Saturday, 6 October 2012


Speedygeese results
Ginninderra Parkrun # 24 - 06/10/2012
23 Lucia PIETROPAOLI 23:14 (20 seconds outside pb)
46 Eliza MIDDLETON 26:59 (first run there)
74 finishers

Metro Runners 06/10/12
Ann, LauraDLC & I had an easy run in pleasant conditions this morning. The three of us are kind of in recovery mode. There were very few people out running, though I did see a huge peloton of cyclists on Drake Brockman Drive as I headed out.

We ran from Acton Ferry Terminal to the Carillon, where I ran a lap of Aspen Island, and return, a total distance of 6.4k, or exactly 4 miles in the old language.

It is one year until the Australian Masters Games begin in Geelong. Is that enough time to get fit? I hope so. I am starting from a long way back. Again.