One of the good things I see in the blogger running community is mutual encouragement. Most of our best friends are those who encourage us. We don't have many strong relationships with those who pull us down. We avoid such people and seek out those who believe in us and lift us up. Everyone needs and responds to encouragement. People do better and try harder when there is a spirit of approval rather than a spirit of criticism. Encouragement brings out the best in people. The way to truly motivate and develop people is through encouragement and through believing in them. People tend to become what the most important people in their lives think they will become. Who can you encourage today?
Cooler weather is here at last AND we still have four more weeks of sunshine, thanks to daylight saving being extended! Last night at Monday training Jennifer, Ewen, Ruth, Miranda & I ran up Mugga Way at 4:30pm. Jennifer had to go after that, but the others stayed and were joined by Andrew, Bronwyn, Colleen (new), Christopher, Craig, Garry, Helen, Joel, Leanne, Maria, Neil, Noeline, Penny, Rachelle, Sindia, Tim, Warrick & Yelena for the main training session.
We formed balanced teams of three, for a continuous 30 minute relay in the rectangle of grass immediately north of Parliament House, where each runner alternated running down a diagonal or up a flagpole straight before jogging straight across to the other side of the rectangle and running fast again. Phew! Simple to do but hard to devise or describe. I was “reserve” and had a few runs while two or three took a break. We managed to bemuse some tourists but not the guards, who are used to us by now.
Some speedygeese birthdays that I know of this week include Emma, CJ, Suzie, Yili. Two of the significant birthdays coming up this month, are Melanie (30), and Warrick (40)
Melanie’s book is being released very soon if not already available. See
speedygeese results for Stromlo Forest Park 5k Tuesday, 23rd February
36. Nadine Morrison W40 21:07
47. Brett Morrison M40 21:39
55. Michelle Wells W35 22:09
60. Maria O'Reilly W55 22:44
71. Janene Kingston W45 23:41
74. Geoff Moore M60 23:55
75. Mick Horan M50 23:56
86. Cathy Newman W45 25:25
94. Miranda Rawlinson W55 26:25
99. Ruth Baussmann W55 27:23
100. Susan Sturgeon W35 27:27
105. Caroline Campbell W65 28:17
112. Mick Charlton M55 29:29
126. Sharene Hurnen W40 33:37
128 finishers
Plus Stromlo Forest Park 2k, 50 finishers.
AMRA events from John Harding.
The following is an update on events coming up being organised by the Australian Mountain Running Association and some others of interest. For more details, see Some entry forms are not available yet.
First Tuesday each month: Mt Ainslie Run Up and Power Walk, 2.3km, 12.45pm, Remembrance Park, Treloar Crs, Campbell. Free.
Third Tuesday each month: Black Mountain Run Up and Power Walk, 2.6km, 12.45pm, Clunies Ross St, Acton (100m east of Botanic Gardens entrance).
Saturday 6 March: Mt Tennent Challenge, 3pm, Apollo Road. 6 km open power walk and run to summit + ACT 6km, 8km and 11km mountain running championships.
Friday 19 March: Kosciuszko Run, 11am, 11kms from Charlotte Pass Village to summit of Mt Kosciuszko. Run with 4-time Olympic race walking gold medallist Robert Korzeniowski to celebrate the 170th anniversary of the discovery of Mt Kosciuszko. Restricted to 50 participants who must cover 22kms return carrying compulsory safety gear.
Sunday 28 March: Great Volcanic Challenge, 9am, 11kms, Orange NSW. Organised by Goldseekers Orienteering Club.
Sunday 11 April: Kedumba Challenge, 9am Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains NSW, incorporating the NSW Mountain Running Championships. 4kms, 8kms, 10kms.
Saturday 22 May: Australian Mountain Running Championships for open age groups, juniors, and veterans from M40 to M70+ and W35 to W70+, 12 noon, Mt Tennent.
Sunday 4 July: Shoalhaven King of the Mountain, Cambewarra to Kangaroo Valley 32 kms. Australia's longest running long distance trail run.
Saturday 31 July: Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival, Campbell High School, ACT. 2km, 5km, 10km, 16km, 25km, marathon, marathon relay and 60km ultra off road trail runs and 5km, 10km, 16km and 25km bush walks. Entry form available soon.
Helpers are needed for events, especially the Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival, which needs many helpers. Contact John Harding ph 02 6248 6905 or 0427 107 033 Email:
Sat. 21 Aug World Long Distance Challenge Pikes Peak ascent USA
Sat. 28 Aug Masters World Championships Korbielow POLAND
Sun 5 Sept World Championships Kamnik SLOVENIA