Friday, 11 February 2011

“turn the lights off”

What I am reading: Kraken: by China Miéville. Neil Gaiman is still my favourite author by far, but I haven't read any China Miéville before and this is quite good.

Speaking of Neil Gaiman, I often mention him to my friends and they haven't heard of him. Interestingly though, some have heard of his wife and I haven't. He is married to someone called Amanda Palmer, I am not sure who she is but many of my friends do know of her and not of her husband. I guess it just depends on what sort of things in life attract our attention?

More on the Women and Girls Fun Run coming up: following on from yesterday, here is another release with information about this great event.

25th annual ActewAGL Women & Girls Fun Run & Walk
The YMCA of Canberra Runners Club is proud to present the 25th annual ActewAGL Women & Girls Fun Run & Walk:
on Sunday 3 April, 2011 at 9am
from Stage 88, Commonwealth Park.
Online entry is now open at

Dear Club Members,
We are seeking volunteers for a range of tasks on Saturday, 2nd April (afternoon) & Sunday, 3rd April (morning) 2011. Tasks include:

Saturday:    Start/finish area set-up
    Accepting Late Entries
    Handing out timing-chip packages

Sunday:    Handing out timing-chip packages
    Cutting up fruit, preparing refreshments
    Course marshalling
    Manning a drink station
    Parking assistance
    Assist with removal of timing-chips from runners at end of race
    Dismantling of Start/finish area 

If you are able to help and contribute to the success of this event on its 25th Birthday, please provide your name & contact details to: Beryl Lowry (Volunteer Coordinator)  

Please state day/s available & if you wish you may nominate a preferred duty. 

Many thanks,

Kym Chisholm (Race Director), Women & Girls’ Fun Run/Walk Organising Committee