It's raining again (as I compose this Friday afternoon as an advance post) . Here's a photo of a spiderweb from a couple of days ago after the rain.
Candid Canberra #54:
Speedygeese results from Thursday ACTVAC track
W40 Emma Adams 14.52 76.5%
W55 Noeline Burden 16.33 80.6
M40 Damian Rutledge 55.95 84.9%
W40 Emma Adams 66.79 79.4
M50 Rod Lynch 67.39 74.0
M50 Rod Lynch 5:04.82 79.8
M55 Ken White 5:05.93 83.7
M50 Gary Bowen 5:20.59 77.2
M40 Brett Morrison 5:30.77 67.6
W45 Katie Forestier 5:33.33 78.0
W40 Heidi Johnston 5:34.76 73.4
M50 Andrew Matthews 5:42.95 70.9
W55 Maria O'Reilly 5:50.00 85.6
W50 Helen Larmour 5:50.73 79.9
M40 Craig Davis 6:29.23 57.5
W40 Bronwyn Calver 6:30.42 63.6
M50 Rod Lynch 11:03.31 76.5%
W50 Kathy Southgate 11:18.64
M40 Craig Davis 13:26.31
W40 Bronwyn Calver 13:41.08
10000m Championship
M60 Geoff Moore 43:10 77.2% 2nd M60
M50 Roger Pilkington 44:31 68.7 3rd M50
M50 Andrew Matthews 45:31 ran extra lap and given 47:16
M50 Mick Horan 47:32 63.9
W45 Cathy Newman 49:01 68.9 1st W45
M50 Ewen Thompson 49:26 62.4
W65 Caroline Campbell 52:15 85.7 1st W65
W60 Ruth Baussmann 52:25 75.2 1st W60
Thanks Craig for lap scoring my 10k. My first 5k split equalled my best recent 5k anywhere, my second 5k split was another 10 seconds faster.
Three Gold Medallists
Caroline, Ruth and Cathy after winning their age groups in the 10k. Photo by Ewen with Ruth's camera.
Friday's Customs Joggers 5k: Tim Calver went for time, without his 10kg backpack for once, and ran 19:11. After Thursday night's track, Bronwyn was 25-ish, and Caroline and I were 29-ish.