Wednesday, 16 December 2009

small country

Pam Muston in Tuesday's Canberra times. Click to enlarge.

The article is spot on. Pam was just brilliant. Everyone is congratulating her. Long distance guru Steve Appleby says: "First, congratulations to Pam on her brilliant effort at Coast to Kosciuszko last weekend. First female, 5th overall, new record holder by hours and hours for females. Not forgetting 245 kms is a hell of a long way on foot. Well done Pam."

"If you are going to try cross country, start with a small country."  Unless of course you are Pam Muston.

At last night's speedygeese Christmas bash we had 33 partygoers celebrating in style at Ellicure. I didn't take any photos so I am relying on others to provide me with photos. First up is quite a good one of me having my say.... Good because it's not a close-up. Thanks to Janene for this one...

Captive audience

Everyone had a good time. Thank you for the presents; wine, wine, wine, the meal, and the Percy Cerutty book "Why Die". A brilliant choice. I am very grateful to everyone in the running group and I am thankful for the friendship of each one of you. It was specially good to have along to the dinner Paul and Susan who are contributing in major ways to the success of ACT Veterans Athletics; it was fantastic that several brand new members of our training group came along and got to know us better as we got to know them; and it was also great that a couple of "old faces", people we haven't seen for a while, were also able to attend. It looks like 2010 will be a bumper year for the geese!

To those who were there and those who could not make it; have a very merry Christmas, enjoy the holiday season, and come back fitter, healthier, and brighter than ever next year!

My holidays start in a couple of days. Actually (a) I don't have holidays, (b) I am retired so there is no such thing as a holiday, (c) I am not going away so I am not actually taking a holiday anywhere else than here, (d) Training including organised training is continuing through uninterrupted, except on 26 December, which is going to be a big family day and an extended Christmas eating day so no running, and (e) I don't have holidays. But I will throw myself into holiday mode, keep writing this blog, and catch up on family and reading and sleeping. Sleeping? Maybe not.