Some people swim, some people Geocache, some people walk (not a bad idea that). Some people crash in front of the TV and watch episodes of "How Earth Made Us". I am of the latter persuasion.
After the longest Sunday run
the couch was always option one.
Today's training
Joel, Yelena, Abi, Miranda, Ewen, Lucia, Warrick, Andrew S & I were at training, nine of us. Most of us ran 4x1km intervals with a good 1km recovery. It was hot and agonising out there. Also sighted were Katie & Amanda W doing a similar session. And Ken. Those of us who completed all four were very pleased to have done it, once it was over. Pity the poor people doing the Half Iron Man in the December heat today.
Congratulations Zainab
Results Ginninderra Parkrun #34 Saturday 15 December
22 Derek Gillett 23:00 (5k PB by 0:30)
41 Janene Kingston 25:39
73 finishers