3 Jennifer Bright W35 27:49 71.6% (started 10 groups early)
4 Peter Burke M40 26:15 69.9%
30 Rod Lynch M50 25:14 80.6
46 Andrew Matthews M50 29:30 68.9
47 Caroline Campbell W70 38:36 76.9
54 Cathy Newman W50 32:28 70.1
55 Maria O'Reilly W55 29:14 84.1
86 finishers
Central Curtin 3k
13 Cathy Montalto W60 14:54 76.8%
14 Brett Morrison M40 12:54 67.5
25 finishers
Parliament House last night - hot conditions. We ran in the shade on the western side, everyone doing 3-5 intervals over 550m with an easy jog in between. Running early were Cathy M, CJ, Ewen, me, Miranda, Peter, Ruth (early-ish), and Susan. In the main session were Andrew S, Andy, Bronwyn, CJ, Clint, Craig, Ewen, me, Jen, Mick, Margaret, Peter, Ruth, Sarah-Jayne, Sophie, Tim & Warrick.
Meanwhile at the Canberra Adventure Race
Andrew N and Kym
They finished 34th out of 60. Some familiar names in the results http://www.iadventure.com.au/images/stories/events/2013/Canberra-Feb/Results_CBR0213.xls. Website for anyone interested is http://www.iadventure.com.au/adventure-races/canberra-adventure-race-23-feb-2013.
Womens and Girls Fun Run this Sunday
The YMCA of Canberra Runners Club invites women and girls of all ages to join in the ActewAGL Women and Girls' 5k Fun Run/Walk.
Entrants may walk, jog or run the 5km course from Stage 88 in Commonwealth Park to just past the Carillon and return on a traffic free loop through Commonwealth and Kings Parks.
Money raised will support OvCan and the YMCA of Canberra Runners Club.
Entrants may walk, jog or run the 5km course from Stage 88 in Commonwealth Park to just past the Carillon and return on a traffic free loop through Commonwealth and Kings Parks.
Money raised will support OvCan and the YMCA of Canberra Runners Club.
Where: Start/finish at Stage 88, Commonwealth Park When: 9am Sunday 3 March 2013
Entry Dates: Enter online until Thursday 28 FebrEarly Bird Entries close Friday 8 February 2013.
Late entries accepted at Stage 88 on Saturday 2 March 2013 between 2.00 - 4.30pm.
Race Numbers with a disposable Timing Chip can be collected at Stage 88 on Saturday 2 March 2013 between 2.00pm - 4.30pm and on Sunday 3 March between 7.45am - 8.30am
Please note that we cannot take late entries on the day of the event.