Best Music Albums of 2012
#5 "Blue Sky Blue" by Pete Murray
#4 "Mylo Xyloto" by Coldplay
#3 "Port of Morrow", by The Shins
#2 "Moonfire", by Boy & Bear
#1 "Babel", by Mumford & Sons
This album stands out as one of the greatest ever. And their best song on the album is ...
Song of the week: "Lover of the Light"
Mumford & Sons - live
For fans - I recommend the DVD Big Easy Express.
Monday, 31 December 2012
Sunday, 30 December 2012
hairy selfie
Enough is enough. The hedge trimmers come out today. This can be a "before" photo.
Stromlo Forest Park
Joel had a good interval session this morning. Yelena and I yelled support. Also sighted on the lovely green grass were Ken, Amanda W, Katie, Maria & Tori. I enjoyed some barefoot running and will do more in the new year, maybe twice a week.
Customs 5k result 21/12
Tim Calver 18:56
Bronwyn Calver 25:04
Caroline Campbell 29:01
Interstate Parkruns
Following on from yesterday's post, Canberrans travelling interstate have woken up to the fact that once you register for one parkrun you can compete anyway they are held! There are currently 18 parkrun venues in Australia: in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Launceston, Adelaide, Perth and Canberra. Here are the stats for 22 December, where you can see the venues
Albert Melbourne - 110 runners | 26 first timers | 20 PBs;
Balyang Sanctuary - 99 runners | 16 first timers | 28 PBs;
Claisebrook Cove - 123 runners | 50 first timers | 14 PBs;
Coomera - 25 runners | 1 first timers | 4 PBs;
Ginninderra - 46 runners | 8 first timers | 9 PBs;
Kawana - 85 runners | 32 first timers | 11 PBs;
Kingscliff - 12 runners | 6 first timers | 3 PBs;
Kirra - 65 runners | 7 first timers | 8 PBs;
Launceston - 78 runners | 22 first timers | 40 PBs;
Main Beach - 125 runners | 24 first timers | 8 PBs;
New Farm - 186 runners | 49 first timers | 23 PBs;
Newy - 252 runners | 37 first timers | 57 PBs;
North Lakes - 30 runners | 5 first timers | 4 PBs;
Sandgate - 79 runners | 23 first timers | 28 PBs;
South Bank - 84 runners | 25 first timers | 16 PBs;
St Peters - 126 runners | 25 first timers | 19 PBs;
Torrens - 55 runners | 19 first timers | 17 PBs;
Wynnum - 81 runners | 20 first timers | 16 PBs.
Competing in Wynnum on Saturday was Gary Bowen, 10th in 21:48. And planning to run at Albert Park next week is Cathy Newman. So if you are travelling interstate, go run in a parkrun event! The parkrun website keeps track of all performances, run counts, PBs as if it were one big event. Which it is. And worldwide, at that!
Parkrun Australia is at
Enough is enough. The hedge trimmers come out today. This can be a "before" photo.
Stromlo Forest Park
Joel had a good interval session this morning. Yelena and I yelled support. Also sighted on the lovely green grass were Ken, Amanda W, Katie, Maria & Tori. I enjoyed some barefoot running and will do more in the new year, maybe twice a week.
Customs 5k result 21/12
Tim Calver 18:56
Bronwyn Calver 25:04
Caroline Campbell 29:01
Interstate Parkruns
Following on from yesterday's post, Canberrans travelling interstate have woken up to the fact that once you register for one parkrun you can compete anyway they are held! There are currently 18 parkrun venues in Australia: in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Launceston, Adelaide, Perth and Canberra. Here are the stats for 22 December, where you can see the venues
Albert Melbourne - 110 runners | 26 first timers | 20 PBs;
Balyang Sanctuary - 99 runners | 16 first timers | 28 PBs;
Claisebrook Cove - 123 runners | 50 first timers | 14 PBs;
Coomera - 25 runners | 1 first timers | 4 PBs;
Ginninderra - 46 runners | 8 first timers | 9 PBs;
Kawana - 85 runners | 32 first timers | 11 PBs;
Kingscliff - 12 runners | 6 first timers | 3 PBs;
Kirra - 65 runners | 7 first timers | 8 PBs;
Launceston - 78 runners | 22 first timers | 40 PBs;
Main Beach - 125 runners | 24 first timers | 8 PBs;
New Farm - 186 runners | 49 first timers | 23 PBs;
Newy - 252 runners | 37 first timers | 57 PBs;
North Lakes - 30 runners | 5 first timers | 4 PBs;
Sandgate - 79 runners | 23 first timers | 28 PBs;
South Bank - 84 runners | 25 first timers | 16 PBs;
St Peters - 126 runners | 25 first timers | 19 PBs;
Torrens - 55 runners | 19 first timers | 17 PBs;
Wynnum - 81 runners | 20 first timers | 16 PBs.
Competing in Wynnum on Saturday was Gary Bowen, 10th in 21:48. And planning to run at Albert Park next week is Cathy Newman. So if you are travelling interstate, go run in a parkrun event! The parkrun website keeps track of all performances, run counts, PBs as if it were one big event. Which it is. And worldwide, at that!
Parkrun Australia is at
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Three speedygeese at Parkrun today
Ginninderra Parkrun #36 - 29/12/2012
5 Derek GILLETT 23:05 just outside his Parkrun PB
9 Janene KINGSTON 24:34 new Parkrun PB
14 Thea ZIMPEL 26:22 first timer
25 finishers
Ruth's husband David ran too, 7th in 23:34, just outside his Parkrun PB.
5 Derek GILLETT 23:05 just outside his Parkrun PB
9 Janene KINGSTON 24:34 new Parkrun PB
14 Thea ZIMPEL 26:22 first timer
25 finishers
Ruth's husband David ran too, 7th in 23:34, just outside his Parkrun PB.
Friday, 28 December 2012
News: WORLD MASTERS GAMES,Torino, 27 dicembre 2012
L’appuntamento con i World Masters Games di Torino, dal 2 all’11 agosto 2013, sta diventando un punto di riferimento per migliaia di atleti che, da ogni parte del mondo, si stanno iscrivendo e stanno recuperando informazioni sull’evento che coinvolgerà il capoluogo piemontese nella prossima estate. Preparazione, allenamenti, partecipazione a gare per migliorare la propria condizione in vista di quest’appuntamento mondiale, il mondo dello sport master è sempre più concentrato sull’obiettivo World Masters Games.
Lo dicono i numeri, lo dicono le iscrizioni sempre più in aumento, lo dicono le email con richieste d’informazioni e la comunicazione sulla Rete. Da ogni parte del pianeta, ogni giorno, qualcuno decide di mettersi, ancora una volta, in gioco scegliendo la disciplina nella quale gareggiare e in questo momento sono le donne, come al solito, che dimostrano maggiore grinta e lungimiranza. Fino a questo momento, ma come già detto in altre occasioni, tutto quanto è in divenire e quindi i dati si modificano quotidianamente, le atlete iscritte stanno superando i maschietti di un buon 20% e continuano anche ad avere la leadership per quanto riguarda l’atleta più ‘master’ in assoluto: la signora americana, classe 1922, iscritta alle gare di nuoto.
Qualcuno sa dov’è Guam? Da oggi dobbiamo saperlo perché i World Masters Games di Torino 2013 ospiteranno anche un atleta proveniente da questa isola dell’oceano Pacifico, la più grande dell’arcipelago delle Marianne. L’abitante dell’isola Guam parteciperà alle gare di atletica. Questa località dal nome così esotico, nel 1972 balzò agli onori della cronaca quando un soldato giapponese della seconda guerra mondiale, fu ritrovato vivo sull'isola, dove aveva vissuto dal momento della sua occupazione da parte dell’esercito del Sol Levante fino allora, completamente ignaro del fatto che la guerra fosse finita ‘qualche anno’ prima.
Quando diciamo che i World Masters Games raccolgono atleti da ogni parte del mondo, è proprio così. Da Guam alle Hawaii per passare dalle Mauritius, da dove proviene uno degli iscritti alle gare di badminton. Persone che affronteranno il loro lungo viaggio per partecipare all’appuntamento torinese del 2013. Dai singoli iscritti che provengono da località esotiche e a volte ‘sconosciute’, ai gruppi numerosi che hanno subito inserito i loro nomi nel sistema d’iscrizione dei World Masters Games, canadesi ad australiani su tutti.
Interessanti anche i numeri riguardanti gli iscritti di paesi come Stati Uniti, Brasile, Russia e gran parte delle principali nazioni europee. Torino si prepara ad accogliere e ospitare queste persone che hanno fatto dello sport uno stile di vita e che possono godere di queste occasioni anche per conoscere la realtà, la cultura e le bellezze naturali di un paesaggio splendido come quello piemontese.
"Ti aspettiamo ai WMG di Torino 2013"
Thursday, 27 December 2012
No apple products are allowed in my world.
I had some holiday fun installing a new template. Previous posts which looked good with the old template may be a bit hard to read with the new one. Colours in particular. So I shall amend some popular posts.
Christmas Day was fun.
So now I had better get on with all the things I have to do.
I had some holiday fun installing a new template. Previous posts which looked good with the old template may be a bit hard to read with the new one. Colours in particular. So I shall amend some popular posts.
Christmas Day was fun.
So now I had better get on with all the things I have to do.
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
AMA National Track and Field, Easter 2013
This is a unique opportunity for us to participate in a major National Athletics competition in the National Capital in Canberra's centenary year. Let's make it a big success by entering the event ourselves, and by promoting it among our colleagues. The only eligibility requirements are (a) age - 30 years of age or older on 29 March 2013, and (b) membership - belonging to the ACTVAC or to one of the Masters Athletic clubs in the states or overseas.
Registrations are now open on-line.
This is a unique opportunity for us to participate in a major National Athletics competition in the National Capital in Canberra's centenary year. Let's make it a big success by entering the event ourselves, and by promoting it among our colleagues. The only eligibility requirements are (a) age - 30 years of age or older on 29 March 2013, and (b) membership - belonging to the ACTVAC or to one of the Masters Athletic clubs in the states or overseas.
Registrations are now open on-line.
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
nipped in the bud
"Look that! Brilliant! You kill the leader and you nip the whole movement in the bud!"
Happy Christmas.
Monday, 24 December 2012
feeding line
Best Music Albums of 2012 - so far we have -
#5 album of 2012 "Blue Sky Blue" by Pete Murray
#4 album of 2012 "Mylo Xyloto" by Coldplay
#3 album of 2012 "Port of Morrow", by The Shins
Best Music Albums of 2012 - continued
#2 album of 2012 "Moonfire", by Boy & Bear
Song of the week "Feeding Line", by Boy & Bear, from "Moonfire":
Boy & Bear rightfully won the "Best new group" category in the 2011 ARIAs, as well as many other Australian awards. Their Moonfire album contains brilliant songs such as "Big Man", "Milk & Sticks", "Lordy May", and this great track which was their first single release off the album.
#5 album of 2012 "Blue Sky Blue" by Pete Murray
#4 album of 2012 "Mylo Xyloto" by Coldplay
#3 album of 2012 "Port of Morrow", by The Shins
Best Music Albums of 2012 - continued
#2 album of 2012 "Moonfire", by Boy & Bear
Song of the week "Feeding Line", by Boy & Bear, from "Moonfire":
Boy & Bear rightfully won the "Best new group" category in the 2011 ARIAs, as well as many other Australian awards. Their Moonfire album contains brilliant songs such as "Big Man", "Milk & Sticks", "Lordy May", and this great track which was their first single release off the album.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Australia's egalitarian position
Today's training at Stromlo Forest Park was very hot, but I managed 4 x 1km in 4:28, 4:16, 4:32, and 4:18. Also participating were Joel, Yelena & Ewen, and we shared the track with Tori, Amanda W, Katie & Ken.
Today's training at Stromlo Forest Park was very hot, but I managed 4 x 1km in 4:28, 4:16, 4:32, and 4:18. Also participating were Joel, Yelena & Ewen, and we shared the track with Tori, Amanda W, Katie & Ken.
Saturday, 22 December 2012
They were nearly all novelty events again Thursday night, just the 400m a normal event.
Speedygeese official results
100m President's H'cap Men
M70 Tony Booth 12.89 on handicap, unplaced
M70 Tony Booth 1:21.97 77.7%
2000m Turkey Run
M50 Rod Lynch 7:10.90 77.0% 2nd. Place
M50 Roger Pilkington 8:01.36 69.5
W45 Janene Kingston 10:06.20 61.2
W60 Ruth Baussmann 11:26.19 65.4
M50 Rod Lynch 11:46.74 72.9%
W45 Janene Kingston 14:51.76 64.3
M70 Tony Booth 16:56.33 62.5
M40 Andrew Simpson 19:12.66 70.0%
M60 Geoff Moore 21:47.21 74.6
M50 Roger Pilkington 22:02.07 67.6
M55 Ewen Thompson 22:42.19 66.2
For once I will put the novelty field events in, for a laugh
Standing Long Jump
M50 Roger Pilkington 1.94
W30 Thea Zimpel 1.85
M50 Rod Lynch 1.84
Standing Triple Jump
W30 Thea Zimpel 6.20
Today's run took me to Scrivener dam and back, with a detour around the prior arboretum (established prior to the international one) in the shade, totalling just over 14.5k. It was getting a bit warm to go any further. Average pace - right on 6:00 mins per km.
Speedygeese official results
100m President's H'cap Men
M70 Tony Booth 12.89 on handicap, unplaced
M70 Tony Booth 1:21.97 77.7%
2000m Turkey Run
M50 Rod Lynch 7:10.90 77.0% 2nd. Place
M50 Roger Pilkington 8:01.36 69.5
W45 Janene Kingston 10:06.20 61.2
W60 Ruth Baussmann 11:26.19 65.4
M50 Rod Lynch 11:46.74 72.9%
W45 Janene Kingston 14:51.76 64.3
M70 Tony Booth 16:56.33 62.5
M40 Andrew Simpson 19:12.66 70.0%
M60 Geoff Moore 21:47.21 74.6
M50 Roger Pilkington 22:02.07 67.6
M55 Ewen Thompson 22:42.19 66.2
For once I will put the novelty field events in, for a laugh
Standing Long Jump
M50 Roger Pilkington 1.94
W30 Thea Zimpel 1.85
M50 Rod Lynch 1.84
Standing Triple Jump
W30 Thea Zimpel 6.20
Today's run took me to Scrivener dam and back, with a detour around the prior arboretum (established prior to the international one) in the shade, totalling just over 14.5k. It was getting a bit warm to go any further. Average pace - right on 6:00 mins per km.
Friday, 21 December 2012
Highlight from last night's track events: Feeling very tired I managed to get there late and do some warm-up for the 5000m which was on at the end of the night. Thinking I might be struggling I decided to run a slow race and had as a plan B to be the last person on the track for the year. However I managed to beat two people home despite feeling less than fit the whole way.
speedygeese in the 5000m
Andrew Simpson 19:12.66
Geoff Moore 21:47.21
Roger Pilkington 22:02.07
Ewen Thompson 22:42.19
My km splits were 4:25, 4:20, 4:25, 4:22, 4:15.
The real highlight was a good effort by Andrew to run a big PB.
Make this gingerbread house for Christmas?
Bigger on the inside
Meanwhile on the other side of the world, generous options offered by New York City Marathon -
speedygeese in the 5000m
Andrew Simpson 19:12.66
Geoff Moore 21:47.21
Roger Pilkington 22:02.07
Ewen Thompson 22:42.19
My km splits were 4:25, 4:20, 4:25, 4:22, 4:15.
The real highlight was a good effort by Andrew to run a big PB.
Make this gingerbread house for Christmas?
Bigger on the inside
Meanwhile on the other side of the world, generous options offered by New York City Marathon -
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Training over Christmas/New Year
We train on Mondays at Parliament House, and this year Christmas Eve and New Years Eve fall on Mondays, so training is cancelled on those days. The next Monday training at Parliament House is on 7 January 2013.
ACTVAC conduct their track meets on Thursday evenings. There will be no meeting on Thursday 27th. Their Christmas meet is tonight, and they resume in January, combining with AACT on Thursday 3 January and 10 January.
Ginninderra Parkrun continues every Saturday at John Knight Park, they do not have a break.
On Sunday mornings we train at Stromlo Forest Park at 8:00am, and this will be continuing right through without a break as well.
I expect to be away for one of the Sundays and one of the scheduled Mondays. In both cases training will go ahead without me!
You will see all this spelt out in "Coming Events" in the right hand column of the blog.
Whether you have already gone away or will be going away or will be having a quiet time at home, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
ACTVAC conduct their track meets on Thursday evenings. There will be no meeting on Thursday 27th. Their Christmas meet is tonight, and they resume in January, combining with AACT on Thursday 3 January and 10 January.
Ginninderra Parkrun continues every Saturday at John Knight Park, they do not have a break.
On Sunday mornings we train at Stromlo Forest Park at 8:00am, and this will be continuing right through without a break as well.
I expect to be away for one of the Sundays and one of the scheduled Mondays. In both cases training will go ahead without me!
You will see all this spelt out in "Coming Events" in the right hand column of the blog.
Whether you have already gone away or will be going away or will be having a quiet time at home, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Eliza deserves congratulations for achieving her 2012 goal of completing twelve major races in twelve months. Yesterday's Black Mountain run-up was number 12. And she ran it twice, as the first time "wasn't official"!
Eliza yesterday
Eliza at her muddy run earlier in the year.
On Monday her mate Rex cycled around while we were training, even though Eliza wasn't there as she was tapering for Tuesday!
Stromlo on Sunday
The speedygeese heading down to the track
The warm up
Warrick hanging on ahead of Ewen
Eliza yesterday
Eliza at her muddy run earlier in the year.
On Monday her mate Rex cycled around while we were training, even though Eliza wasn't there as she was tapering for Tuesday!
Stromlo on Sunday
The speedygeese heading down to the track
The warm up
Warrick hanging on ahead of Ewen
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
goals 2013
I had a string of goals for 2012 but I am only listing two for 2013
1. Win medals as an M65 competitor in the Australian Masters Games in Geelong in October
2. Complete at least one 5000m race under 20:13 in 2013
Of course, the implications of these goals include a whole range of things to do with sensible training, fitness, health, motivation, consistency, and commitment. Avoiding injury this year, I believe I have the ability to achieve these two goals.
Tour de Ridges results
15k men
24 Andrew Matthews 53 1.36.13
15k women
2 Sarah-Jayne Miller 29 1.15.18
11 Amanda Ruffin 53 1.35.27
15 Jen Bright 37 1.40.19
Customs 5k 14 December
Tim Calver ~25:45
Bronwyn Calver 25:56
Parliament House training
For the final session at Parliament House for 2012, we ran a series of 100m hills sprints, with half the group completing 20 and half being "attritioned" out. Running early were Andrew S, Helen, Roger & I. For the hills, Abi took charge and blew the whistle every 90 seconds for Andrew S, Andy, Craig, Derek, Ewen, Garry, me, Helen, Jen, Lucia, Mick, Sarah & Tony. Parliament House training will go into recess on 24 & 31 December, and resume Monday 6 January.
1. Win medals as an M65 competitor in the Australian Masters Games in Geelong in October
2. Complete at least one 5000m race under 20:13 in 2013
Of course, the implications of these goals include a whole range of things to do with sensible training, fitness, health, motivation, consistency, and commitment. Avoiding injury this year, I believe I have the ability to achieve these two goals.
Tour de Ridges results
15k men
24 Andrew Matthews 53 1.36.13
15k women
2 Sarah-Jayne Miller 29 1.15.18
11 Amanda Ruffin 53 1.35.27
15 Jen Bright 37 1.40.19
Customs 5k 14 December
Tim Calver ~25:45
Bronwyn Calver 25:56
Parliament House training
For the final session at Parliament House for 2012, we ran a series of 100m hills sprints, with half the group completing 20 and half being "attritioned" out. Running early were Andrew S, Helen, Roger & I. For the hills, Abi took charge and blew the whistle every 90 seconds for Andrew S, Andy, Craig, Derek, Ewen, Garry, me, Helen, Jen, Lucia, Mick, Sarah & Tony. Parliament House training will go into recess on 24 & 31 December, and resume Monday 6 January.
Monday, 17 December 2012
It's Only Life
Music albums of 2012
#5 album of 2012 "Blue Sky Blue" by Pete Murray
#4 album of 2012 "Mylo Xyloto" by Coldplay
Music albums of 2012 - continued
#3 album of 2012 "Port of Morrow", by The Shins
Song of the week "It’s Only Life", by The Shins, from "Port of Morrow":
I did like their previous albums, this one is just as good if not better. Interesting and thought-provoking lyrics and themes, but musically outstanding.
#5 album of 2012 "Blue Sky Blue" by Pete Murray
#4 album of 2012 "Mylo Xyloto" by Coldplay
Music albums of 2012 - continued
#3 album of 2012 "Port of Morrow", by The Shins
Song of the week "It’s Only Life", by The Shins, from "Port of Morrow":
I did like their previous albums, this one is just as good if not better. Interesting and thought-provoking lyrics and themes, but musically outstanding.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
post run recovery in eleven words
Some people swim, some people Geocache, some people walk (not a bad idea that). Some people crash in front of the TV and watch episodes of "How Earth Made Us". I am of the latter persuasion.
After the longest Sunday run
the couch was always option one.
Today's training
Joel, Yelena, Abi, Miranda, Ewen, Lucia, Warrick, Andrew S & I were at training, nine of us. Most of us ran 4x1km intervals with a good 1km recovery. It was hot and agonising out there. Also sighted were Katie & Amanda W doing a similar session. And Ken. Those of us who completed all four were very pleased to have done it, once it was over. Pity the poor people doing the Half Iron Man in the December heat today.
Congratulations Zainab
Results Ginninderra Parkrun #34 Saturday 15 December
22 Derek Gillett 23:00 (5k PB by 0:30)
41 Janene Kingston 25:39
73 finishers
After the longest Sunday run
the couch was always option one.
Today's training
Joel, Yelena, Abi, Miranda, Ewen, Lucia, Warrick, Andrew S & I were at training, nine of us. Most of us ran 4x1km intervals with a good 1km recovery. It was hot and agonising out there. Also sighted were Katie & Amanda W doing a similar session. And Ken. Those of us who completed all four were very pleased to have done it, once it was over. Pity the poor people doing the Half Iron Man in the December heat today.
Congratulations Zainab
Results Ginninderra Parkrun #34 Saturday 15 December
22 Derek Gillett 23:00 (5k PB by 0:30)
41 Janene Kingston 25:39
73 finishers
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Just what is a rest day?
For some a rest day is full of other activities. Choose one or more from this list: playing with the kids or the pets, a therapeutic long walk, cycling with your mates, horse riding, a trip to the coast to do some surfing. The psychological effect can be as important as the physical effect. Anything enjoyable which aids recovery from the other days of intense training. For others a rest day can include a light run; how about barefoot on the grass or barefoot on the sand with the grand-kids? When I was doing 12 running sessions a week 35 years ago, and working, my "rest day" was Friday when I would jog ~8k at lunchtime. No pressure, no timing, no Garmin (they weren't invented yet anyway).
This time last year I was planning to start a running streak. It started on 31/12/2011 and ended on 05/08/2012 - 217 days. The advantage of getting into a streak is the motivation it gives you to keep training. I got very fit after 2-3 months of it. The disadvantage is that you tend to overlook easy or recovery days. I had to stop because of an over-use impact injury.
Rather than planning another streak, I believe I can be just as motivated while incorporating rest days into the 2013 plan. I have drawn up possibly the final version of the plan which I intend following religiously for the first three or four months of 2013.
My Training Goals for the start of 2013
That's five varied but reasonably hard running days, a recreation/rest day on Wednesdays where I will work on my flexibility, and a second non-running day on Fridays where I will swim 1-2k after a vigorous gym circuit of stretching and strength work. Each week I might vary the program, e.g. weather forecasts might convince me to swap Monday & Thursday & Sunday intervals around.
Just one note for those training with me on Sundays: I won't be in Canberra on 6 January, but starting 13 January, I will be meeting at 8:00am instead of 8:30am
This time last year I was planning to start a running streak. It started on 31/12/2011 and ended on 05/08/2012 - 217 days. The advantage of getting into a streak is the motivation it gives you to keep training. I got very fit after 2-3 months of it. The disadvantage is that you tend to overlook easy or recovery days. I had to stop because of an over-use impact injury.
Rather than planning another streak, I believe I can be just as motivated while incorporating rest days into the 2013 plan. I have drawn up possibly the final version of the plan which I intend following religiously for the first three or four months of 2013.
My Training Goals for the start of 2013
type of training | where | time | distance | |
Monday | short intervals | Parliament House | 4:30pm early run 5:30pm hills etc. | 16k |
Tuesday | tempo or faster | SFP or YCRC | 6:00pm | 10k |
Wednesday | strength/stretch | F4L | 9:30am gym | |
Thursday | race or sprints | AIS or SFP | 6:00pm | 10k |
Friday | circuit swim | F4L AIS | 9:30am gym 11:00am swim | |
Saturday | long | Acton or ad hoc | 8:00am | 32k |
Sunday | km intervals | SFP | 8:00am | 12k |
Total | 80k |
Just one note for those training with me on Sundays: I won't be in Canberra on 6 January, but starting 13 January, I will be meeting at 8:00am instead of 8:30am
Friday, 14 December 2012
why is the sky blue?
Speedygeese running Vets Track last night
M65 Garry Maher 8.99 89.4%
W55 Maria O'Reilly 2:51.52 81.3%
W50 Helen Larmour 2:54.88 75.5
W30 Thea Zimpel 3:30.19 53.9
Spiral 7
1 Maria O'Reilly W55 12:47
3 Helen Larmour W50 12:25
15 Thea Zimpel W30 17:47
18 finishers
What confused me about university physics and applied mathematics was that they only explained things once they had been observed and never predicted other things. And never answered the real "why?".
M65 Garry Maher 8.99 89.4%
W55 Maria O'Reilly 2:51.52 81.3%
W50 Helen Larmour 2:54.88 75.5
W30 Thea Zimpel 3:30.19 53.9
Spiral 7
1 Maria O'Reilly W55 12:47
3 Helen Larmour W50 12:25
15 Thea Zimpel W30 17:47
18 finishers
What confused me about university physics and applied mathematics was that they only explained things once they had been observed and never predicted other things. And never answered the real "why?".
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Minoan recreation
Track tonight
6:00pm 3000m (P)
6:20pm 200m hurdles
6:30pm 1000m/5000m walk
7:00pm 60m
7:15pm 800m
7:30pm 200m (D)
7:50pm 4 x 200m relay
8:05pm Spiral 7
I will be there but not running - on duty.
Rest day
I have been watching the BBC DVD series "How Earth Made Us" with Dr Iain Stewart. In it he tells us that the Minoans invented the day off. But then, unable to spend their time watching television, because they hadn't got around to inventing it yet, they built an arena and invented the exciting sport of bull-somersaulting. This involved jumping over the top of charging bulls using their horns as a springboard. Iain Stewart asked "How do you practise that?" A good question the answer to which I am not in a hurry to discover.
This entertainment, vaulting steers, would have been a precursor to Roman gladiatorial contests ("We who are about to die salute you"), Spanish Bull Fighting, and the Greek Olympics. Not to mention English cricket, Australian Beach volleyball, Canadian Ice Hockey, and American grid-iron.
Watching sport is a great way to spend a day off. Competing in sport on days off, though, is hardly resting. The moral to this little story - if you are competing in sports on week-ends, make sure that another day in the week is the real rest day.
With 2013 approaching, my tentative plan for each week is to run hard for five days, do an hour of gym on two of those days, and on a sixth day just swim, with a seventh day, possibly Wednesday, completely off.
Formulating plans for 2013 is something I will be doing very soon. I have to get fit by October, for the Australian Masters. It will be my first major competition as an M65. It would be nice to find some form again by then.
I would like to have people to talk to while I run. Meeting others each day really helps the motivation. Are you in? We can help each other meet our goals. Tell me yours, I will have told you mine.
6:00pm 3000m (P)
6:20pm 200m hurdles
6:30pm 1000m/5000m walk
7:00pm 60m
7:15pm 800m
7:30pm 200m (D)
7:50pm 4 x 200m relay
8:05pm Spiral 7
I will be there but not running - on duty.
Rest day
I have been watching the BBC DVD series "How Earth Made Us" with Dr Iain Stewart. In it he tells us that the Minoans invented the day off. But then, unable to spend their time watching television, because they hadn't got around to inventing it yet, they built an arena and invented the exciting sport of bull-somersaulting. This involved jumping over the top of charging bulls using their horns as a springboard. Iain Stewart asked "How do you practise that?" A good question the answer to which I am not in a hurry to discover.
This entertainment, vaulting steers, would have been a precursor to Roman gladiatorial contests ("We who are about to die salute you"), Spanish Bull Fighting, and the Greek Olympics. Not to mention English cricket, Australian Beach volleyball, Canadian Ice Hockey, and American grid-iron.
Watching sport is a great way to spend a day off. Competing in sport on days off, though, is hardly resting. The moral to this little story - if you are competing in sports on week-ends, make sure that another day in the week is the real rest day.
With 2013 approaching, my tentative plan for each week is to run hard for five days, do an hour of gym on two of those days, and on a sixth day just swim, with a seventh day, possibly Wednesday, completely off.
Formulating plans for 2013 is something I will be doing very soon. I have to get fit by October, for the Australian Masters. It will be my first major competition as an M65. It would be nice to find some form again by then.
I would like to have people to talk to while I run. Meeting others each day really helps the motivation. Are you in? We can help each other meet our goals. Tell me yours, I will have told you mine.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
I couldn't resist
Today is 12/12/12 - at last a date not even Americans can stuff up.
Training at Parliament House Monday evening: Ewen & I ran early, then participated in a training session with Andrew S, Andy, Craig, Derek, Garry, Jen, Mick, Sarah, Susan, Warrick & Yelena. We ran three sets of 4x40 second runs on 2 minutes; three different west side tracks alternating direction. Also sighted at the venue were Richard, Thea & Christopher.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Mylo Xyloto
This month I am featuring the five best albums of 2012. At number four, Coldplay's Mylo Xyloto. Tracks such as Princess of China, Charlie Brown, Paradise, Every Teardrop is a Waterfall, Us Against the World, are all excellent. Today's choice is another great track from the album.
Albums of the year 2012 #4: Mylo Xyloto by Coldplay.
Song of the week: Hurts Like Heaven, Coldplay, from Mylo Xyloto,
Albums of the year 2012 #4: Mylo Xyloto by Coldplay.
Song of the week: Hurts Like Heaven, Coldplay, from Mylo Xyloto,
Monday, 10 December 2012
Coast to Kosci - congratulations to Pam Muston, second female in 34:28:22. That's a long time to be running uphill. A report by JogBlog here.
Spring Series race #5 - December 4
Stromlo Forest Park 5k
23. Craig Davis 20:50
30. Geoff Moore 22:50
34. Ewen Thompson 23:21
44. Susan Sturgeon 25:02
54. Mick Charlton 28:37
60 finishers
Black Mountain Challenge
24. Kym Chisholm 25:48
36. Maria O'Reilly 27:01
54. Roger Pilkington 29:50
84. Jenny Bodel 35:29
103. Helen Larmour 40:09
128 finishers
Kiama photos taken by Andy & Miranda
View from their home
Photographing the photographer
Stork impersonation
Spring Series race #5 - December 4
Stromlo Forest Park 5k
23. Craig Davis 20:50
30. Geoff Moore 22:50
34. Ewen Thompson 23:21
44. Susan Sturgeon 25:02
54. Mick Charlton 28:37
60 finishers
Black Mountain Challenge
24. Kym Chisholm 25:48
36. Maria O'Reilly 27:01
54. Roger Pilkington 29:50
84. Jenny Bodel 35:29
103. Helen Larmour 40:09
128 finishers
Kiama photos taken by Andy & Miranda
View from their home
Photographing the photographer
Stork impersonation
Sunday, 9 December 2012
18 months without training is a very long time.
Of course it depends what you call training. This morning I completed an interval session, 4x1k, times 4:18, 4:12, 4:18, 4:12. Looking up my diary, last time I did a comparable session was May 2011. That's a long time just jogging around and going in the odd race! Hard training sessions like that one (but much faster) used to be my bread and butter, although actually it is not true that I eat bread and butter.
Also running today were Andrew just ahead of me and Ewen close behind me.
At Kiama this week we did one long run and two hard walks. To balance the intervals I have counted the walks in my weekly kilometerage. They were on the Garmin so they count!
Thursday's run from Kiama Heights, north to Kiama and return
Friday's walk from Kiama Heights, south to Werri Fish Shop at Gerringong fish and return
Saturday we walked north again, to Little Blowhole Cafe and return.
Andy and Miranda second breakfast.
Back in Canberra they were running track
Vets 3000m Thursday night
M50 Rod Lynch 11:13.44 75.9%
M40 Craig Davis 11:46.30 67.9
M50 Roger Pilkington 12:19.79 69.7
W50 Helen Larmour 12.33.79 81.1
M55 Ewen Thompson 13:14.53 66.0
W70 Caroline Campbell 14.56.97 88.0
And on Saturday a new Ginninderra Parkrun PB to Brett Morrison, 18th in 22:09
Also running today were Andrew just ahead of me and Ewen close behind me.
At Kiama this week we did one long run and two hard walks. To balance the intervals I have counted the walks in my weekly kilometerage. They were on the Garmin so they count!
Thursday's run from Kiama Heights, north to Kiama and return
Friday's walk from Kiama Heights, south to Werri Fish Shop at Gerringong fish and return
Saturday we walked north again, to Little Blowhole Cafe and return.
Andy and Miranda second breakfast.
Back in Canberra they were running track
Vets 3000m Thursday night
M50 Rod Lynch 11:13.44 75.9%
M40 Craig Davis 11:46.30 67.9
M50 Roger Pilkington 12:19.79 69.7
W50 Helen Larmour 12.33.79 81.1
M55 Ewen Thompson 13:14.53 66.0
W70 Caroline Campbell 14.56.97 88.0
And on Saturday a new Ginninderra Parkrun PB to Brett Morrison, 18th in 22:09
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Friday, 7 December 2012
Thursday, 6 December 2012
My wife Jenny walking yesterday through Hellfire Pass where her dad was a POW.
Track tonight
6:00pm 3000m GM
6:20pm short hurdles
6:30pm 700m/1500m walk PH
7:00pm 100m D
7:15pm 800m Higgins
7:30pm 200m
7:50pm Parlauf relay
Track tonight
6:00pm 3000m GM
6:20pm short hurdles
6:30pm 700m/1500m walk PH
7:00pm 100m D
7:15pm 800m Higgins
7:30pm 200m
7:50pm Parlauf relay
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Returning to race on a course you have raced on before is a good way to measure improvement or un-improvement. Four weeks ago my run in the SFP 5k was about 22:52, yesterday it was about 22:50. I suppose that's progress. More interesting were the splits: yesterday I took more advantage of the downhills.
There was a gale blowing which did affect the splits somewhat!
Monday's training at Parliament House: Andrew, Miranda, Ewen & I ran early. Then for the main session we ran in teams of three for 30 minutes, 600m hard and 500m easy recovery. Going on memory, please correct me if I am wrong, teams were Andrew S, Andrew N & Andy; Lucia, Jen & Sarah; Kym, Susan & Eliza, Craig, Derek (new) & Ewen; Tony, Miranda & Christopher. There were some intense personal battles and close team finishes.
Craig was presented with a rather large green metal goose awarded for his sub 20 5k performance, and we retired to Fig & Olive at Chisholm where six who trained plus Helen & Warrick enjoyed a meal and a chat.
Meanwhile, friends keep having birthdays. Happy Birthday Trish Dalziel, 60 years old today!
I coached Trish many years ago and she became a first class race walker.
6 Nov | 4 Dec | ||
km 1 | 4:25 | 4:31 | |
km 2 | 4:31 | 4:52 | |
km 3 | 4:49 | 4:44 | |
km 4 | 4:29 | 3:54 | |
km 5 | 4:39 | 4:49 | |
lap 1 | 11:22 | 11:50 | |
lap 2 | 11:30 | 11:00 | |
time | 22:52 | 22:50 |
There was a gale blowing which did affect the splits somewhat!
Monday's training at Parliament House: Andrew, Miranda, Ewen & I ran early. Then for the main session we ran in teams of three for 30 minutes, 600m hard and 500m easy recovery. Going on memory, please correct me if I am wrong, teams were Andrew S, Andrew N & Andy; Lucia, Jen & Sarah; Kym, Susan & Eliza, Craig, Derek (new) & Ewen; Tony, Miranda & Christopher. There were some intense personal battles and close team finishes.
Craig was presented with a rather large green metal goose awarded for his sub 20 5k performance, and we retired to Fig & Olive at Chisholm where six who trained plus Helen & Warrick enjoyed a meal and a chat.
Meanwhile, friends keep having birthdays. Happy Birthday Trish Dalziel, 60 years old today!
I coached Trish many years ago and she became a first class race walker.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
blue sky blue
Today I start a weekly series of five posts where I feature the five best new albums of 2012, unashamedly a personal view of course. There were many great new albums and these are the five best. Counting down, at number five, Pete Murray's album Blue Sky Blue was one of those that won't fade from memory for a very long time. Tracks such as Led, Free, Always a Winner, Broken, are all great, as is the one I have picked out for this post.
Albums of the year 2012 #5: Blue Sky Blue. Pete Murray.
Song of the week: H.O.L.L.A.N.D. by Pete Murray from Blue Sky Blue
Albums of the year 2012 #5: Blue Sky Blue. Pete Murray.
Song of the week: H.O.L.L.A.N.D. by Pete Murray from Blue Sky Blue
Monday, 3 December 2012
catnip - Simon paints - Fetch
See you at Parliament House, 4:30pm for a cooler "early" run, and 5:30pm for training today. - Fetch
See you at Parliament House, 4:30pm for a cooler "early" run, and 5:30pm for training today.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Stromlo Forest Park - it didn't seem as hot as recently, but times were slow. There must have been a fair bit of humidity about. Andrew, Lucia, Ewen & I ran our km reps and we were all rather exhausted at the end. Ewen completed his one year running streak today; it was Lucia's first session back after returning from several overseas countries including a not-New-York marathon; and it was my first attempt at a km session for many months with times of 4:32, 4:34, dnf, and dns. I expect to improve on that next week.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
making hay while the sun doesn't shine
Vets Track Thursday 29 November
M50 Rod Lynch 11:36.48 73.4%
M40 Craig Davis 12:03.95 66.3
W50 Helen Larmour 12:38.08 80.7
M50 Roger Pilkington 12:41.99 67.6
M60 Geoff Moore 14:27.71 65.3
4x800m relay approximate splits
M50 Rod Lynch 2.30
M40 Craig Davis 2.46
M50 Roger Pilkington 3.06
W50 Helen Larmour 3.08
W60 Cathy Montalto 3.33
spiral 6
3 Craig Davis M40 10:31
10 Helen Larmour W50 10:37
22 Roger Pilkington M50 11:09
26 Cathy Montalto W60 13:19
29 Ruth Baussmann W60 14:42
Ginninderra Parkrun #32 Saturday 1 December
16 Brett MORRISON 23:12
57 finishers
Just a slow 16k this morning. Very, very slow. I saw Liz at the start, but we headed off in different directions. Good to see her starting back again so soon. Lots of cyclists so I ran off the path whenever possible, too hot so I ran off the path whenever possible, but the sun stayed under the clouds for half of the run, which helped a bit.
Tomorrow- Stromlo at 8:30am.
M50 Rod Lynch 11:36.48 73.4%
M40 Craig Davis 12:03.95 66.3
W50 Helen Larmour 12:38.08 80.7
M50 Roger Pilkington 12:41.99 67.6
M60 Geoff Moore 14:27.71 65.3
4x800m relay approximate splits
M50 Rod Lynch 2.30
M40 Craig Davis 2.46
M50 Roger Pilkington 3.06
W50 Helen Larmour 3.08
W60 Cathy Montalto 3.33
spiral 6
3 Craig Davis M40 10:31
10 Helen Larmour W50 10:37
22 Roger Pilkington M50 11:09
26 Cathy Montalto W60 13:19
29 Ruth Baussmann W60 14:42
Ginninderra Parkrun #32 Saturday 1 December
16 Brett MORRISON 23:12
57 finishers
Just a slow 16k this morning. Very, very slow. I saw Liz at the start, but we headed off in different directions. Good to see her starting back again so soon. Lots of cyclists so I ran off the path whenever possible, too hot so I ran off the path whenever possible, but the sun stayed under the clouds for half of the run, which helped a bit.
Tomorrow- Stromlo at 8:30am.