Wednesday, 15 October 2008

• Money (That's What I Want)

As you have seen, three or four more "despair" posters like the one above have turned up. Welcome to "Opportunity! We have all experienced this one! You and I cannot understand how anyone in their right mind could fall for this little "Nigerian" scam and the like, unless they haven't heard of it before and are greedy and desperate and will clutch at any straw.

But Human Nature being as it is, these scams pay, apparently.

Fat v Fit (cont)
In the same way, sporting organisations have fallen for the fast-food and alcohol con, greedily accepting their sponsorship without regard for the negative benefits in terms of fitness and health that such sponsors represent.

Money to keep a sporting organisation going has been deemed the most important thing.

Maintaining, supporting, promoting, and enlarging a sporting organisation should never be funded to the detriment of its members and of the wider community. The greedy grab of money from groups who are directly responsible for the social evils of obesity and of binge drinking is an action which more than cancels out the positive benefit the sport itself brings to the community.

From "The Age" 11 October:
"We've already shifted the culture and thinking around tobacco consumption. Now we have an obesity epidemic, and excess alcohol consumption is a real problem," she said. "The community is ripe for considering the fact we need to move away from junk food advertising and sponsorship of sporting events, and the same with alcohol."

The full article is at

By the way, here is grandson Josiah with another footy award, an end of season coaches award!

Please note the writing on the football. Sponsored by Dairy Farmers. Yay! Go Jossie!

More results
AACT track 11/10 – no speedygeese ran, in fact few attended and the fields were quite small. I plan to run there this Saturday, a 1500m I think, and Ewen, Joel & Yelena plan to run, amongst others.

Weston Creek Fun Run 12/10
Geoff Barker 58th in 32.15. (122 finishers).

Jogalong 5/10 114 finishers including
69. Cathy Montalto W55 30:52
70. Michelle Wells W35 27:53

Well, we got rid of tobacco advertising, we can do the same with other dubious advertisers. The reason I left the ACT Coaches Association after only one year of membership (decades ago) was my disgust at their open-eyed acceptance of tobacco sponsorship at the time, which included cars daubed with the advertisers' logo and slogans! "But they keep our organisation going"! Sorry, all such arrangements do nothing for me. Money can't buy my love.