Thursday, 14 March 2013

Who should turn up but Joel!

Because I couldn't run the Summer Series 5k race on Tuesday night, owing to a meeting of the Organising Committee for the AMA Nationals, I ran my second recent BBQ Stakes yesterday. Who should turn up for the first time but Joel!

YCRC Summer Series #7:
Black Mountain Peninsula 5k Tuesday 12 March.
30. David Baussmann M60 23:03
35. Janene Kingston W45 23:48
50. Mick Charlton M60 28:28
51. Ruth Baussmann W60 28:32
55. Margaret McSpadden W65 32:12
59 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k Wednesday 13 March
Joel Pearson 27:01 (first run at BBQ)
Jen Bright 27:45
Me 29:55
Gary Bowen 32:37
Helen Larmour 34:41
Roger Pilkington ~47 mins
Caroline Campbell ~52 mins
Helen was coasting as she is racing the 5000m track championships tonight. Roger walked most of it with injury, and Caroline has a back injury so was taking it very slowly. I ran steadily within myself, aiming at 30 minutes, and never really noticed the heat. Joel had company and was aiming at 27 minutes, good for practicing even pace running, and he just finished behind me on handicap. Jen started late!

Annie is in town!
"Hello everybody ... Col and I will be back in town soon for the National Folk Festival. We'll arrive in Sydney on 22nd March, then drive down to Canberra with our campervan, probably on March 24th. We'll camp at the festival between 28th March and 1st April over Easter, then stay for a while to see all our friends. We'll be staying at our friend Tina's place in Queanbeyan.
We have no precise plan for the time until 26th April when we fly back to Wellington. Maybe travel around in NSW to visit friends and relatives or visit sites that we never went to because you just don't do that when you live there !
Anyway we'd love to see as many of you all as possible. I'd love to fit in some runs with the ACT Vets (the slow ones, that is). I don't run so much these days (arthritis) and I try to stay fit by alternating with swimming, walking and pilates.
Col is well and has recovered well from his stroke 2 years ago. He'll be celebrating his 80th birthday soon !
We'd like to look in on as many local folk events in the time that we're there (Bungendore, Murrumbateman and any other events on the calendar).
If you have time to meet us and share a yarn, please [reply to this e-mail address or] ring me on my mobile (0424 596 631) from 23rd March.
Looking forward to catching up with many of you."

Annie and Col