Wednesday, 13 October 2010

One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel

Tonight will see the demise of the ACT Cross Country Club, of which I am a founding member and a life member. It has been a great club; run by runners for runners. Non-profit, minimal fees, community based, inclusive, with a generous spirit. Ended because of an individual's greed and desire to control, manipulate, and profit. It's the nasty side of our society, showing what can happen when one puts self ahead of friends. However - they can take away one running club, but they can't stop us running! And it leaves a vacuum where something new and even better can emerge.

Speaking of being re-born, I am watching on ABC24 the preparations to rescue the Chilean miners. Along with the rest of the world, I am praying all goes well and all the miners and rescuers emerge safely.

Here are some recent speedygeese results: Customs 8/10 Bronwyn 24:17, Caroline 28:17. Fitzroy Falls Marathon Kelley 3:50.57. Also Louise ran 3:25.57, and Pam 3:54.49. In Melbourne Mick H ran 3:38.52, I apologise for missing his time previously.

A reminder about the speedygeese dinner, at the Phnom Penh restaurant on Tuesday 19th, 7pm. If you haven't yet RSVP'd, deadline is this Friday. So far 27 people are coming!

Birthday boy Craig running at the arboretum