Monday, 30 April 2018

I am having a short break from posting - will catch up later - so here are a few advance posts.

Sunday, 29 April 2018

I am having a short break from posting - will catch up later - so here are a few advance posts.

Saturday, 28 April 2018

I am having a short break from posting - will catch up later - so here are a few advance posts.

Friday, 27 April 2018

I am having a short break from posting - will catch up later - so here are a few advance posts.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

I am having a short break from posting - will catch up later - so here are a few advance posts.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018


First up we have the Kingston Physio West Basin 10 mile (16.1 km) event at 7.30 am on Saturday 28 April. This is a great lead up race for those aiming for the YCRC Half Marathon, as well as a good opportunity to run an iconic distance along a scenic course. In addition, Craig Wisdom from Kingston Physio provides a great range of prizes for this event, including barrel draws. So make sure you come along to have a run for a chance to win, and to get your first points in the winter pointscore series.
Our winter series events need volunteers to help with jobs like timing, marshaling and recording. These roles are not complicated or arduous, but our events can't happen without them. If you can help out at any of our winter series races, please contact Dave Osmond at
Early bird entries for the Half Marathon close on 30 April, so get in now to save yourself $20! Registration is at
We also need volunteers for the Half Marathon weekend (26 and 27 May). A variety of roles are available, including setup, pack up, drink stations and marshaling. Experienced runners of any speed can volunteer to be a pacer and get free entry.
Timeslots are:
  • Saturday set-up - from 10am for a couple of hours
  • Saturday races- from 1pm for a couple of hours
  • Sunday half- from 7.30 onwards until the race finishes
We will have free snacks and free coffee for volunteers on the Sunday, and there are some gift vouchers just for volunteers who work on either day that will be drawn on the Sunday.
If you can help out, please contact the volunteer co-ordinator, Kat Knope ( and mention what time/day you are available, and what you would like to do, if you have a preference. If you’re volunteering as pacer, mention know what time you’re interested in doing.
The Women and Girls’ Jogalong will continue on Sunday 6 May starting at 9.00am.There will be a slight change of check in procedures, to ensure all runners are registered correctly before the event. All members running in the 3k and 6k events will need to get their names checked off the lists at the registration tables. Then 3k runners, and new or returning runners who need a handicap will then go to the respective tables for these activities. If you think you are a member and your name is not on the list we will ask you to complete a one-day registration form, but not charge you the registration fee (we have had a few cases where names have been incorrectly recorded on the membership system).
A reminder that we are still looking for someone to take on the role of preparing the Jogalong Jottings. If we can’t fill this position, we may have to move to an electronic only version. If you are able to help out, contact Lucy Jones at or Annemarie Calnan at
And finally, please take the time to register your vote for the YCRC’s Dave Osmond in the ACT Volunteer of the Year awards. Dave is the quiet achiever behind most of our Club events (and has been for many years) as well as being our Treasurer and taking on several other roles. A lot of Club operations wouldn’t happen without his many hours of effort. So say thank you to Dave and go to before voting closes on 29 April (click on the ‘Vote Here’ button at the top of the page).
Upcoming events

  • 7.30 am Saturday 28 April – Kingston Physio West Basin 10 mile at Black Mountain Peninsula
  • 12.45 pm Saturday 5 May – North Lyneham 2/3.1/6.2 km at Salkaukus Cr, North Lyneham
  • 9.00 am Sunday 6 May – Jogalong 1.6/3/6km at Weston Park
  • 12.45 pm Saturday 19 May - Stromlo Forest Park 2/4/6 km
  • 2.00 pm Saturday 26 May - YMCA Canberra Half Marathon Eve 2/5 km, Lennox Gardens, Flynn Drive, Yarralumla
  • 8.00 am Sunday 27 May - YMCA Canberra Half Marathon, Lennox Gardens, Flynn Drive, Yarralumla

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

All the recent speedygeese race results

YCRC Women's 6k Jogalong 1 April
20. Kathy Sims W65 30:04
29. Caroline Campbell W75 36:54
43. Nadine Morrison W45 30:14
55 finishers

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 17 April
3. Ewen Thompson 37:33
5. Carolyne Kramar 48:12
6. Roger Pilkington 41:16
10. Ricky Somerville 33:07
11. Michael Thomson 31:43
12. Peter Thomson 31:14
13 finishers

AMRA Black Mountain Run-up 2.6k 17 April
11 Craig Wurtz 18.28
11 finishers

Customs Joggers 5k 20 April
1 James O'Neill 24:37
2 Peter Thomson 23:49
3 Roger Pilkington 29:24
11 Craig Wurtz 24:34
12 Ewen Thompson 33:24
14 Giles Lamb 21:49
16 Yili Zhu 23:48
17 Bill Arthur 30:25
20 Carolyne Kramar 53:03
20 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #310 21 April
19 Gavin Mongan 21:18 M35
27 William Barlow 21:56 M35
54 Kevin Miller 24:39 M40
55 Chloe Miller 24:40 W11
65 Jacob Miller 25:13 M11
66 Celina Miller 25:14 W35
68 David Baussmann 25:20 M65
84 Brendan Belcher 26:36 M35
88 Geoff Moore 27:00 M65
107 Roger Pilkington 28:11 M55
109 Jack Simpson 28:19 M10 **New PB**
110 Andrew Simpson 28:19 M45
204 Yelena Pearson 36:02 W35
214 Alyssa Quarmby 37:42 W11 **First Timer**
215 Jennie Blake 37:42 W60
269 Cathy Newman 50:34 W55
297 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #269 21 April
30 James O'Neill 22:55 M50
60 Jason Lewis 24:07 M40
102 Chris Gammon 26:00 M55
120 Bronwyn Calver 27:11 W45
158 Ewen Thompson 29:27 M60
354 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #238 21 April
13 Giles Lamb 20:30 M40
35 Nadine Morrison 22:37 W45
90 Lisa McDonald 26:44 W40 **New PB**
147 William Arthur 30:10 M65
172 Margaret McSpadden 31:46 W70
330 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #98 21 April
30 Craig Wurtz 22:00 M50
56 Kelley Horan 23:49 W55
242 Carolyne Kramar 47:37 W50
251 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #6 21 April
35 Pieta Smith 24:52 W40
95 Andrew Smith 31:33 M45
137 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #51 21 April
1 Bernardo Palma 19:15 M30
14 Amanda Cook 26:10 W40
15 Helen Northey 27:09 W40 **New PB**
87 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #111 21 April
154 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #103 21 April
42 Victoria Hennig 28:20 W55
68 finishers

Cooks River 5k parkrun #171 21 April
7 David Clarke 20:53 M55
123 finishers

I assume this is not part of the new Mount Ainslie parkrun course?!

Monday, 23 April 2018

... then we take Berlin

There is something about this videoclip that I find very haunting.

Song of the Week "First We Take Manhattan" by Leonard Cohen.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Ginninderra parkrun speedygeese photos

David (25:20) parkrun #100

Me (27:00) first parkrun with a new beard - and last as an M65-69

Chloe (24:40) enjoying an "easy run"

William (21:56) with his new speedygeese singlet - brand new that morning

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Bounding out of bed - notes for a longer article

Goal setting
All-of-life changes not only physically but also spiritually, mentally, emotionally, relationally.

Establishing priority and organising time are part and parcel of the life of a runner.

The importance of dreaming, planning, committing, and doing.

Dreaming – what do you want to be doing in 5, 10, 20 years’ time?
Set some long term goals.
Be excited about getting up each day and doing something to progress.

Planning - A long “list of things to do” which will never run out, so...
Spend a little time planning to make sure the important things get done.

Committing – consistency, communication, commitment are the three “Cs”, on the path to fulfilling our dreams.
Recently “common sense” was a "C" when I couldn’t remember that “Communication” was one of them.

Doing – Involve other people, act as a group.
Team-work is the secret behind accomplishing our goals.
When it’s not just you but many others participating in your activity, you will bound out of bed in the morning looking forward to your day.

Friday, 20 April 2018

This week’s speedygeese training sessions

Sunday 15 April long run report [Jen] On a miserable windy cold Sunday morning - it was of course the Canberra marathon weekend.
A few of us gathered for an unofficial run at 7am at Cooleman ridge.
(While many geese had already set off in flight in their various races at the Australian running festival)
The night before it had been established that a mysterious person had infiltrated our running discussion message group.
Other than discovering she had been impersonating a well-known runner in Canberra we haven’t yet discovered how she came to be there.
With this mystery still in the air we arrived with a big shock - it was 7am and where was Helen!!
She said she was coming??? So we searched high and low - literally in the bushes, under the car... with no success 😟.
It was becoming more and more like an Agatha Christie novel - eerie weather.... strange people appearing in weird places. And other people disappearing in thin air!
We were just about to set off when someone cried “where is Dave!!!!”
Apparently Thach had just found Dave in his car with his head hunched over the steering wheel. Thach declared that Dave looked like he was dead 😱 😱... oh no now we have a body 😳 😳.
They say runners always find the body 😬 😬.
Luckily for us, it was discovered that Thach just didn’t care enough about Dave to investigate any further and that Dave was just have a rather early nanna nap (wonder if this has anything to do with impending 60th birthday next month?)
Finally to continue the theme of missing or weird behaviour - we set off 5 minutes late after coaxing Dave from his cosy nook in his car to discover that he went AWOL after only one kilometre.
He stated later that 3.8 kilometres was a befitting long run for his poor old, sore, tired, cold body.
Anyhow after that rather long introduction here are the facts and stats:
Sarah, Shiree, Thach did around 30ks around Cooleman and beyond
Warrick, Pieta, Isaac and I did 10k. (With Warrick doing a further 9k, Pieta and I another 12k - supporting people at the run festival)

[Edit: for running festival results see last Tuesday's post]

Monday 16 April at Parliament House: 10 x 100m hills, leg speed emphasised, then followed by 10 x 200m top>bottom>top of hill. Pretty much exhausted by the session were Bernado, Jen, Isaac, Bron, Dom, Pieta, Ricky, Tori, Craig, Warrick, Dave, someone else as I was sure there were 12? I supervised and Christopher was seen in the vicinity. Who lost their parking ticket? What other person rode their bicycle through the entry gates? Did he manage to get a new parking ticket?

Thursday 19 April: Speedygeese at Parliament house tonight doing 5x 600 (300) + 300 were Jen, Isaac, Dave, Brendan, Craig, Ricky and me supervising after an early 5k jog.

Everyone was puffin after Monday night's exhausting hill session.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

All the recent speedygeese race results

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 10 April
2. Ricky Somerville 32:57
4. James O'Neill 32:48
7. Ewen Thompson 42:48
10. Roger Pilkington 39:37
12. Nicole Bruce 36:29
13. Sandeep Chandra 36:31
14. Michael Thompson 29:52
19. Carolyne Kramar 67:06
19 finishers

Customs Joggers 5k 13 April
2 Ricky Somerville 35:19
4 Jacob Grooby 21:17
7 Ewen Thompson 32:47
10 Craig Wurtz 24:23
14 Colin Farlow 19:42
15 Roger Pilkington 31:25
18 Peter Thomson 26:19
20 Carolyne Kramar 49:50
20 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #309 14 April
11 Andrew Simpson 21:24 M45
22 Jane Lilley 22:36 W45
35 David Baussmann 24:04 M65
39 William Barlow 24:25 M35
57 Janene Kingston 25:58 W50
71 Molly Lilley 26:53 W11
119 Brendan Belcher 30:39 M35
164 Yelena Pearson 36:46 W35
173 Ruth Baussmann 38:02 W65
199 Carolyne Kramar 43:35 W50
236 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #268 14 April
5 Nigel England 20:49 M55
7 David Clarke 21:25 M55
85 Kerron Clare 29:00 W50
129 Ewen Thompson 32:42 M60
236 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #237 14 April
25 Nadine Morrison 23:03 W45
171 Margaret McSpadden 35:37 W70
243 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #97 14 April
23 Craig Wurtz 21:54 M50
74 Elizabeth Bennett 25:34 W55
186 Helen Way 34:50 W50
244 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #5 14 April
88 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #50 14 April
1 Bernardo Palma 20:00 M30
62 finishers

Goulburn parkrun #10 14 April
111 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #102 14 April
35 finishers

Australian Running Festival 5k 14 April
25 Kylie Malone 21:10
192 Lisa McDonald 27:27
1,190 other finishers, I didn’t go through all the results!

Australian Running Festival 10k 14 April
1,544 finishers, I didn’t go through all the results!

Australian Running Festival Half Marathon
15 April
226 David Webster 1:37:28
699 Peter Simpfendorfer 1:50:58
871 Liz Simpfendorfer 1:55:48
1,935 Margaret McSpadden 2:32:41 **winner W70**
William Barlow 1:28+, not in the results
2,154 other finishers, I didn’t go through all the results!

Australian Running Festival Marathon 15 April
125 Shuji Iwasaki 3:22:02
192 Giles Lamb 3:31:29
245 Brendan Belcher 3:38:58
248 Amanda Cook 3:40:21
519 Jinny Lay 4:04:31
537 James O’Neill 4:06:34
557 Michael Thompson 4:09.40
587 Sandeep Chandra 4:12:59
670 Shane Wright 4:25:58
723 Peter Thompson 4:31:25
724 Roger Pilkington 4:32:42
742 Ruth Baussmann 4:37:48
862 Jennie Blake 5:00:36
942 Bill Arthur 5:39:27
986 finishers

Australian Running Festival 50k Ultra Marathon 15 April
8 Jeff Grey 3:59:14
86 Chris Gammon 5:06:01
181 finishers
Some ran further than 50k!

Australian Running Festival 15 April
Full results

And finally
This weekend just gone saw an epic Buffalo Stampede, where the weather is usually reserved for baking sunshine and sticky temperatures. Instead, it was almost sub zero conditions, river bed like creeks flowing down mountains and even snow. In short, it was crazy out there by all accounts, so much so that the decision was made to halt the ultra event on the Saturday around 3:30pm because conditions were becoming so hazardous.

In the two main races, the ultra and the marathon (reduced by 4kms), Lucy Bartholomew (10hrs 37mins) and Steph Auston (4hrs 16mins) won their ladies races respectively. While in the men’s race, Martin Kern continued his awesome form with a win in the ultra in 8hrs 55mins and Dominic Perry a win in the marathon in 3hrs 44mins.

For the rest of the podiums:
Female ultra
2nd – Christine Hopkins in 11hrs 44mins
3rd – Maureen Stachowicz in 12hrs 3mins

Men’s ultra
2nd – Ryan Lowe in 9hrs 45mins
3rd – Ross Hopkins in 9hrs 56mins

Female Marathon
2nd – Sarah-Jayne Miller in 4hrs 25mins
3rd – Jessica Collins in 4hrs 34mins

Sarah-Jayne at the Buffalo Stampede **2nd place**

Monday, 16 April 2018

Ghosts revisited

Song of the week: An acoustic version of “Ghosts That We Knew” by Mumford & Sons

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Run Run Run

Seen at today's Coombs parkrun:

Friday, 13 April 2018

This week’s speedygeese training sessions

Sunday 08 April long run report [William]: - Aranda Painter Pinnacle
17 runners and 2 dogs went up then kept going up. Then went down and down, and up a little under the road. Then they went up and up. There was some fog. End of super short, 2 went back. Others went down and down then left at horse sign (except 2 that didn’t). Then there was some up a bit of down and a tree filled with rocks. At this point many went back except for 4, the many went down a bit, then went up and up and finally went down. The 4 continued on going up to the fire station, then back to where they came from. They then went up down up down up down down down up up up down up up down down.
Other things to note:
A dog yelled at Jen, Jen yelled back at the dog, and then yelled at the dog owner.
Giles had an important date, and had to leave.
Helen was awesome, so was Jane.
Jen took a shortcut, then approached from the bushes and ambushed at the top of a hill with talking to people who couldn’t talk.

Sunday 08 April Alternative long run report [Helen] -- Aranda 2 Before 10 to Mt Painter
After a short battle with the snooze button I made a pot of tea and got myself to Aranda shops before 7am. There were quite a lot of cars in the carpark; a popular place on a sunday morning. I set off up the concrete path to top of Aranda hill, marveling at the number of runners out early. At least they were all friendly. Very friendly. Some of them acted as if they knew me!
At the top of the hill a nice man called William took a photo and waved, I have a feeling I've seen him around somewhere. I ran down the powerline fire trail in a westerly direction and crossed under a bitumen coated vehicular carriageway (shudder) to find some lovely dirt trails on the other side (swoon). The mist got thicker which made me feel more alone, enhanced by my slower pace than all these runners about.
I was following a Bronze Wren who flew up past some giant water tanks then disappeared into the mist which made me sad because following her made me feel less lost. Yet the climb up mt Painter was so beautiful that my spirits lifted, my heart soared, my legs ached so I stopped to take this photo.
At the top there were an awful lot of people just milling around so I was mistaken in thinking they were runners. More like talkers. Met a nice friendly sheep who promised to show me the way back to 2B10 so I followed him like a sheep except that I'm not. Baaaaaa! I boldly suggested a single track short cut through Aranda bushlands. Soon we were back at 2B10; a little too soon as I would have liked more time inserted between each step.
The Sheep promptly left to pick up his little Lamb. Yes it's not just Mary who has one. It's the 21st century. Having nothing better to do I went for a pleasing nature hike back up to top of Aranda then down to the snow gums, photographed a confused tree, took a selfie, texted a family member then decided it was time for breakfast. Unfortunately there was a hill between me and breakfast. Ow, aaooow, eeeooow, done.
Sat down to poached eggs with avocado and chili sauce-with-fancy-name and a few beans plucked from the 2B10 trellis, to the dismay of a flirting couple who I had to lean over and squeeze around, which was absolutely delicious. There must have been a table shortage because a whole lot of people joined me without so much as a by-your-leave. They were very friendly so I didn't make a point of it. I sat next to a very Shiny One who was on day release from Answering Children's Questions, and the Tacky One who was on day release from Sunday Cleaning. They entertained me with many anecdotes of how to make your child into a champion and other interesting topics. The Tacky One stole a strawberry and ate it with succulent abandon. I think they liked me, although whether that will still hold by the end of this report is uncertain.
Addendum: The Talkers (Runners) wish to advise that they reached the Pinnacle of achievement this morning. I couldn't see it myself but that could have been the obscuring effect of the mist.

Monday 09 April at Parliament House: I supervised after an early run; Ruth jogged around in preparation for Sunday’s marathon, and took the photo below; Christopher was rumoured to have made an appearance, but there is no photographic evidence; while running 20 by 100m hill sprints on 90 seconds were Dom, Isaac, Jacob M, Kevin, Celina, Bron, Jen, Susan, Warrick, Pieta, Craig, Tori, Lisa, and also Jinny despite having entered this Sunday’s marathon as far as I know.

This photo was by Ruth (oh, you can tell) of Monday's participants at Parliament House. The good looking man on the right, unexpectedly supporting a very white beard, is wearing his TGIM (Thank God It's Monday) tee shirt.

Thursday 12 April at Parliament House: Running 600m intervals were Ricky (new), Jen, Isaac, Dave, Tori, Craig, Colin, with me watching after a short early jog. Then I went home.
p.s. Half the runners walked back to their cars after training and avoided the cool-down jog. As bad as this is, it is significantly better than Monday the 9th when 100% of the runners walked back after their hill sprints.
I must learn to write reports like the fabled Helen (see above).

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Canberra Marathon this Sunday

For Sunday's marathon I plan to be near the entrance to Weston Park between 7:00am and 9:00am where the 16k and 20k marks are.
I don't intend having a jog myself, but I will cheer on the marathoners and the utra runners as they come through.
Some we may see coming through are Sandeep, Giles, James, Cookie, Ruth, Jennie, Thommo, Michael, Shuji, Jinny, Shane and Bill. Jeff Grey too, who is doing the ultra.

Giles should be easy to spot.

The weather forecast looks promising; certainly not too hot on Sunday after heatwave conditions all week.

If you are not running the marathon, at training tonight we will be running under lights at Parliament House. 5:30pm warm-up as usual. I will probably go for a jog at 4:30pm first.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Today at the gym

This morning as usual on a Wednesday (and Friday) I jogged to / from the gym and spent an hour exercising there.

The green green grass of home

Plenty of feed for the swans

With Anu the gym instructor and co-owner/manager

Thanks Paul for the gift of the latest NYCM tee.

Great views from the deck of Embrace Pilates and Fitness


Talking about my generation.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

All the recent speedygeese race results

BBQ Stakes 6k 14 March
27. Jodie Davis 46:16
29. Roger Pilkington 32:27
34. Bronwyn Calver 33:09
45. William Barlow 31:07
46. Peter Thomson 35:10
49 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k
21 March
5. Ewen Thompson 44:26
19. Sue Bowden 34:06
23. Jodie Davis 46:01
35. Caroline Campbell 40:39
38. William Barlow 27:45
41. Peter Thomson 30:47
45. Bronwyn Calver 34:00
47. Roger Pilkington 40:22
56 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k 28 March
10. Victoria Hennig 36:41
25. Ewen Thompson 46:37
29. Jodie Davis 47:18
36. Sue Bowden 35:40
44. Roger Pilkington 33:49
47. William Barlow 28:49
48. Caroline Campbell 43:00
54. Bronwyn Calver 36:32
61 finishers

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 03 April
4. Nicole Bruce 39:07
5. Sandeep Chandra 39:07
10. Ewen Thompson 44:49
11. Carolyne Kramar 51:49
12. Michael Thomson 31:11
14. Peter Thomson 33:15
16 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k 04 April
5. Ewen Thompson 41:50
17. Andrew Simpson 31:24
21. Peter Thomson 28:38
25. Sue Bowden 34:24
27. William Barlow 26:12
44. Roger Pilkington 33:15
53. Jodie Davis 49:18
68. Bronwyn Calver 39:36
69 finishers

ACTMA track 05 April
M55 Rod Lynch 5:35.87
M55 Roger Pilkington 6:50.20
W65 Ruth Baussmann 7:43.25
W70 Margaret McSpadden 9:01.19

M55 Rod Lynch 11:57.34

M55 Roger Pilkington 24:50.22

4 x 400m
A W65 team ran 6:39.68 to set a new ACT record: Jill Brown, Kathy Sims, Ruth Baussmann, Maureen Rossiter

Customs Joggers 5k 06 April
7 Colin Farlow 19:15
8 Giles Lamb 21:29
10 Craig Wurtz 24:41
12 Roger Pilkington 30:21
13 Yili Zhu 24:44
16 Ewen Thompson 38:50
19 Carolyne Kramar 45:22
19 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #308
07 April
19 Gavin Mongan 20:59 M35
30 Jane Lilley 22:24 W45 **New PB**
114 Ruth Baussmann 28:03 W65
115 Brendan Belcher 28:09 M35
284 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #267 07 April
8 Nigel England 20:31 M55
21 David Webster 22:00 M65
93 Bronwyn Calver 26:16 W45
114 Chris Gammon 27:37 M55
203 Ewen Thompson 33:07 M60
334 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #236 07 April
17 Giles Lamb 20:18 M40
138 Lisa McDonald 27:25 W40 **New PB**
233 Margaret McSpadden 31:55 W70
363 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #96 07 April
91 Elizabeth Bennett 25:28 W55
289 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #4 07 April
7 Stuart Doyle 19:44 M50
13 Jacob Miller 21:24 M11
16 Louise Sharp 21:47 W35
17 Michelle Wells 21:55 W45
20 William Barlow 22:24 M35
32 Craig Wurtz 23:36 M50
44 Chloe Miller 25:19 W11
45 Celina Miller 25:26 W35
50 Kevin Miller 25:39 M40
52 Alcina Dias 25:53 W45
81 Jennie Blake 30:14 W60 **New PB**
116 Yili Zhu 36:06 M55
156 Carolyne Kramar 58:45 W50
157 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #49
07 April
23 Helen Northey 29:39 W40
50 Justine Caines 35:49 W45 **New PB**
79 finishers

Goulburn parkrun #9 07 April
144 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #101 07 April
28 Victoria Hennig 27:25 W55
60 finishers

Curl Curl 5k parkrun #259 07 April
277 David Clarke 36:52 M55 (arrived rather late!)
314 finishers

Pieta's tail

Monday, 9 April 2018

Song of the week. From "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"

Don’t you want me (Walter Mitty version).
From, no video, but a nice version,
And a brilliant movie in every respect.
For example, the whole soundtrack is outstanding.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

YCRC newsletter

We are now into the countdown for the Australian Running Festival next weekend. The road closure signs are up, the km marks are on the roads, and competitors are now in the taper phase. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help out, we now have all positions filled! We are still looking for our final 80 minute pacer for the 10 km Fun Run. Please contact Paul Trumble via ASAP if you can help with this.
If you are running in any of the events, please take the opportunity to promote the Club – wear your YCRC gear in the race (Griffins are excused) and if you are talking to other Canberra-based participants let them know what the Club offers. And in particular tell them about our Half Marathon on 27 May, which is a good option for a follow up run. (A reminder to register at
We will have a tent in the Event Village, so come along and meet up with your fellow Club members and their supporters either before or after your run.
And good luck to all our runners, particularly our debutant fun runners from the ARF training group!
After we have recovered from the ARF, the Winter Series commences with the Kingston Physio West Basin 10 mile (16 km) event at 7.30 am on Saturday 28 April. This is a great lead up race for those aiming for the YCRC Half Marathon.
The second race is a cross country event at North Lyneham on Saturday 5 May, with 2 km, 3.1 km and 6.2 km options. The 2 km will start at 12.45 pm, with the 3.1 and 6.2 km races at 1.00 pm. These are good events for juniors training for school cross country races. Winter Series races are free to Club members (with the exception of the Canberra Half Marathon), and there are Junior and Senior pointscore trophies based on performance across the season, so get along to as many races as possible to maximise your chances of taking home the series prizes.
The next Women and Girls’ Jogalong will be on Sunday 6 May starting at 9.00am. We are currently reviewing our check in procedures, so watch this space for details of changed arrangements for next month. We are also looking for someone to take on the role of preparing the Jogalong Jottings. If we can’t fill this position, we may have to move to an electronic only version. If you are able to help out, contact Lucy Jones at or Annemarie Calnan at
Upcoming events

  • Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 April – Australian Running Festival
  • 7.30 am Saturday 28 April – Kingston Physio West Basin 10 mile at Black Mountain Peninsula
  • 12.45 pm Saturday 5 May – North Lyneham 2/3.1/6.2 km at Salkaukus Cr, North Lyneham
  • 9.00 am Sunday 6 May – Jogalong 1.6/3/6km at Weston Park
  • 12.45 pm Saturday 19 May - Stromlo Forest Park 2/4/6 km
  • 2.00 pm Saturday 26 May - YMCA Canberra Half Marathon Eve 2/5 km, Lennox Gardens, Flynn Drive, Yarralumla
  • 8.00 am Sunday 27 May - YMCA Canberra Half Marathon, Lennox Gardens, Flynn Drive, Yarralumla

Friday, 6 April 2018

This week’s speedygeese training sessions

Sunday 01 April long run report [Thach]:
Concise Version
David Clarke did not run with us today. Things went smoothly, everyone had a great time.
Full Version
At 7 am this morning 20 intrepid Geese left the car park at the top of Waldock St on the weekly long run.
Despite the heavy fog spirits were high. This was due in part to the injection of four new runners, Scott, Jess, Kylie and Ricky, and the welcome return of Jeff Grey.
The first part of the course skirted the west and south sides of Mt Taylor on some undulating fire trails and single track. The first of the 4 climbs started after crossing Athlon Drive and finished at the Farrer Trig point. Kudos to Jen Bright for her ingenuity in building her own trig at the top. No doubt the ACT government will adopt this design for future Trig constructions.
After a few photos of the fog (and Pieta Smith’s tail) we all descended back down the hill. Unfortunately, Dave Baussmann had a tumble near the base and big thanks must go to Pieta for her nursing skills to allow Dave to continue. His reputation of being the “Hardman of Australian Triathlon” will only be bolstered by his ability to remain in good spirits despite being in obvious discomfort.
The break gave us an opportunity to freshen our legs for the main climb of today’s run; the dreaded Zig Zag up Mt Taylor. As Shiree Kofod knows, this climb means a lot to me and I encouraged everyone to give it a crack. I understand that William Barlow was the first to the top and hence was the first to be rewarded with the magnificent view of crystal clear skies and bits of Canberra punching through the cloud cover.
Reluctantly, we all descended the bitumen road (much to disgust of Tim Craig who wanted us to take other more life-threatening routes) back to the carpark where we bid some of the flock farewell. Those of us doing the long run then proceeded down the hill, via a little know single track, into Oakey Reserve and up to the final Trig point. As tradition dictates, some of us hung off the trig and this gave Jeff Grey and I an opportunity to address some of the shortfalls in William Barlow’s chin up technique 😊
Finally, we retraced our route and trudged our way back up Mt Taylor to the carpark finishing up with approx. 20kms of running and almost 600 metres of vert.
Post run coffee was held at A Bite to Eat where the most memorable thing was the black bread that was served with the breakfast burger.
Next week’s run will be organised by William Barlow. It looks like it will be a monster!

Monday 02 April at Parliament House: The first evening after daylight saving ended, and it did get a bit dark towards the end. I ran early, then supervised the speedygeese running circuits on 2 minutes uphill for 100 then circling back. Running 15 laps were Pieta, Isaac, Jacob M, Colin, Craig, David and Jen. 14 laps, Sandeep and Ruth. Alex ran 12 laps, Celina 11, Chloe 9, and Jacob G the first 5 laps.

Thursday 05 April: Back to Parliament House on Thursdays, though despite no daylight saving, ACTMA track was still on for one last time and took away a couple of potential participants. The session consisted of 4 intervals of ~960m with a break between each. Attending and running were Giles, Brownie, Jennie, Daniel, Isaac, Jen, Dave, David, Colin, Jacob G, and me. Richard and Laura didn’t stay, and Brendan was seen in the distance early on. Altogether I am claiming that’s 14 people.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

All the recent speedygeese race results

YCRC Women’s Jogalong 6k 04 March
7. Vanessa Haverd W40 24:51
45. Kathy Sims W65 31:44
47. Cathy Montalto W65 34:49
59. Caroline Campbell W75 39:20
74 finishers

YCRC Summer Series #7 Stirling Park 5k 13 March
4. Stuart Doyle M50 19:54
10. Louise Sharp W35 22:10
11. David Clarke M55 22:25
14. Rohan Pitchford M50 23:29
15. Craig Wurtz M50 24:04
16. Peter Thomson M55 24:48
20. Sarah Pau W45 26:56
22. Gabrielle Brown W50 28:06
25. Tori Hennig W55 29:17
26. Vanessa Palmer W45 30:33
39 finishers

YCRC Summer Series #8 Stromlo Forest Park 5k 20 March
9. Louise Sharp W35 21:12
12. Rohan Pitchford M50 22:21
14. Craig Wurtz M50 23:19
19. Peter Thomson M55 25:00
20. Gabrielle Brown W50 26:03
22. Sarah Pau W45 26:42
24. Tori Hennig W55 28:03
25. David Clarke M55 28:25
34. Mick Charlton M65 32:10
39 finishers

ACTMA Stromlo Forest Park 8k 25 March
3 Rod Lynch M55 34:53 **gold**
6 Roger Pilkington M55 44:48
30 Nigel England M55 37:42
31 Mick Charlton M65 54:59
35 Margaret McSpadden W70 56:26
37 Caroline Campbell W75 57:36
41 finishers

Lake Ginninderra 7k 27 March
5. Bron Sparkes 35.06
11 finishers

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k
27 March
2. Sandeep Chandra 37:30
4. Ewen Thompson 41:33
6. Roger Pilkington 30:44
9. Michael Thompson 30:39
10. Nicole Bruce 39:05
14. Carolyne Kramar 67:48
15 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #307
31 March
11 William Barlow 19:39 M35
21 Gavin Mongan 20:54 M35
24 Jacob Miller 21:07 M11
27 Andrew Simpson 21:24 M45
47 Chloe Miller 23:26 W11
56 Kevin Miller 23:55 M40
66 Jennifer Kellett 24:26 W60
70 Bron Sparkes 24:44 W40
85 Celina Miller 25:32 W35
111 Geoff Moore 27:21 M65
122 Ruth Baussmann 28:00 W65
281 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #266 31 March
11 Nigel England 20:16 M55
26 Chris Gammon 23:24 M55
118 Kerron Clare 29:16 W50
297 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #235 31 March
44 David Baussmann 23:12 M65
127 William Arthur 28:07 M65
142 Nadine Morrison 29:26 W45
187 Margaret McSpadden 31:30 W70
188 Brett Morrison 31:37 M45
301 Carolyne Kramar 44:02 W50
342 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #95 31 March
30 Craig Wurtz 21:44 M50
137 Caroline Campbell 28:47 W75
265 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #3 31 March
18 Michelle Wells 21:40 W45
86 Andrew Smith 31:23 M45
157 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #48 31 March
61 finishers

Goulburn parkrun #8 31 March
7 Giles Lamb 20:28 M40
156 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #100 31 March
41 David Webster 23:24 M65
74 Victoria Hennig 26:58 W55
160 finishers

Wagga 5k parkrun #30 31 March
42 Lisa McDonald 27:15 W40 **5k PB**
95 Ewen Thompson 36:09 M60
146 finishers

Cohuna 5k parkrun #70 31 March
4 David Clarke 20:04 M55
71 finishers

Huskisson 5k parkrun #11 31 March
25 Shiree Yap 21:53 W45
274 finishers

Cottesloe parkrun #154 31 March
131 Vanessa Palmer 30:49 W45
183 finishers

Seen at Ginninderra

Chloe drops Dad

Middle of the pack

A smiling Bron

Monday, 2 April 2018

Feeling Good

Song of the week

Muse – Feeling Good
Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom in the trees you know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me
Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And you know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Sense of humour

And he did. Read some of the parables of Jesus, and you may understand.
See you back in training Monday usual time, usual place!