Thursday, 14 October 2010

Michelle's trophies

speeedygeese times in the monthly jogalong organised by the ACT Cross Country Club:
3 October 2010
Michelle Wells
W35 26:17
Nadine Morrison W40 28:15

Last night at the ACTCCC AGM, it was announced that Michelle Wells was given  "most improved female" and "winter champion" awards.

Fantastic Michelle, well done, you deserve it.

I couldn't make the meeting, but John Harding has told me that "over 80 people attended the AGM which went for 2 and half hours and there was a vigorous debate and many questions over a motion to wind up the club. The club has a legal bill to pay of $16,000 in only a week but only has $15,000 in the bank and has other bills also to pay, include Canberra Running Festival road closure fees. As legally it cannot trade if insolvent there was really no choice but to wind up, as a further bill for damages (which could be up to $100,000) is also in the offing and offers to reach a settlement with CSM were rejected by CSM. CSM demanded that the Cross Country Club support the CSM organised Canberra marathon and guarantee to provide about 200 helpers. Membership feedback to the Committee (98 people out of 100 emails) said the CCC should not support any CSM organised events in the future and there was no way the CCC can guarantee volunteers. Volunteers are by their nature volunteers, not people who can be coerced into providing a service. And the Club has spent $116,000 in the last 12 months on legal fees. Moral of the story: don't get involved with lawyers!"

According to today's Canberra Times only 5 people did not support the motion to wind up the club. I wonder who they were and what were their reasons?

As a footnote, it is ACTCCC President Doug Limbrick's birthday today. Happy birthday Doug, and thank you very much for all your hard work over the last twelve months.