Monday, 1 March 2010

Lauren's A-qualifier

What's on this week: (updated Mondays)
Monday 1 March Parliament House 4:30pm jog, 5:30pm speedygeese interval training
Tuesday 2 March 6:15pm Summer Series race #5 Weston Park 5k cross country
Wednesday 3 March 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap
Wednesday 3 March 5:45pm Parliament House, easy run.
Thursday 4 March Vets Track
6:00pm mile
6:20pm 100m (Daniels)
6:40pm 400m
7:00pm 800m
7:15pm Parlauf Relay (teams of 5 runners totalling 5000m)
7:40pm 5000m walk
Sunday 7 March 6:30am Long run from the Zoo
Sunday 7 March 9:00am Women's & Girls' 6k Jogalong handicap, Weston Park

Note: Monday 8th is a public holiday but we will still be meeting at the normal time and place.

Lauren's A-Qualifier
A time of 55.75 in Sydney on the weekend for the 400m hurdles has put Lauren Boden in line for selection for the 2010 Commonwealth Games team. This is her pb by 0.4 seconds, the first time under 56 seconds. Well done Lauren!

Rex Foulkes Half Marathon in conjunction with the marathon on 2 May - course map. Click to enlarge.