Monday, 10 January 2011

Week 2: Make Hay while the sun doesn't shine.

What's on this week:
Mon 10 Jan4:30pmParliament House 8k jog
5:30pmParliament House speedygeese interval training
Wed 12 Jan12:15pmBBQ Stakes 6k
Thu 13 Jan5:45pmACTVAC T&F
Fri 14 Jan12:15pmCustoms 5k handicap
Sat 15 Jan8:00amMetro Runners Acton Ferry Terminal
Sun 16 Jan8:00amspeedygeese intervals Stromlo Forest Park

Thursday's track timetable (again combined with AACT )
5:45pm 1500/3000m Walk & 3000m run
6:20pm Long Hurdles
6:50pm 60m
7:05pm 800m handicap
7:30pm 4 x 400m relay
7:40pm 200m
8:00pm 3000m/5000m run: last week at track I paced the late 3000m; it looks like this week is another pacing opportunity; any takers?

recent speedygeese results
Sat 8/1 Crackenback Challenge
8 James Stewart 25.58; 40 finishers

Sun 9/1 Hobart AMA Half Marathon.
130 Mick Horan 1:41.45
130 Cathy Newman 1:41.45

Sun 9/1 Hobart Cadbury Marathon.
62 Liz Bennett 3:39.03
66 Kelley Flood 3:41.23

Entries are now being taken for the 26th Annual Weston Creek Half Marathon. The event this year will be on March 13th. To enter online go to:

Candid Canberra #46. Ladybirds.