Spring is finally here, pollen is in the air, the days are warmer, daylight saving started early (hurrah!), and track season has officially started with a bang.
And we savoured some fine performances. Kathy, Tony and Ken in the one mile, and Kathy in the 3000m, were particularly outstanding.
Speedygeese performances at the first 08-09 ACT Masters track meet last night:
In the one mile run, Tony Booth took 17 seconds off the M70 record, and Kathy Sims broke the W55 record by 6 seconds.
1 Mile
M45 Rod Lynch 5:22.38 77.7%
M55 Ken White 5:31.64 80.0
M50 Gary Bowen 5:55.52 72.2
M60 Kevin Chamberlain 6:00.09 78.2
W40 Katie Forestier 6:03.25 74.7
M45 Roger Pilkington 6:27.34 65.2
M70 Tony Booth 6:28.32 78.3 ACT M70 RECORD
W55 Kathy Sims 6:32.41 83.6 ACT W55 RECORD
W40 Amanda Walker 6:34.16 67.4
W45 Helen Larmour 6:41.22 73.6
W35 Bronwyn Calver 6:49.59 64.3
3000 metres
M45 Rod Lynch 11:05.48 74.4%
M60 Geoff Moore 11:26.91 79.6
M55 Ken White 12:01.32 72.7
W40 Katie Forestier 12:07.65 73.5
M50 Gary Bowen 12:25.87 68.0
W45 Helen Larmour 13:15.45 73.0
W55 Kathy Sims 13:20.66 80.6
W40 Amanda Walker 13:21.78 65.5
M70 Tony Booth 13:34.73 73.8
W35 Bronwyn Calver 13:43.68 63.2
M60 Geoff Barker 15:56.91 59.2
5000 metres
M45 Roger Pilkington 22:48.59 62.7%
There are some very good times first-up from the training group all round. As for me, my best 3000m last season was my final one, when I ran 11:27.4. So I have resumed this season as I ended last, even with a small improvement. Very much to my surprise. It’s a feather in my pocket. Now let's hope for the same rate of improvement as last year!
Ken & Kathy's percentages of 80% and more tell the story of how they are running. I took videos of them on the track, and if suitable for publication, I will show them here and/or on a special blog for the purpose, as soon as I am able.
Tony (at left) and Kathy (at right) at the Parkway run last month.
Here's a news item about a blitz on jay-walking: http://www.theage.com.au/national/police-target-jaywalkers-in-city-blitz-20081016-51zw.html
Could this have been during the Melbourne Marathon events? I think the lesson is, don’t run around Melbourne Streets any more!!!
The "Despair" website makes calendars to order. I have a 2008 one, a gift from Mon. The 2009 calendars can now be ordered, see http://site.despair.com/blog/2008/10/16/introducing-the-all-new-demotivator%c2%ae-posterbook-calendar/. You can select any 12 of the Despair picture you have already seen on my blog!
Here's another:
Voting day tomorrow in the ACT. Vote early!Vote often!