Wednesday, 24 November 2010


Farewell to the ACT Cross Country Club. Last night's SGM unanimously decided that "ACT Cross Country Club wind up voluntarily". As I posted on Facebook after the meeting: "I have been with you from day one and today you were forced to disband. You have been the friendliest bunch of people to be found in the ACT, an inspiration for many to run along the path of health and fitness. Those who have tried to destroy us may think they have won, but they will never be able to stop us enjoying running together."

Farewell also to Otmar Dorfer, 3/10/32-17/11/10, long time member of the ACT Veterans Athletic Club, also of Orienteering and most notably skiing.

New Half Marathon
Events for 2011 are in place or in the case of an ACT marathon still being negotiated. Additionally there is a new half marathon in January! The date is Saturday 22 January 2011.

Check out the website here. As well as the half marathon, from Friday 21 thru Sunday 23 January, there are 2k, 5k, and 10k runs, plus swimming, triathlon, and aquathlon races, plus other Summer Festival events. Entries are now open.

How about the Speedygeese in the Dec/Jan issue of the R4YL magazine!

Speedygeese at Customs on 19/11: Bob 21.08, Yili 22.26, Bronwyn 23.19.

A speedygeese birthday: happy birthday to Richard Frost, 57 today.