Wednesday, 27 February 2013

ouch .... headache

I don't know if it is a stress headache, a flu headache, a change in the weather headache, a dehydration headache, a sleep deprivation headache, a too much time on the laptop headache, something else, or all of the above. But it is a headache and I am even busier than usual at present.
And I don't know about anyone else, but when I resort to a pain killer, even just one, I have a rest from running and only jog if I have to, i.e. when coaching. My choice, I am not going to risk getting dependent on such things and I am not going to risk burning out. There is no finish line!

Cluttered. Definitely.

Yesterday I watched a great movie, "Without Limits", about Prefontaine's short running career. Recommended. Very inspiring, thought provoking, and some great quotes. Obviously true to life, made by people who know all about runners and coaches, the very different personalities, the incredibly emotional roller coaster journey they travel. The subplots, e.g. the last days of amateurism, and the NIKE running shoe revolution for example, all very interesting. Thanks Andy for the loan of the DVD.

Running shoes