If you are running in any of the events, please take the opportunity to promote the Club – wear your YCRC gear in the race (Griffins are excused) and if you are talking to other Canberra-based participants let them know what the Club offers. And in particular tell them about our Half Marathon on 27 May, which is a good option for a follow up run. (A reminder to register at https://www.registernow.com. au/secure/Register.aspx?E= 28434)
We will have a tent in the Event Village, so come along and meet up with your fellow Club members and their supporters either before or after your run.
And good luck to all our runners, particularly our debutant fun runners from the ARF training group!
After we have recovered from the ARF, the Winter Series commences with the Kingston Physio West Basin 10 mile (16 km) event at 7.30 am on Saturday 28 April. This is a great lead up race for those aiming for the YCRC Half Marathon.
The second race is a cross country event at North Lyneham on Saturday 5 May, with 2 km, 3.1 km and 6.2 km options. The 2 km will start at 12.45 pm, with the 3.1 and 6.2 km races at 1.00 pm. These are good events for juniors training for school cross country races. Winter Series races are free to Club members (with the exception of the Canberra Half Marathon), and there are Junior and Senior pointscore trophies based on performance across the season, so get along to as many races as possible to maximise your chances of taking home the series prizes.
The next Women and Girls’ Jogalong will be on Sunday 6 May starting at 9.00am. We are currently reviewing our check in procedures, so watch this space for details of changed arrangements for next month. We are also looking for someone to take on the role of preparing the Jogalong Jottings. If we can’t fill this position, we may have to move to an electronic only version. If you are able to help out, contact Lucy Jones at Lucy.Jones@abs.gov.au or Annemarie Calnan at annemariecalnan@icloud.com.
Upcoming events
- Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 April – Australian Running Festival
- 7.30 am Saturday 28 April – Kingston Physio West Basin 10 mile at Black Mountain Peninsula
- 12.45 pm Saturday 5 May – North Lyneham 2/3.1/6.2 km at Salkaukus Cr, North Lyneham
- 9.00 am Sunday 6 May – Jogalong 1.6/3/6km at Weston Park
- 12.45 pm Saturday 19 May - Stromlo Forest Park 2/4/6 km
- 2.00 pm Saturday 26 May - YMCA Canberra Half Marathon Eve 2/5 km, Lennox Gardens, Flynn Drive, Yarralumla
- 8.00 am Sunday 27 May - YMCA Canberra Half Marathon, Lennox Gardens, Flynn Drive, Yarralumla