2k.” Teams of two, each individual age handicapped, finish together. Means that every second runner gets a rest.
8:00pm 100m walk relay. This one is fun. To watch.
8:15pm party. Happy Christmas!
Monday training at Parliament House. A good turn-out. After a very warm 4:30pm start it cooled down rapidly for the main session, which was thirty minutes of 200m hard plus a jog from the Rose garden. Participating were Andrew, Bronwyn, Caroline, Christopher, Craig, Emily, Ewen, Gary, me, Helen, Jennifer, Jodie, Kelley, Melanie, Mick H, Miranda, Richard, Ruth, Tim, Tony & Warrick.
Signs that you are Webbed Out…
Your opening line is, “So what’s your home page address?”
Your best friend is someone you have never met.
You are overcome with disbelief, anger and finally depressed when you encounter a Web page with no links.
You are driving on a dark and rainy night when you hydroplane on a puddle, sending your car careening toward the flimsy guard rail that separates you from the precipice of a rocky cliff and death. You look for the “Back” button.
Your dog has his own Web page. So does your hamster.
When you read a magazine, you have an irresistible urge to click on the underlined passages.
On Reflection
Katie. And I can be seen, on reflection, taking the photo.