Track results Thursday 14 March
5000m Championships
M50 Rod Lynch 19:21.30 76.4
W50 Helen Larmour 21:25.19 81.1
M55 Ewen Thompson 23:07.27 65.0
Customs 5k result Friday 15 March
The course was 80m long due to a Canberra Week stage being set up across it.
Geoff Moore 22:09
Bronwyn Calver 22.48
At last the Bowen Crossing underpass!
"Preliminary work has begun on the long-awaited safety upgrade to the Bowen Place crossing near Canberra's Lake Burley Griffin.
"Over the next fortnight electricity and gas lines will be lowered into Bowen Place, ahead of the construction of a pedestrian underpass, set to begin early in 2014.
"The underpass includes a 300 metre path connecting Kings Avenue to the existing path network next to Lake Burley Griffin, allowing pedestrians and cyclists to pass underneath the existing road.
"National Capital Authority (NCA) chief executive Gary Rake says it is important the preliminary work is done now, a year ahead of major earthworks.
"'Certainly we don't want to be moving a gas main during winter where an interruption in the project could interrupt heating in the city,' he said.
"'Also we don't want to be moving high voltage power lines in the summer when peak air-conditioning load is important.'
"The $10 million project was originally planned to be completed in time for the centenary celebrations, but Mr Rake says the project was pushed back to help fund other repairs in the capital.
"'Unfortunately we did have to defer this project due to the repairs needed at Scrivener Dam,' he said.
'But we have now got the work at Scrivener Dam under control, we have budget certainty there and we know we are absolutely clear to get on with Bowen Place in early 2014.'
"Mr Rake says the works will improve safety at Bowen Place and hopefully draw more people to the lake for recreational activities.
"'This will help us complete the circuit around the Lake Burley Griffin central basin,' he said.
"'It's one of the most popular walks and runs in the national capital and it will be wonderful to have a great, safe, wide-open crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists.'"