Saturday, 7 April 2012

never overdo weight training

Checking out possible training venues (cont):
Reid oval looks good. I shall go over there on Tuesday night to check it out under lights and talk to any users.

Dickson is available Tuesdays. So if Reid is available Thursdays we have three options to consider:
(a) Monday Parliament House and Thursday Reid, or
(b) Tuesday Dickson and Thursday Parliament House, or
(c) Tuesday Dickson and Thursday Reid.
I am now leaning towards option (c) pending further checking. And we can decide later where we train on Mondays in summer. As Joh Bjelke-Petersen famously said, "We'll burn that bridge when we get to it."

p.s. whatever we decide, we will still be at Parliament House this week, Easter Monday 5:30pm.

Bench Presses.

This bench is being pressed the wrong way.