Saturday, 28 February 2009

good times

Bronwyn took a minute off her 10k pb on Thursday night, and won gold. Who's next for success?

All the recent times.
Track and Field 19 February speedygeese times
Spiral 5
2 Gary Bowen M50 9:10
5 Geoff Barker M60 10:13
6 Ruth Baussmann W55 10:29
7 Cathy Montalto W55 10:15
9 Bronwyn Calver W35 8:43
11 Miranda Rawlinson W55 9:51
17 Roger Pilkington M50 8:26
20 Margaret McSpadden W60 11:19
23 Tony Booth M70 11:13

M45 Rod Lynch 2:24.16 80.0%
M50 Gary Bowen 2:32.83 76.7%
M50 Roger Pilkington 2:37.61 73.8%
M70 Tony Booth 2:55.30 79.0%
W35 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee 2:48.21 67.3%
W35 Bronwyn Calver 2:55.69 65.7%
W40 Amanda Walker 2:41.39 72.8%
W40 Katie Forestier 2:44.64 72.6%
W55 Kathy Sims 2:58.73 78.0%

3000m Pennington
4 Kathy Sims W55 13:03 82.5%
5 Rod Lynch M45 11:02 75.4%
9 Tony Booth M70 13:36 73.7%
10 Roger Pilkington M50 11:43 71.6%
12 Katie Forestier W40 12:15 73.5%
16 Kevin Chamberlain M60 13:14 70.1%
17 Amanda Walker W40 13:02 67.7%
18 Cathy Montalto W55 14:40 72.4%
22 Ewen Thompson M50 13:36 62.2%
23 Ruth Baussmann W55 15:28 70.6%
26 Geoff Barker M60 13:48 68.5%
28 Margaret McSpadden W60 16:53 68.5%

ACT Masters Handicap 22 February North Curtin speedygeese times
Long course – 6.2k
11 Yili Zhu M45 29:13 64.9%
17 Roger Pilkington M50 26:55 72.7%
24 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee W35 28:53 67.4%
26 Kathy Sims W55 30:32 79.1%
28 Cathy Newman W45 28:23 75.6%
30 Ruth Baussmann W55 34:24 71.1%
34 Rod Lynch M45 23:42 82.0%
38 Christopher Lang M55 31:28 66.3%
51 Mick Charlton M55 32:58 63.3%
53 Margaret McSpadden W60 38:25 66.9%
55 Miranda Rawlinson W55 33:01 71.3%
56 Alan Duus M60 31:25 69.1%
62 Geoff Barker M60 32:07 67.9%
83 Caroline Campbell W65 32:56 83.0%
84 Peter McDonald M55 31:53 64.3%
87 Kelley Flood W45 30:53 70.7%
88 Maria O'Reilly W50 30:53 75.6%
108 Helen Larmour W45 31:34 70.3%
113 Tony Booth M70 39:29 61.4%
118 finishers

Short course – 3.0k
14 Cathy Montalto W55 14:11 79.7%
17 Amanda Walker W40 12:34 76.1%
22 Gary Bowen M50 12:20 74.3%
24 Katie Forestier W40 11:54 80.8%
48 finishers

Summer Series #4 24 February Boathouse West 5k speedygeese times
31. Roger Pilkington 20:55
49. Yili Zhu 22:47
61. Neil Boden 24:52
65. Mick Charlton 25:17
70. Geoff Barker 25:54
80. Cathy Montalto 26:52
81. Caroline Campbell 27:21
85. Ruth Baussmann 28:03
92. Margaret McSpadden 30:05
98 finishers

Track and Field 26 February speedygeese times
W35 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee 69.71 72.1%

M50 Roger Pilkington 5:17.00 76.0%
M60 Kevin Chamberlain 5:39.80 78.5%
M70 Tony Booth 5:58.51 79.5%
W35 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee 6:08.86 64.5%
W40 Katie Forestier 5:27.77 77.5%
W40 Amanda Walker 5:39.59 73.1%
W55 Kathy Sims 6:12.25 81.6%

10000m ACT Masters Championship
M50 Roger Pilkington 42:20.25 71.1% silver
M50 Gary Bowen 45:16.79 67.0% bronze
M60 Geoff Barker 51:25.37 66.0% silver
W35 Bronwyn Calver 45:18.72 68.1% gold and one minute pb

Australian Masters Games Geelong
Men 8k Run CC 45-49
5 Mick Horan 34.22

Men 8k Run CC 60-64
2 Geoff Moore 34.51 silver

Men 800 Meter Run 45-49
6 Mick Horan 2:12.10

Men 1500 Meter Run 45-49
Mick Horan ran but they only published times for the first three. Maybe he ran about 4:49?
[edit: he was 6th in 4:49.62]

Men 5000 Meter Run 60-64
2 Geoff Moore 20:01.62 silver

Men 5000 Meter Run 45-49
8 Mick Horan 18:48.47

Mick’s triathlon is on today.

Friday, 27 February 2009

Australian Masters Games Geelong

Mission Accomplished
My first big competition as a 60 year old. All goals achieved; two silver medals. The M60s including me were somewhat slower than the M55s were. All except for one M60, who enjoyed jogging along with the leaders at an easy pace for all his races before taking off mid race. If challenged there would have been fireworks. Not challenged, he had a less than strenuous meet. That's Kevin Solomon.

Tough cross country
Saturday morning, and I wore my glasses because of tree roots, soft patches under the pines, a need to stay on course, and a strong wind which was blowing bits of pine debris around that I didn't want to get in the eyes. It would have been a wonderful course to train on; not at all flat, nicely shaded, very soft underfoot. Once I was a safe second after 5k, it was hard to sustain a very fast pace. Three runners I know of had twisted their ankles in earlier races on the course; care needed to be taken.

Down, Pat
The 5000m on the track was four days later; Wednesday. I remember saying before I left that I had 4 minutes kms down pat. So there was no problem running 20 minutes flat; the time was officially 20.01, 11:58 at 3k the only split I remember. I will have to get 3:45 kms down pat, now. There is work to be done.

My hosts - more than a house, a home.
The lovely Sonia, Maya (6), Ashwin, and Anand (3).

The track - and the field
Consie at the long jump. She won four gold medals in her events.

Mick - going the extra mile
Mick did brilliantly but was in a very strong age group, M45s. Mick was my chauffer, way beyond the call of duty. Thanks Mick.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

I hope to be back later today

On your marks

Get set

Away you go

No no, start together, not finish together!

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

somewhere over the rainbow

DVDs I have been watching: we have finished viewing Doctor Who series two, and are ready to go to series three via the Christmas special (the "wedding" one). I should be back sometime tomorrow from Geelong; we will watch it on Sunday!

Ever wondered what's at the end of the rainbow?

Rats, it’s an suv. How disappointing!

Go go green shoes
Gary pressing on

Let's hope I will have run today's 5k with the same intensity as Gary did the sprint marathon.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

when the sun beats down and burns the tar up on the roof

and your shoes get so hot you wish your tired feet were fire-proof ....

But my song of the week is: I am still running, by Jon Foreman, from the “Winter” EP. This song has been a favourite for a while, and "I am still running" rates alongside "There is no finish line" and "Fly Goose Fly" as my favourite quotations.

You remember me .. before I learned to run
At the kissing tree .. before I learned my guns
We were 17 .. 17 years young
I am still running.. I am still running..

I had no idea .. the pain would be this strong
I had no idea .. the fight would last this long
In my darkest fears .. the rights become the wrongs
I am still running .. I am still running .. I am still running .. I am still running

Build me a home .. inside your scars
Build me a home .. inside your song
Build me a home .. inside your open arms
The only place I ever will belong

I wonder if I will be still running after this week? I had better not be sore.

Over the boardwalk - that's where I'll be
Go get him 'chelle!

Monday, 23 February 2009

getting up

In Geelong this week I will be getting up very early each morning to go into the track. Very early. Very very early.

Back home in Canberra, Thursday's track program
6.00 200m
6.15 1200/2000m walk; 4 x 800m walk
6.40 400m
7.00 1500m
7.20 4 x 100m relay
7.30 10000m ACTMA championship


Sunday, 22 February 2009

Personal transformation - a question of health

This post on "transformation" will take a slightly different approach from the posts earlier this year. This will be a new way of viewing personal transformation.

You and I need to be aware of how healthy we are as persons in four different areas. Each area is as important as the others, and complete health involves being healthy in each.

The areas are
1. Spiritual Health
2. Physical Health
3. Mental Health
4. Emotional Health

There are some questions, which I consider to be important questions, to ask yourself  in each of these areas.

1. Spiritual Health
1.1 Who do I love?
1.2 Who do I serve?
1.3 Who do I worship?

2. Physical Health
2.1 What do I eat, drink, and breathe in?
2.2 How physically active am I and what kind of activity?
2.3 What do I weigh and measure?

3. Mental Health
3.1 What are my priorities? How do I spend my time?
3.2 What do I think about?
3.3 What do I talk about?

4. Emotional Health
4.1 What do I care about?
4.2 How do I express my feelings?
4.3 How stressed do I feel?

I have done a little reading in these areas and more would be useful. But for now, I think if you can answer these questions honestly as far as you are able, you should be able to see any areas where you need to improve.

Generally one finds that people are strong in one area and weak in another. An example is the high flying business man who allows himself to become obese through overindulgence and inactivity. Another example is the majority of Australians who overlook and neglect the spiritual side. For each individual, each area is just as important as the other. Why? Because these areas are inter-related and integrated and all part of a person's make-up. Ignore one area and in due course another will suffer.

Transformation to wholeness and health starts with a look at these foundational personal factors. And it's not even a matter of "balance", for a functionally whole person it is a matter of "completeness", all the areas are important.

This should be a big challenge for any who take it seriously. But we runners like big challenges, don't we?

So far this year when I have addressed transformation it has related to the personal. I expect to continue to develop this. After that, plans include moving on to the subjects of relational transformation, and of community transformation. All during this year, the year of transformation.

It's a big challenge for me too, to try and grapple with the issues. There are no trite answers?

Saturday, 21 February 2009

don't be a coffee cat

By now I have lasted three weeks without coffee. The original plan was for February alone, but it feels so good I intend keeping it going through March into April, and just one hour before I run the 2009 Canberra Marathon (hah! you didn't know about that change of plans, did you?) might be the next time I drink coffee.

It is a bit tough giving up coffee when you run long distances. But for me, the tiredness only lasts a couple of days. Here is my experience of what happens, I have given up a few times. The first thing is, I catch up on lost sleep! Next I have minor cold symptoms, which are actually my sinuses coming good. And soon, as the energy returns, I discover that I can run quickly at the start of races, because my energy reserves are not being compromised by the effect coffee has when it releases fats in preference to glycogen at the start of exercise. Lastly, I should find that when before a marathon or similar endurance race I do allow myself one rare cup of coffee, drinking it for its fat-releasing and therefore energy-conserving effect will be enhanced simply as a result of my not being accustomed to it.

In a word, highly recommended. In two words.

Another long distance runner
Roger checking to see if there is any coffee left in his bag

Friday, 20 February 2009

Ideas for blogging

Being away means coming up with a few blogging ideas in advance.
Not that I am ever short of ideas. Although not everything ends up in my blog of course. Probably just a few things:
Even if I do run out of ideas, the blog archives are pretty full. You have plenty of reading matter there. Over four years worth. And the good thing is I can add to them indefinitely.

So by now I am on my way to Geelong. See you!

Ewen is never short of ideas. Check out his blog at

Thursday, 19 February 2009

grandish opening

A new shop for runners opened yesterday in Cook, northside Canberra. I attended the launch, Rachelle put in an appearance as well. A large turnout of well known local athletes also attended. The shop is the first Run For Your Life shop in Australia, more to come no doubt. Daniel Green and his staff have moved into Cook and from there will be producing their excellent R4YL magazine as well as selling running gear. Shoes mainly were on display, also some great looking running singlets. These people are also heavily involved in organising the Stromlo Running Festival, have you entered yet?

R4YL facebook page:
R4YL website:
Stromlo Running Festival:
what I am reading: the R4YL magazine, of course!
DVDs I am watching: Wall-E. I am 30 minutes into it. Interesting. But I had to stop watching it so I could go to the R4YL launch.



not on Facebook yet


Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Good place judgement

Summer Series #2 10 February Boathouse East 5k speedygeese times
42. Mick Horan M45 19:59
71. Yili Zhu M45 22:12
72. Thea Zimpel 22:15
87. David Baussmann M55 23:51
95. Kathy Sims W55 24:42
96. Neil Boden M55 24:47
101. Mick Charlton M55 25:23
102. Rae Palmer W60 25:34
104. Caroline Campbell W65 26:13
109. Ruth Baussmann W55 26:50
122. Margaret McSpadden W60 29:32
128 finishers
Summer Series #3 17 February North Curtin 5k speedygeese times
50. Yili Zhu M45 23:32
61. Neil Boden M55 25:16
65. Geoff Barker M60 25:29
74. Caroline Campbell W65 27:38
76. Ruth Baussmann W55 27:44
77. Geoff Moore M60 27:46
85. Mick Charlton M55 29:23
93. Margaret McSpadden W60 31:23
94 finishers
I ran the Summer Series race last night. Not fast, but with good place judgement. My hamstring was very sore so I ran with Strewth and eased back to let her finish ahead of me. She was 76th, I was 77th. Then for the $50 Runners shop barrel draw prize number 75 was drawn. Don’t blame me, I had told Strewth to pass the next runner in front of her but she didn’t. Runner 75 wasn’t there so they did a redraw, and it was mine, 77. Funnily I would have left if it wasn’t for Mick C stopping me and getting something from me, which took a few moments. Then I was just about to drive off when my number was called out and Strewth called me back. So by the time I share out my prize with Mick C and Strewth, I might have enough of it left to buy some shoelaces. But to win a voucher was a brilliant example of good place judgement.

Sprint Marathon Relay
Strewth in happier times before she misplaced.

Looking for inspiration for your blog?
Wanting to increase readership?

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

It's a cat's life

Today, a few items:
Friend Andrea has had her baby boy - Harris Pedro. Congratulations!

Monday training at Parliament House saw Bronwyn, Cathy, Christopher, Ewen, me, Helen, Jodie, Joel, Mick C, Miranda, Rachelle, Rae, Rohan, Ruth, Tim & Yelena run four sets of 3x40 seconds on 2 minutes. It was cool and pleasant and the surface around the lower flagpoles was reasonably good.

Today's "song of the week" is the fantastic new track by U2, “Get on your boots” from their album “No Line on the Horizon”. View it at

Thursday night track will include
6:00pm spiral 5
6:30pm 60m
6:45pm 1500m walk (ACTMA championship)
7:00pm 800m
7:20pm 100m
7:40pm 4x400m relay
7:50pm 3000m "Pennington" handicap

Remember to enter the running festival, entries close this week. Go to

Thank you to all the people who comment on this blog, your comments are appreciated and make for a more interactive website, which is better than just me talking!

speedycoach running at the Campbell Park handicap
Rod in the background.
Sole back-marker, and I had the speediest time in the short course that day, just.

But I don't look like I am moving very fast at all!
Photo by John Kennedy

Monday, 16 February 2009

all organised

speedygeese at the ACT championships
5000m walk
M50 2212 Ewen Thompson 29:50 silver
M60 4875 Geoff Barker 34:26 silver

M50 4241 Gary Bowen 15.08 73.3% 4th

M45 2168 Mick Horan 59.94 82.1% silver
M50 4241 Gary Bowen 1: 06.83 74.6% bronze
M60 1787 Geoff Sims 59.32 89.1% gold
M70 1044 Tony Booth 1:17.55 76.1% gold
W35 5315 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee 1:12.42 69.4% silver
W35 4383 Bronwyn Calver 1:15.24 69.0% bronze

M45 2168 Mick Horan 4:54.67 81.0% bronze
M50 4241 Gary Bowen 5:25.24 74.7% silver
M50 2167 Roger Pilkington 5:31.54 72.7% bronze
M50 2212 Ewen Thompson 6: 03.49 66.9% 4th
M60 1332 Geoff Moore 5:26.86 80.3% gold
M60 2508 Kevin Chamberlain 5:29.15 81.1% silver
M70 1044 Tony Booth 6: 07.98 77.4% gold
W35 4383 Bronwyn Calver 6: 07.86 66.2% silver
W40 4263 Katie Forestier 5:32.69 76.4% bronze
W40 4084 Amanda Walker 5:38.74 73.3% 4th
W55 3603 Kathy Sims 6:17.11 80.5% gold
W55 3478 Ruth Baussmann 7: 09.53 71.7% silver

M50 4241 Gary Bowen 9.41 77.3% silver

M60 1787 Geoff Sims 27.59 87.0% gold

M50 4241 Gary Bowen 2:31.17 77.6% silver
M55 2293 Ken White 2:27.25 82.4% gold
M60 1787 Geoff Sims 2:26.60 86.1% gold
M60 2508 Kevin Chamberlain 2:35.62 82.4% silver
M70 1044 Tony Booth 2:55.29 79.0% gold
W40 4084 Amanda Walker 2:40.49 73.2% gold
W40 4263 Katie Forestier 2:42.20 73.7% silver
W55 3603 Kathy Sims 3: 02.18 76.6% gold

M50 2212 Ewen Thompson 12:26.26 68.0% gold
M50 4241 Gary Bowen 12:29.17 67.7% silver
M60 1332 Geoff Moore 11:47.27 77.3% gold
M70 1044 Tony Booth 13:58.55 71.7% gold
W40 4263 Katie Forestier 11:55.91 75.4% gold
W40 4084 Amanda Walker 12:51.43 68.6% silver

2000m Steeple
M60 2508 Kevin Chamberlain 9:23.64 72.4% gold
M60 4875 Geoff Barker 10:31.24 67.6% silver

3000m Steeple
M50 4241 Gary Bowen 14:13.05 66.9% gold

Today is the start of my taper.
My plans
Monday 16 jog
Tuesday 17 easy tempo run
Wednesday 18 jog
Thursday 19 jog
Friday 20 jog, travel to Geelong
Saturday 21 race 8k cross country
Sunday 22 jog
Monday 23 jog or race 1500m.
Tuesday 24 jog
Wednesday 25 race 5000m
Thursday 26 return to Canberra

What's on here
Monday 16 Parliament House speedwork 5:30pm
Tuesday 17 North Curtin Summer Series 6:15pm
Thursday 19 ACTMA track
Sunday 22 ACTMA monthly handicap North Curtin 8:30am
Monday 23 Parliament House speedwork 5:30pm
Tuesday 24 Boathouse Summer Series 6:15pm
Thursday 26 Track ACTMA 10k championships
Friday 27-Sunday 1 March Running Festival.

Sunday, 15 February 2009


Following on from yesterday's post, something I will remember forever is Amanda's finishing sprint in the 800m on Saturday morning. Running at what had been her top pace, and following a surge down the home straight to gain contact with the leaders when she had one lap to go, Amanda stayed in contact for the second lap, looking as is if she would be the winner. But knowing the other two runners well, I thought they would surge away, and surge they did. But Amanda powered straight past them and improved her official pb by 12 seconds? If you count her estimated time in the recent handicap and relay, maybe 4 seconds? Still an enormous improvement. Congratulations. 2:40 is just around the corner, with plenty of the season left. Let's hope there are some more 800m runs on the calendar. And then, on to the nationals in Adelaide at Easter.

Amanda’s remarkable recent improvement over 800m
29/11/2001 800m W30 3:04.1
03/01/2002 800m W30 3:02.6
17/01/2002 800m W30 3:00.6
17/03/2002 800m W30 2:55.0
17/10/2002 800m W30 3:09.9
14/11/2002 800m W30 2:56.8
28/11/2002 800m W30 2:52.6
02/01/2003 800m W35 2:55.3
16/01/2003 800m W35 2:53.7
20/11/2003 800m W35 3:07.2
11/12/2003 800m W35 3:13.1
11/01/2007 800m W35 2:53.51
04/03/2007 800m W35 2:53.92
23/10/2008 800m W40 2:59.64
13/11/2008 800m W40 2:57.10
15/01/2009 800m Handicap W40 ~2:46
05/02/2009 4x800m Relay W40 ~2:44
14/02/2009 800m W40 2:40.49

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Amanda blitzes her pb, wins gold

This morning Amanda ran the race of her life so far, a brilliant 800m to pass Katie and Kathy Southgate down the home straight and win the ACT women's 800m championship. Both Amanda and Katie ran lifetime pbs.

800m times - 3 races, which included the following speedygeese:
Geoff S 2:26.60
Ken 2:27.25
Gary 2:31.17
Kevin 2:35.62
Amanda 2:40.49
Katie 2:42.20
Tony 2:55.29
Kathy 3:02.18

My 3000m was slower than I expected, I was still sore from Thursday and didn't judge the pace too well this time. Great backing up by Katie to run so well only an hour after the 800.

3000m times - 1 race, including:
me 11:47.27 splits 4:00, 3:49, 3:58
Katie 11:55.91
Ewen 12:26.26
Gary 12:29.17
Amanda 12:51.43
Tony 13:58.55

It was quite a poor turn-out considering the weather was perfect for running fast times in distance races. I never know why the word "championship" deters people, but it does. "Championship" races are often the perfect opportunity for runners to improve their times. And the training sessions I conduct are geared towards everyone doing well in them, so in theory anyway we reach them in top form. Maybe next time you'd join in too?

Friday, 13 February 2009

more pleasure less pain no heavy breathing

A good night at the track last night, much cooler although breezy, and several members of the speedygeese training group improved their recent 1500m times, I led the M60+ 1500m championships for three laps with Kevin Chamberlain tagging on, then Kevin passed me with 300m to go and got away, but unprecedentedly I started to pick up the pace with 150m to go and passed him in the home straight, something I have done rarely if ever in the last 15 years and certainly never with Kevin, who holds all the records. And it was a typical plod that you almost always see with older athletes, not much pace variation; that ability to surge deserts us as we age. Or perhaps it was good even pace judgement; I do like controlling the pace of a race. Nevertheless I enjoyed the racing aspect of the run. Kevin commented to me afterwards that he didn't hear me coming; something else unprecedented; I was able to contain my usual heavy breathing and gasping at the end; not that I tried hard to; just that my fitness levels must be improving.

There were four races in all, three men's age races and one women's, which is why I was able to win mine.

speedygeese 1500m times:
Mick H 4:54.67
Gary 5:25.24
me 5:26.86 splits 87,87,88,64; last 400m 86.
Kevin 5:29.15
Roger 5:31.54
Katie 5:32.69
Amanda 5:38.79
Ewen 6:03.49
Bronwyn 6:07.87
Tony 6:07.98
Kathy 6:17.11
Ruth 7:09.53

Thanks Ken for timing my splits.

I will republish these with age group places, along with the 400m results, once the official results are released.

North Canberra Gunghalin Athletics.
 I see my old athletic club, of which I am a life member, had a very nice banner at the track last night, with a very fine logo I had not seen before. I like it!

Note the word "athletics", not "athletic club". This is relevant to our name change to "ACT Masters Athletics", some want "club" added. NO! NO!

Thursday, 12 February 2009

"Eternity! Eternity! Oh, that this word could be emblazoned across the streets of Sydney!"

There are several versions of the original quote by John Ridley that inspired Arthur Stace to spend the rest of his life writing "eternity" on Sydney streets... The version above is close to what Ridley actually said, I think.

When running, I often wear a yellow t-shirt with “eternity” on the front and “hope” on the back. I see it as a kind of a Christian version of Nike's famous slogan, "there is no finish line".

The “eternity” story is famous around Australia, to the extent that as the year 2000 was welcomed, the word “eternity” in Stace's handwriting appeared in fireworks across the face of Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Then later in the year 2000 it was seen again on the bridge by hundreds of millions of people during the fireworks displays at the Sydney Olympics.

Of all the words that have been spoken during the first two millennia, the one chosen by otherwise godless people to be featured on the Harbour Bridge at the dawn of the year 2000, is the one that Stace used to remind so many busy Sydneysiders of their impending appointment with their Creator.

If you would like to read more of the “eternity” story, a starting point could be

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Duel and Duality

DVDs I am watching: always a Blackadder fan, I have been revisiting series two and series three.

From "Duel and Duality":

Blackadder: Baldrick, does it have to be this way? Our valued friendship ending with me cutting you into long strips and telling the Prince that you walked over a very sharp cattle grid in an extremely heavy hat?

Blackadder: We're about as similar as two completely dissimilar things in a pod.

More on our track championships this Thursday and Saturday:
Registration is in the Commonwealth Room; you will need to register on the relevant event sheet and collect your race number at least 30 minutes prior to the start of your event(s). Entrance to the Registration Area is the rear door.

Results will be posted on the rear window.

Medals can be collected as soon as results are posted.

Life at the track

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

pouring on the pace / now my feet won't touch the ground

The 2k mark of Saturday's 12k at Stromlo. Photo by Ewen.

Track results last Thursday night 5/2
4x800m relay official results (everyone)
1. M50 9:47.99
John Morton 2.14
Colin Heywood 2.33
Michael Leahey 2.30
Ken White 2.30

2. Mixed 10:30.48
Rod Lynch 2.26
Dale Moore 2.52
Mick Horan 2.20
Jim White 2.51

3. W40 11: 02.30
Kerrie Tanner 2.56
Katie Forestier 2.45
Amanda Walker 2.44
Jane Zeller 2.36

4. M50 11:46.58
Nigel Coldrick 3.00
Ian Harris 2.56
Roger Pilkington 3.00
Ken Smith 2.51

5. Mixed 11:59.16
Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee 2.52
Carol Masters 3.10
Bronwyn Calver 3.06
Nadine Thomlinson 2.50

6. W55 13: 09.36
Cathy Montalto 3.13
Noeline Burden 3.16
Maureen Rossiter 3.25
Kathy Sims 3.15

7. M70 13:43.70
Roger Abbott
Michael Freer
Bob Chapman
Tony Booth

3000m (speedygeese)
M45 Rod Lynch 11: 00.54 75.6%
M45 Mick Horan 11:34.34 71.9%
W40 Katie Forestier 12:27.38 72.3%
W35 Bronwyn Calver 12:54.79 67.2%
M50 Ewen Thompson 13: 00.05 65.0%
W35 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee 14:54.21 57.1%
M60 Geoff Barker 15: 07.28 62.5%
W55 Ruth Baussmann 15:38.00 69.8%

5000m (speedygeese)
M60 Geoff Moore 20:22.27 77.0%
M50 Roger Pilkington 22:14.04 64.9%

Yesterday, Monday 9/2 training: we had Amanda, Bronwyn, Cathy, Ewen, me, Jodie, Joel, Katie, Kirsten, Maria, Mick C, Miranda, Neil, Rae, Ruth, Shane, Tim, Yelena and Yili running 9 x 200 with 100 jog, then visiting our hill of last week for attrition sprints. Last standing were the same two as last week, Tim and Bronwyn. With a small start Bronwyn was easily caught by Tim before halfway, and Tim went on to "just win". Shall we put a few bricks in a backpack next time?

Coming up Thursday night 12/2 program: every event doubles as an ACT Masters championship
6:00 100m
6:30 long hurdles
7:00 1500m
7:30 400m
7:50 5000m walk

Continuing Saturday morning 14/2
9:00am 800m
9:30 60m
10:00 3000m
10:30 short hurdles
11:00 200m
11:30 steeple

All events must be pre-entered and late entries will be taken on the day.

Women’s 6k Jogalong results Sunday 1/2
Helen Larmour W45 34:56
Cathy Montalto W55 33:33
Caroline Campbell W65 35:42
Carolyne Kramar W40 39:10
200 finishers

Song of the week: Life in Technicolor II
It is a great song, but I have chosen it chiefly for the brilliant video clip.

Coldplay have just won three Grammy awards including song of the year for "Viva La Vida". In other breaking news, new albums are being released in Australia soon by U2 ("No Line on the Horizon", 27 Feb), Evermore ("Truth Of the World: Welcome To the Show", 20 March) and The Fray ("You Found Me" I think the album is called)

I have discovered that The Fray album is a self-titled album released on February 3, 2009. The deluxe version of the album and the regular version of the album have already reached the number one and number two album spots, respectively, on iTunes. I have just purchased an iPod and have iTunes set up after all this time. So - it's download time.

Monday, 9 February 2009

far too hot

global warming protest.

On a weekend when fires devastated Victoria, killing over 100 people and destroying two towns including one of my favourite holiday destinations, Maryville, where no buildings were spared, I booked into Merroo, inland from Richmond NSW, where I thought I might have time to jog, to walk, relax and have a break. Well, the unit had no air conditioner or fan, the centre however was air conditioned and that's where I parked myself each day, although on arrival there had been an extensive power outage in the region and the air conditioning wasn't on for a while and when it did return it struggled. On the Saturday, the maximum in the shade at Merroo was 47.5 degrees! That's no typo. That's celsius. Fortunately there were no fires in the area, but I had an hour or so on Saturday afternoon where I was unwell with heat stress; most of the other people gathered in the relative cool of the centre were quite OK.

I will have to resume normal activities gradually; I am not going to risk ignoring how I was feeling by pressing on regardless.

Plans for this week: however far I feel like, including
Monday 9/2: a run at 4:30pm and Parliament House intervals at 5:30pm. I will be taking it very quietly. But the first phase of a cool change has arrived, hurray, and cooler weather is to come.
Tuesday 10/2: I was set to race at the Summer Series at the Boathouse but I will probably give it a miss. A quiet jog from home instead might be better.
Wednesday 11/2: I may head out for a longer run from home if all is OK.
Thursday 12/2: I have entered the 1500m on the track and I see no reason for missing it; I need to test to see if the longer races are still sensible to run and 1500m at 3000m pace is a good idea. Maybe.
Friday 13/2: another jog
Saturday 14/2: there's a 3000m in the morning I want to do well in. After that I may feel like a longer run later in the day.
Sunday 15/2: I think I will run at Stromlo with the 8am group as usual, for a long easy run, even though there is an event on at Dunrossil Drive I could visit.

As well as the running I will be seeing medical professionals on Wednesday and Thursday, and all being well, doing a long stretching work-out on Friday after Thursday night's race.

And staying cool.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

feast and famine

So far I have kept the "no coffee" fast going all February. So the worst is over. Yay! [Of course, I am typing this on Thursday. I could be feasting by now, not fasting!]

The biggest evil in our society today is competitive consumerism. "Biggest", because it perverts our thinking and pervades our culture to such an extent that we often take no notice and assume it's just the way things are supposed to be.

That's my Sunday sermon done, back to normality tomorrow; and back to Parliament House training for another week.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

the best laid plans of mice and geese oft something something

Geelong timetable
Mick H (M45)
8k CC 8am 21/2
800m heats 11am 22/2
800m final 4.15pm 22/2
1500m 3.45pm 23/2
400m heats 11.41am 24/2
400m final 3.08pm 24/2
5000m 11.40am 25/2

mine (M60)
8k CC 10.30am 21/2
1500m 3.15pm 23/2
5000m 9.40am 25/2

Entrants: there is one brilliant entrant in the M60 division in all three races I have entered, although I think he usually focuses on 800/1500. If he runs the cross country, and I hope he does, my plan A is for other M60s to try and go with him early then die, leaving me to work into second place.

That's my plan A. It's all I have.

Friday, 6 February 2009

while the cat's away the geese will play

I am having a three day holiday. While you think it's Friday, actually this and the next two posts are being typed on Thursday.

Here's something new to play with: how links from blogs work.
Up to now in blogger it's like this.
Left click opens in this window and this tab, so current contents are replaced
Right click let's you select new window or new tab instead.

But by making a tiny modification it can work differently, like this.
Left click opens a new window
Right click works thesame as it did - hopefully

Let's try it out now. Say, to the CCC website.
old type link - CCC website
new type link - CCC website

Now if this has worked, I will just have to remember to make the modification, each time. Because I hate the idea of my blog closing when you didn't want it to.

Thursday, 5 February 2009


Some highlights of Thursday night track
It stayed above well 30 degrees all night, no breeze. Too hot!

4x800 relay approx times with approx 400m splits
Rachelle 2:52 (83,89) 8 second pb
Kerry 2:55 (86,89)
Cathy M 3:12 (93,99)
Katie 2:46 (79,87)
Carol 3.10 (94,96)
Amanda 2:44 (78,86) pb
Rod 2.26 (71,75)
Roger 3:00 (88,92)
Bronwyn 3.06 (91,95)
Ken ?
Kathy ?
Mick H 2:21 (69,72)
Jane 2.36 (76,80)
Nadine 2.51 (86,85)
Tony 2.59 (91,88)

Bronwyn's 3000m in 12.54.79 was a 15 second pb!

The W40s - Jane, Amanda, Katie and Kerry - took 45 seconds or so off the ACT 4x800m record. They broke Queensland's Australia record by about 16 seconds but a Victorian team has run faster again recently.

I managed 20:22 for 5k in the heat. Splits 4.00, 3.56, 4.08 then delirium.

Miso Soup

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer...
books I am reading: I have finished "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman, a 600 page epic, truly magnificent and so imaginative. Funny, before I completed it, I checked the three answers I couldn't get in a cryptic crossword, one was "miso soup" which I learn is "a traditional Japanese soup consisting of a stock called 'dashi' into which is mixed softened miso paste. Although the suspension of miso paste into dashi is the only characteristic that actually defines miso soup, many other ingredients are added depending on regional and seasonal recipes, and personal preference. Miso is soy bean paste, which is an essential condiment in Japanese cooking. Miso is made by fermenting soy beans with salt and koji. Koji are fermented grains such as rice, barley, and soy beans. It takes about 10 months to a year for miso to be ready for use." (wikipedia). and then, resuming "American Gods", there was a reference to Miso Soup, which I would not have understood or even noticed were it not for the crossword. It pays to read widely, there is so much to learn.

A writer has so many ingredients to choose from. And the more ingredients he has at his disposal, the better the final mix can be.

Or it can all end in chaos
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world...

Results Summers Series race#1
Stromlo 5k cross country
36. Geoff Moore M60 20:16
40. Mick Horan M45 20:31
62. Yili Zhu M45 23:18
63. Cathy Newman W45 23:29
80. Mick Charlton M55 25:43
82. Geoff Barker M60 26:12
85. Caroline Campbell W65 26:39
87. Ruth Baussmann W55 27:09
99 finishers

See you at the track tonight.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Not this photo. That photo.

Thursday night
Program of events:
6.00 long hurdles
6.15 1000/3000m walk
6.45 100m handicap
7.10 4 x 800m relay
7.40 200m
7.50 3000m/5000m
Entries close Thursday night for the ACTMA track and field championships. (Late entries will be at a higher cost.) The championships are on the 12th and 14th February, Thursday evening and Saturday morning. All events on these days are championship events. You need to enter to compete on these two days. There are no events on these days for those who have not entered. For those wishing to compete in one or more of the 1500m Walk (19th February), 10000m (26th February), Pentathlon, 10000m Walk, 5000m (12th March) and the Weight Pentathlon (15th March), you will also need to enter by tomorrow. The list of those who have entered in on the ACTVAC website (Go to NEWS then General Notices). For the first time there is a 3000m championship - this is included in the 14th February program.

This week see the start of the "Postal Relays". The relays this week will be a 4 x 800m, Hammer Throw, Shot Put and Long Jump. The relays are conducted in 10 year age groups. For track events there are 4 members per team and for the field events there are 3 members. As this is a national event there is a $5 entry fee per team per event. The Club will meet the cost of this.

Other track information:
The Hour Run has been rescheduled to Thursday, 26th March.

On Thursday 5th March Canberra Stadium plays host to an Asian Cup qualifying match between Australia and Kuwait on the 5th March. Parking will not be available for us. The meet has been brought forward to Wednesday 4th March.

Summer Series
The first of eight Tuesday night "Summer Series" runs was held last night in relatively cooler conditions, thank goodness. My 5k time of 20.15 was OK given the course was slightly longer than before and I had been hobbling all day. But my "consistent" time means my M60 rivals can rest easy: I won't be any threat to them this year. I am a bit disappointed; I was hoping to improve.

Or can I improve if I rest up?


speedygeese dinner photograph

Now this is REALLY funny. On request I have removed a photo of Ruth, Neil, Cathy, Maria and Ken laughing at a photo, and replaced it with this photo of Kelley, me and Helen. Any problem? Two out of three in the photo look pretty good to me. Smile!

Not for sale

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

not good

song of the week: "This Moment", by The Incredible String Band. For some reason I can't shake this song from my head. I don't expect a single reader would ever have heard of it. It was one of my favourites from the year 1969.
Each moment
is different
from any before it
Each moment
is different
it's now

Funny things we listened to back then. Nevertheless, times are now even stranger than they were in the sixties. In yesterday afternoon's warm-up run, as Ewen and I negotiated the Parliamentary Triangle, we encountered a horde of the strangest people you are likely to meet, lurking about below old Parliament House, and for one moment I thought we had gone through a wormhole and were running in Woolloomooloo, Sydney. This was confirmed when one of the lurkers shouted a crude, ignorant, drunken comment in our direction. This morning's press reveals that this same horde "stormed" the High Court yesterday. There you go.

fun for some
At training were Bronwyn, Ewen, Geoff B, me, Kirsten, Mick C, Neil, Ruth, Tim, Yelena and Zili. Mick H was sighted early on, Joel later on, but neither were running. We did four lots of four by twenty second sprints with twenty second jog recovery; it started off looking very hot but it was cooling down fast. As it was a short session, I took the runners over to a hill where we did some attrition sprints. Fun for some. Five were eliminated after the first sprint, Kirsten after the second, Ewen the third, Yili the fourth, leaving Tim and Bronwyn to battle out the last. Which Tim duly won. The hill was sandy, which randomised things a little. But next time I am thinking, "handicap". With Tim waaaay back each effort. And with the five who were first eliminated this time given a bit of a start next time.

bad joke
Which is how I felt last week with the network crashing all the time

bad image

bad luck
not good

Monday, 2 February 2009

Sweet Sweat

My plans this week:
Last week was a comfortable 100k as planned. I am feeling good after three long weeks in a row. So ---- it is time for a couple of races, and a shorter week! Just 60k or so will do, supplemented by some walking in the Blue Mountains on the weekend.
Monday 2nd: 4:30pm long run, 5:30pm intervals, Parliament House.
Tuesday 3rd: Race the first Summer Series run, 5k at Stromlo. If the heat is extreme I might try for under 22 minutes. See below for details of the run.
Wednesday 4th: A short and easy run from home.
Thursday 5th: Race ACTMA track, possibly attempt sub 20:00 for 5k
Friday 6th: An hour's stretching in the morning, then rest or jog
Saturday 7th: Rest or jog.
Sunday 8th: Rest or jog.
Then back into it briefly, there will be only two more weeks until the Australian Masters Games in Geelong.

The ACTCCC Hobson Summer Series commences on Tuesday 3rd Feb 09.
The first races (2k and 5k) in this series will be held at Stromlo Forest Park (SFP) off Uriarra Road commencing at 6.15pm. SFP is a purpose built Cross Country Course of well kept grass.
For those of you new to Canberra, SFP is just off the NW corner of the Yellowpages Map 67. Coming from the city Uriarra Road is right off the Cotter Road which in turn is off Adelaide Avenue or The Tuggeranong Parkway. From the northside (Belconnen) come along Coppins Crossing Road off William Hovell Drive. At the T-junction of Coppins Crossing Road and Uriarra Road turn right and then left almost immediately and you are at the SFP entrance.
Runners and parents of junior runners are reminded that to access SFP Cross Country Course, one crosses the Cycling Track (twice). Cyclists will be on the track travelling at high speed before, during and after our events. Please be alert and aware when crossing the Cycling Track and give way to cyclists. Stay on the grassed Cross Country Course and its surrounds and remain safe.
The ACTCCC will have a limited amount of drinking water available at the finish for runners. Taps are situated close to the course. However, in view of the current extremely hot weather runners are encouraged to bring water bottles and water to the races and to make sure they are well hydrated before competing. -Ken Eynon

Canberra Half Marathon Training Group
The ACTCCC will commence in the next few weeks a Novice Half Marathon Training Program. Full details and registrations can be made via our website This year will see the running of the 40th Canberra Half Marathon. -Ken Eynon

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Ice in the water

The days are hot, and Two Fruits says that standing in rivers doesn't quite have the healing, cooling effect it does during winter, so it is good to know that somewhere there are some cool geese. Many cool geese.

Jackson started school in Brisbane last Tuesday and was very excited !