Thursday, 25 November 2010

last cross country run

ACTCCC Spring Series race #4 Black Mountain Peninsula 5k cross country.
17. Kym Chisholm W 21:36
18. Brett Morrison M40 21:50
21. Nadine Morrison W40 22:07
31. Geoff Moore M60 23:59
42. Janene Kingston W45 25:22
44. Ewen Thompson M50 25:33
46. Bob Harlow M60 25:44
49. Mick Horan M50 25:57
58. Mick Charlton M55 28:37
61. Ruth Baussmann W60 28:53
63. Caroline Campbell W65 30:40
68 finishers

I was pleased to run laps of ~8:05, 8:05, 7:50 on a tough little three lap course. Marty lapped me and finished fifty seonds before I crossed the line with a lap to go! But at least no-one else lapped me.

Great performances by Kym and Brett, especially after they had hammered out a hard training session up and down little hills and steps the evening before, and were feeling it in the quads.

DON'T PANIC! Spring Series race #5 is on next week. Tuesday, 6:15pm, Stromlo Forest Park (my favourite venue)

Candid Canberra #20: State Emergency Services training