"I run so my goals in life will continue to get bigger instead of my belly." - Bill Kirby
Plans this week
Monday 14/12 Parliament House 4:30pm early starters, 5:30pm interval training
Tuesday 15/12 7:30pm Ellacure speedygeese dinner (fully subscribed with 35 or 36 attendees)
Wednesday 16/12 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap at Woden
Thursday 17/12 6:00pm Vets track, last for the year. Novelty events.
Saturday 19/12 8:00am Pialligo interval training
Christmas is coming
Vets will have two weeks off and resume on 7 January.
Pialligo will have only one week off and resume on 2 January
Parliament House will continue uninterrupted.
Is there any Canberra Marathon news?
None yet. The thread on Coolrunning "started by Ewen" shows there is much interest!
Coast to Kosciusco http://www.coast2kosci.com/results2009.html
Congratulations to Pam Muston on her brilliant performance.