Friday, 6 April 2012
touch and go
Checking out possible training venues:
Cook: unsuitable (no lights). 300m 8 lane track. Before sunset, dogs (and their owners) everywhere. After sunset, pitch black. Surface a bit rough.
Jamison enclosed oval: unsuitable (no lights). Would have to book, Belconnen Footy club would have priority, no track marked, only a boundary line. Very rough surface too.
Kippax: unsuitable (nowhere to run): well lit fields, good surface, but ovals fully used for Rugby training. Also a bit far to go (except for me)! Ditto I imagine for other fields in Belconnen I haven't had time to check, like Hawker or Spence.
CU: unsuitable (nowhere to run): when lit soccer training is on, when not lit too dark. Rough surface on and off the pitches. Would get very boring.
Aranda: possible. One area within the playing fields is suitable. Surface excellent, light from neighbouring training area OK, good long early run and cool-down options, But there are no line markings so we would have to set up each time. And an issue I have is that the car parking area is dark, is distant, is part of a walkway, and it cannot be seen from the training area. We would be risking break-ins. So, not recommended.
Dickson Tuesdays: yes! I have checked and we can use Dickson on Tuesdays, same arrangements we are familiar with. So, recommended.
Any other feedback? Replying today would be good. If we make Tuesdays Dickson mid-April to mid-October we will "rest" on Mondays and go to Parliament House on Thursdays. And it will be easier to fit in with the hard training or racing we do Sunday mornings. When Vets track resumes, we can revert to Mondays at Parliament House.