Sunday, 9 January 2011


I trained today at Stromlo, have advertised it as a speedygeese training session, and ran solo for the second week in a row. I guess the Monday night sessions at Parliament House are so popular everyone prefers them. Anyway, I have now completed only my second 100k week since 2009 - that's right, in 2010 I was so slack, no wonder I have been struggling in races. Hopefully this 100k successfully completed is a sign that 2011 will be so much better. The cool weather has helped. Next week I will try for 100k again and add in an hour in the gym.

Candid Canberra #45. The Birds of Canberra

About me
I have updated “About me”  for 2011 and will update it every time I run a 2011 pb.

YCRC Calendar
The start of the new "Canberra Runners Club" 2011 calendar appears on the website. It shows that Summer Series events are being run as usual, 6:15pm Tuesdays, starting Tuesday 1 February.

It is so exciting having so many events to choose from in 2011. The speedygeese are flying, Monday training numbers will build up, new people are always contacting us and joining in, and the dams around Canberra are still 100% full! A good year looms.

2011 integrated calendar of events
The best and most complete integrated local calendar of events is the one on the ACTVAC website, and it can also be accessed stand-alone at A feature is that all official speedygeese training sessions are listed on this calendar! And - if you know of events missing from this calendar, I am the one to inform and I will make sure the calendar gets updated!