Thursday, 16 October 2008

• Come Together

Each daily post has a theme. There is more than enough material about. I can be selective.

How does it all come together?

(a) I try and include something current and interesting, e.g.

Granny out-runs teenage bag-snatcher
“Mrs Lane had won the Yorkshire cross-country championship as a schoolgirl in 1953 and had kept herself in shape ever since.” See the story at

(b) I see what pictures I have for which there might be a link, however tenuous, eg

Grandmother out-runs scary looking man at Parkway.

Consie is the grandmother of Helen's three children.

(c) there's a chance some cartoon or other is not totally irrelevant

"Young Frankenstein" - putting disparate parts together can result in a monster.

(d) I write something which helps link things together. Even helpful running hints on occasion. Today, this discussion is all you get.

(e) I like to throw in a running gag (of course!). At the moment I think it's funny to have each day some sort of mixed metaphor, which I highlight in red (see below).

(f) A Beatles title which relates is chosen early or late in the process.

(g) I stand back to admire the finished product, despairing of ever doing it really well. I shuffle or rewrite bits to improve it, hit publish, and it's done.

Actually when I write a post I am flying by the edge of my seat for most of the time.