Whatever sphere of life we are talking about, my heart is to see created an atmosphere in which people flourish.
Which is why I encourage people to run.
I started a series in 2012 called "what is health?". Linked above.
Unfortunately it did not progress and I still have not got beyond the introduction.
Fortunately though I am healthy enough to say that I shall resume it asap and make it a 2013 project instead.
Too many projects!
I watched a light but amusing movie last night I hadn't heard of; "Yes Man" starring Jim Carrey.
Saying yes all/most of the time may go against the grain but it certainly leads into some exciting adventures.
I am thinking of still saying yes sometimes in the future.
Eliza & Lucia's Saturday exciting adventure
Ginninderra parkrun 6 October
Today I was at Stromlo Forest Park where I met up with Abi, Joel & Yelena for some training. Great company, great venue, great Canberra weather, great atmosphere. It was nice to see Emma P and some of her training partners there too. I also saw a very old friend there, John Miller, who gave me some good advice on how to fix my foot injury. we used to race when we were teenagers in Adelaide, and ten years ago he also helped me get fit after injury.
Finally happy wedding anniversary to my son and daughter-in law, Nathan and Lisa. 17 years! We will be seeing them in Melbourne later this week.